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FNaF Movie?!


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Guys, I'm sorry. I really am! I've tried to keep my Five Nights at Freddy's obsession to a minimum here on the KSP forums, but today I've just lost it and cannot help but explode with fandom.

There is going to be a FNAF movie.

*screams with utter joy and dies*

But seriously, how do you guys feel about this? FNaF is a very mixed game when it comes to its reviews, and while I think it is a masterpiece it is also easy to argue it is the worst game ever.

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Why is this needed? The story was perfectly laid out in the games and it was well done. A movie is entirely unnecessary...

It seems like they want to milk this franchise...

But that's an opinion. A game opinion. (Dang, that's a meme now, right?)

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  Bill Phil said:
But that's an opinion. A game opinion. (Dang, that's a meme now, right?)

Ha ha! I get the reference! +Respect for you, son! :D

Honestly, this movie does look like a quick cash grab to me, too. Hopefully Scott Cawthorne will be in close touch with the film-makers so this doesn't turn out awful. The potential is huge! Please don't blow it, Warner Bros.!

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  Thomas988 said:
Ha ha! I get the reference! +Respect for you, son! :D

Honestly, this movie does look like a quick cash grab to me, too. Hopefully Scott Cawthorne will be in close touch with the film-makers so this doesn't turn out awful. The potential is huge! Please don't blow it, Warner Bros.!

I sure hope they do a good job...

My main problem is that it's going to be difficult. Maybe center it around employees, but not the same ones. Or make it First Person... I don't know. There' so many ways to go about it...

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That's the thing that... you know... is a game... which does stuff, right? I don't know much about Five Nights at Freddy's. I guess I need to get moar eddicatun.

Never seen a movie based on a game before, though. Should be interesting.

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  Nikola7007 said:
Never seen a movie based on a game before, though. Should be interesting.

Try to keep it that way. There have been bad movies based on video games and there have been... Actually that's just it. Bad movies based on video games.

Though I will admit I like the RE movie franchise and don't care for the games.

- - - Updated - - -

  Starwhip said:

TRON was not based on a video game, but set within a world where video games were real.

Hence why it can be both one of the great movies of all time AND be about video games.

EDIT: Okay that's stretching it, but it's a surprisingly good movie for its subject matter, age, and SFX budget.

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FNAF is one of those games I don't get, the dev releases it and then a sequel within months of each other and people are praising it.

Yet the stardrive dev upon realizing adding everything he wanted into stardrive wasn't possible begins working on a sequel gets ripped to shreds over it.

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  Brethern said:
FNAF is one of those games I don't get, the dev releases it and then a sequel within months of each other and people are praising it.

Yet the stardrive dev upon realizing adding everything he wanted into stardrive wasn't possible begins working on a sequel gets ripped to shreds over it.

I have no idea why that happens, Brethern. A lot of the FNaF praise I've heard of (and all of the praise I'm giving) is because of the dark lore, and how secretive it was in the games. FNaF3 was so insane to me because it brought so many new concepts to the conspiracy table, many of which blew my mind and totally changed what I thought about the deeper story. Now could this story be retold in a movie and in the same way? Really, I have no clue.

  Sampa said:
will never play and will never watch it played, and will never watch movie (me+horror/thriller=NaN)

I tried FNaF for myself, and I did get scared quite a few times. :P FNaF is the only horror I can stand, and there's no denying there are many more scary games out there in the world.

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Im Sorry Thomas But I Dont like five nights at Freddy its not particular scary (the first time yeah its scary second time its not really just gets a bit repetitive) and the game its self is a bit boring.But i still would like to see the movie.

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The games are a good concept, the jumpscares are neat the first time. After that, it's just "oh, time to go again". They should have kept it at the first game, the sequels are a bit silly, and are overusing the great concept.

But a movie? It's an interesting premise, so I might watch it. But given the rapid sequels, the plot might have to change continuously to keep up with the additions.

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  Rainbowtrout said:
But a movie? It's an interesting premise, so I might watch it. But given the rapid sequels, the plot might have to change continuously to keep up with the additions.

My expectations are low for this film. Heck, it could be the worst film ever! I'm just curious whether it's going to be FNaF4 but made into a film or just a summarization of the entire FNaF plot so far. Really, the second option sounds a billion times better. Warner Bros. making a whole new storyline just looks like they didn't do any research at all on the actual lore of the games.

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This a very serious case of overhyping over a game and my reason why I say this?

This could become the end of video games by if the movie is a smash then people to make more games like this then it gets to the point alot of game companies start making more clones of Fnaf and then its just the same again and again when the trends dies out people will most likely forget about the generes before the mayhem started or EA invests in the FNAF games and buys them then people will buy it and EA's games are horrible then games become trash games like before in the early days of gaming and nintendo saved the day by licenses. When the games become trash no one wants to play them because its infested with in app purchases. Do you agree with with then join the fight against the of making the movie. I will make thread about it with poll also I love The FNAF games alot but this is concerning

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well, most movies based on games - especially horror ones- are incredibly terrible so I`m pretty sure FNaF the movie will be just awful. Also I do not understand what is so scary about this game. For me its another youtube bait. Sorry.

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  EpicX rocketry gardens.co said:
This a very serious case of overhyping over a game and my reason why I say this?

This could become the end of video games by if the movie is a smash then people to make more games like this then it gets to the point alot of game companies start making more clones of Fnaf and then its just the same again and again when the trends dies out people will most likely forget about the generes before the mayhem started or EA invests in the FNAF games and buys them then people will buy it and EA's games are horrible then games become trash games like before in the early days of gaming and nintendo saved the day by licenses. When the games become trash no one wants to play them because its infested with in app purchases. Do you agree with with then join the fight against the of making the movie. I will make thread about it with poll also I love The FNAF games alot but this is concerning

Almost like what's going on today? Most platformers are indie games. And aren't all that mainstream. Over saturated with the shooter genre if you ask me. I'm no expert, though.

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  EpicX rocketry gardens.co said:
This a very serious case of overhyping over a game and my reason why I say this?

This could become the end of video games by if the movie is a smash then people to make more games like this then it gets to the point alot of game companies start making more clones of Fnaf and then its just the same again and again when the trends dies out people will most likely forget about the generes before the mayhem started or EA invests in the FNAF games and buys them then people will buy it and EA's games are horrible then games become trash games like before in the early days of gaming and nintendo saved the day by licenses. When the games become trash no one wants to play them because its infested with in app purchases. Do you agree with with then join the fight against the of making the movie. I will make thread about it with poll also I love The FNAF games alot but this is concerning

Exact same opinion.

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  Nikola7007 said:

Never seen a movie based on a game before, though. Should be interesting.

You poor man. I have pity on you for your lack of knowledge on both games and movies.

Check out this wikipedia link. I am convinced you'll recognize MANY titles from either movie or game. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_films_based_on_video_games

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