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What will you call your first 1.0 craft?


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I was trying to think of a good name for the first craft I'll build in 1.0 and I can't think of anything. "the One" is just a bit too obvious (and a bit too matrix). My first craft in 0.90.0 was called "thisBetaFly" which I really liked. Anyone got any good suggestions for their inaugural craft?

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If its a rocket, KABOOM. Until I'm used to the new aero, 'fireworks' will be plentiful :)

For planes I will probably call it 'Moose' since an edible moose is much lighter and easier to digest than soup.


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Hype-Ship 1.0

Capacity: 100 Kerbals

Cost Per Seat: $100,000

Expected Time of Departure: 4 minutes after construction

Expected Flight Time: 30 seconds.

Life Insurance Option: None

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If its a rocket, KABOOM. Until I'm used to the new aero, 'fireworks' will be plentiful :)

For planes I will probably call it 'Moose' since an edible moose is much lighter and easier to digest than soup.


You gonna name a rocket after me? Thanks.

My rocket, Hot and Unstable.

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My first career mode ship is always "K-2". Always. :)

And then most of the sandbox stuff that is not a real design for here is called like "Test VTOL" or "New VTOL" or "SSTO No3".

But the first real design? I don't know. Depends on what it is...

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In order of creation...

"Just Trying To Get Somewhere" - starts good, ends terribly.

"ACTUALLY Trying To Get Somewhere" - ends terribly

"Srsly, Go Somewhere" - almost succeeds

"Screw This" - Catastrophic failure

"Serious Mission" - Sort of fails

"Super Mega Serious Mission" - succeeds

"Super Mega Serious Mk2" - fails miserably

"Blow Up The KSC" - Yep, that totally worked. :D

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I sometimes try to come up with cute names based on some theme. Unfortunately, I'm not only unimaginative, but I also work in a very large IT department, and our naming convention has become extremely practical (rather than whimsical) as a matter of necessity. This bleeds over into my personal life. Almost all my rockets are named for their mission. "Mun Probe 1", or "Jool Main Frame", "Tylo Lander Booster", etc. just as our servers and computers are named for the services they run or the department they belong to.

So yeah, to answer your question, "Suborbital 1"

Or maybe I'll break convention for once and call it "Obi-1.0 Kenobi"

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