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What Are Things You've Heard That Made You Facepalm?


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[watches SRBs separate from Space Shuttle]

"OMG, it shoots MISSILES?!?!"

Another reaction I have heard:

"Uh, is it supposed to to do that? Is it exploding? Are the astronauts okay?"

Although the latter would probably have been my reaction if I had never seen SRB separation before.

*screams internally

The majority of people I know don't know who the first man in space is - They mostly answer "Neil Armstrong".

Another would be that most of them think that Apollo 11 was the name of the rocket and the mission. (Well, I gues that would be excusable.. ;))

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A long time ago in a high school I wish I could forget, I got laughed at by the whole class when I said that humans were animals. The teacher joined in.

This is interesting as my secondary school biology teacher said the exact opposite; and ditto for the other science teachers I had in the past. Human beings are definitely 'tool using animals' albeit of a higher evolved state of intelligence and the dominant species on the planet.

Could it be the term "animal" be linked to other hidden meanings, meaning uncivilized or underdeveloped?

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Could it be the term "animal" be linked to other hidden meanings, meaning uncivilized or underdeveloped?

I can't help but wonder about the difference in time and location of the two experiences.

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Arguably one of the most ridiculous things I've heard is that acne and the collapse of gingerbread houses were caused by global warming, and that nobody went to the Moon in the Apollo missions.


Wow. This gives me hope for whoever thinks that stuff.

(GIF made from a Jacksepticeye video where people say he isn't irish in youtube comments)

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Pretty much anything to do with the Moon landings.

Like, I usually like to make a joke in reference to Futurama where Nixon's Head goes "The thing they never expected as that we really DID fake the moon landings....ON VENUS!@#!!!" and then I get all kinds of nonsense in response instead of the chuckle I was looking for.

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"If evolution is true, then why hasn't my dog turned into an elephant?"

I wish I made that up. But no.

I've heard something similar: "If evolution happened why aren't people turning into monkeys and monkeys turning into people?"

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Youtube comments section is full of treasures...

comment found in an ESA video :

"ESA, NASA and all the other space agencies are liars and they made everything up. It is not possible to send anything because rocket engines don't work in a vacuum."

-->so i told him that rocket engines actually worked better in a vacuum than in atmosphere, and asked him where he learnt this ridiculous stuff about rocket engines :

"It is impossible that they work in vacuum because the gas expelled has no atmosphere to push on. It's the gas that pushes on the air and then pushes the rocket forward. Trust me i know it."


Not only he is wrong but he is convinced that he is right !

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People shouldn't be allowed to argue against "global warming."

Also, the Church is evil, because, y'know, suppression of inquiry. And we're the party of tolerance and science. Now shut up.

"Why do they need a hundred? Wouldn't one be enough?"

- Albert Einstein, on the N---- 100 Against Einstein

But, y'know, consensus of everyone who agrees. SHUT UP!

Edited by Megan
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People shouldn't be allowed to argue against "global warming."

When an overwhelming majority of scientists agree that Climate Change is happening, it is kind of a moot point. Same thing with Evolution, or Environmental Standards, or Water Fluoridation.

"The Pope shouldn't be involved in debating Climate Change because he is not a scientist." (Paraphrasing) The Pope is a chemist, which, IIRC, is still a branch of the sciences.

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People. Shouldn't. Be. Allowed.

Reddit blocks off subs. Newspapers say, no longer accepting comments. Your point of view no longer exists.

Y'know what happens -what's always happened - when engineers decide they should be social engineers too?

Trofim Lysenko knew he was right. Julius Streicher knew he was right too. Overwhelming majority! So crush the minority. Evil, nasty, stupid, ignorant, worthless peasants! not our kind.

What's next? - oh, it couldn't happen here.

And then we have memorials. Because, goodness knows, this was unpredictable.

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