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Top 5 Add-Ons as of April 2015


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Nicely written! I wasn't aware of CKAN. I wonder if they used any of CPAN's code.

It was an epiphany moment when I found it. I came running back to kerbal with open arms, and proceeded to immediately have 3 kerbals die due to air toxicity while trying to setup a remotetech network -_- I'm looking forward to doing my 1.0 review.

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I agree with all of them, excepting CKAN.

It's not that I don't think it's not useful - I'm sure it is for many in the community - it's just that it's the only one in the list that I don't personally use.

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No Stock Bugfix Modules? For shame... IMO, if you want to play 0.90 how it was meant to be played without the decoupler bug, the EVA bug, the save-breaking bug that occurs when yo kill or fire a kerbal etc etc, this is the mod you want. Nay, this is a mod you need. Without it, the game can be frustratingly unplayable.

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Nicely written! I wasn't aware of CKAN. I wonder if they used any of CPAN's code.

I second this. I've actually gotten used to Squad's mod setup after installing/uninstalling/troubleshooting/removing-whole-game-and-reinstalling-from-scratch. But if there's a <strike>mod</strike> program that does it, awesome!

Also, I was going to say FAR, but with redone aerodynamics and Procedural Fairings making stock in 1.0, who knows if it will still be *that* necessary? :)

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Nice list. The mods I personally would love to see in v1 (unless they somehow get incorporated in the stock game) are in particular SCANSat, RT, KOS, Kerbal Engineer Redux, Procedural Fairings and FAR. KW Rocketry and MRS really add to the game as well as Raster Prop Monitor but I _guess_ I could live without them if I absolutely have to (fingers crossed I don't have to).

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