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The Oscar-B Awards! (Results Are Out!!)


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The Winners have been chosen!

Thanks to Bob Fitch for the video!


Scott Manley




Bob Fitch




Cupcake Landers


Squeegy Mackoy




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Trophies coming soon!

Hello everyone! I’m UpsilonAerospace.

As you well know, Kerbal Space Program 1.0 is coming out soon. I can say without a doubt that the many and varied YouTubers in our community have contributed to KSP’s success. They’ve taught players new tips and tricks, showed off some seriously awesome and often inspiring creations, and made people laugh and cry.

I want to take a moment to commemorate the many YouTubers who help make our game great. It’s time to find the best YouTubers in KSP. Are you ready?


The Oscar-B Awards!


This is a community contest to show off the best YouTubers in KSP. The winners in each category will get a personalized .craft file of the trophy shown above, but more importantly, they will receive a little more fame and recognition in the Kerbal community.

Because all of the entries to this challenge will likely be great, I strongly recommend that you check them all out and maybe even like their videos or subscribe to their channels! After all, they’ve all spent a lot of work and deserve some attention.

There will be two stages to this process: nominating entries and voting for them. The first stage, which will last for two weeks, involves submitting names of KSP YouTubers and YouTube videos that fit into select categories. The second stage, which will last for another two weeks, is simply voting for the best entry in each category. (These dates may be open to revision, depending on the number of entries received and the overall voting process.)


There are a few rules that must be followed when nominating people. Please read these carefully!


  • Each person is only allowed to nominate one person and/or one video per category for this award. If someone has already been nominated for a category and you nominate him for the same category, you’re wasting your nomination!
  • You can nominate the same person to multiple categories, if appropriate. If you see an Up-and-Coming YouTuber who also qualifies for the Best Comedy Channel award, for example, feel free to nominate the person for both!
  • You can vote for yourself, if you want.
  • Your nomination must include at minimum: The title of the YouTube channel, a link to the channel, and the awards you are nominating the channel for. If you’re nominating a video, then please substitute the channel link with either a link to the video or the embedded video. If you want to explain why you nominated the person and/or video, it’s likely your nomination may gain more votes!

I'm going to repeat the first rule, because it's important and not many people seem to be heeding it.

Each person is only allowed to nominate one person and/or one video per category for this award. If someone has already been nominated for a category and you nominate him for the same category, you’re wasting your nomination!

Got it? Great. Let the nominations begin!


Nominees and Award Categories:

Channel Awards:

Best KSP Channel Overall: This channel is simply awesome in every way.


Bob Fitch



Scott Manley


Tyler Raiz

[Your entry here!]

Best Comedy Channel: This channel never fails to make you laugh, hard!

CamTroid (link removed because of inappropriate content)





Nexter's Lab




[Your entry here!]

Best Educational Channel: This channel does a great job helping newbies and experienced players alike!

Bob Fitch


Scott Manley

[Your entry here!]

Best Artistic Channel: This channel makes beautiful KSP videos and experiences that tug on heartstrings and inspire the imagination!


Chris P. Bacon


Macey Dean


One-Way Gaming



[Your entry here!]

Best Showcase Channel: This channel showcases the highest-quality craft and ideas in beautiful ways!


Bagel Rabbit

Bob Fitch

Cupcake Landers




Kerbal Essences



Thor LP

[Your entry here!]

Best Inactive Channel: This channel hasn’t been active in a while, but it needs to be resurrected!

Andrew Hansen

Macey Dean (He's back, but I'll still keep him on the list.)

Squeegy Mackoy



[Your entry here!]

Best Up-and-Coming YouTuber: This channel must have fewer than 500 subscribers (when nominated)… but it really needs more.




Gordon G.


Sebbi's Learning by Gaming



We can Game if we Want To

Whackjob of KSP / SE

[Your entry here!]


Video Awards:

Best Video Overall: This is the best KSP video you’ve ever seen!

(Shaun Esau)




(von Ziegendorf)

"Pale Blue Dot" - KSP Movie (Nassault)


(Macey Dean)

[Your entry here!]

Best Comedy Video: This video made you cry with laughter.

25 Ways to Sabotage a Launch (Danny2462)

Kerbal Space Program - 0.90 Better than Ever Preview (Scott Manley)

(Scott Manley; Skye Manley)


Pawnington 10: Peeing on the Mun (RoninPawn)

(Stefan Noack, Scott Manley)

xX| MLG_PRO_SKILL | NO_MECHJEB | 360°_ORBITS |Xx (Link removed because of inappropriate content.)

[Your entry here!]

Best Educational Video: This video was a great tool to educate KSP players.

Orbital Rendezvous And Docking Tutorial For Kerbal Space Program 0.18 (Scott Manley)

(Bob Fitch)

(Bob Fitch)


[Your entry here!]

Best Artistic Video: This video is the most gorgeous and cinematic video you’ve ever seen in KSP.


BOOMBOX (Achroma)

Christmas: EVE (One-Way Gaming)



(Chris P. Bacon)


(Shaun Esau)



"Pale Blue Dot" - KSP Movie (Nassault)


[Your entry here!]

Best Showcase Video: This video showed off a craft or idea perfectly.



G-Force Damage (Hazard-ish)

Infernal Robotics Rework Trailer (Daz050571)

Kitty Space Program Interplanetary Cat Explorer (BaconSpaceProgram)

KSP - Battleships (SuperHappySquid)

The Stingray - Landing 200 tons on Duna (ShadowZone)

[Your entry here!]

Best Video Series: This series of videos is simply awesome to watch, from beginning to end!


(Scott Manley)


(hosted by HOCgaming)

(Gordon G.)


(Bob Fitch)

(Bob Fitch)


[Your entry here!]

Most Under-Watched Video: This video has fewer than 1,000 views (when nominated), but it needs more.

(von Ziegendorf)

(Tyler Raiz)


[Your entry here!]


All-New Content Below!


Finalists are in alphabetical order. If four finalists are shown, this is because a tie has occurred.

Best KSP Channel Overall:

Bob Fitch

Scott Manley


Best Comedy Channel:




Best Educational Channel:

Bob Fitch


Scott Manley

Best Artistic Channel:





Best Showcase Channel:


Cupcake Landers


Best Inactive Channel:

Andrew Hansen

Macey Dean

Squeegy Mackoy


Best Up-and-Coming YouTuber:




We Can Game If We Want To



These beautiful badges are green and mean! Here's what they look like:


...and you can copy and paste the following BBcode into your signature to add this prestigious badge:



If You Have Been Nominated:

Congratulations! You're part of an elite and special group.

Here's a wonderful badge for your signature. Simply copy and paste the line of text below:


Here's what the badge looks like:


Many thanks to ImJake, who created this!


(Note: The Oscar-B's may only be updated every day or two. It's probably best to read all others' entries before submitting your own.)

Once again, nominations must be submitted by May 20, 2015. Don't delay!


...And Now, a Word on Judging:

The five judges have been chosen!

The list of judges reads as follows:

KasperVld. Kasper is, of course, the Community Manager. His incredible commitment to KSP and level-headedness make him a great judge.

HatBat. Hatbat's eye for detail has resulted in some incredible cinematics. It's a pleasure to have him at the judging table.

pandoras kitten. Creator of an incredible variety of gorgeous craft (and great videos), pandoras kitten knows what it takes to make a video truly exceptional.

MisterFister. MisterFister combines behind-the-scenes YouTube knowledge with an open mind and a willingness to judge fairly.

Xacktar. Xacktar is a hilarious YouTuber whom many of you already know. I may or may not have been bribed with snacks in this application. :)


Thanks for participating in this challenge! If you have any recommendations or suggestions, feel free to post them. Best of luck!


Edited by UpsilonAerospace
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I nominate Nassault for the "Best Artistic Channel" Award, and his video,
for "Best Artistic Video".

Let's get these awards rolling! :D

Best comedy channel is by far and away danny2462 (my opinion)

this is a great idea !

Added. :)

Even though the greats of KSP (Scott Manley, Nassault, Danny2462, Heretic391, etc.) will likely be chosen first, there are a lot of other channels out there. I hope that this nomination process will uncover some real gems that few people know about.

Thanks for your submissions!


I nominate Danny2462 for the "Best Comedy Channel" and Scott Manley for the "Best Educational Channel".

Unfortunately, you're only allowed to nominate one person and/or one video (see rules.) I'll just put you down for Scott Manley because Danny's been mentioned already, mmkay?

Edited by UpsilonAerospace
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I would like to nominate Wooks for best inactive channel. He's posted here and there, but not often. I would suggest a "best video series" award too as I know of many entries that could win that.


I hope to see my name and Upsilons' up here ^-^

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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I, too, nominate

by maccollo for "Best Video Overall". I have watched this video about 10 times for inspiration while building a rocket :). I realize this has already been voted for, so I am also ok with
(also by maccollo). I just felt that Flags and Footprints on Venus is by far the most astonishing video. Edited by JackDugan
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I dunno, I guess I'll nominate Scott Manley for Best Overall Channel. I mean, he does tutorials, he does LPs, and he does challenge videos too! He's taught me a lot, for sure.

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Thanks for your entries so far, guys! I really appreciate them.

Just YouTube? Can we include Twitch?

I'm going to say 'no' to Twitch right now, because I view it as a bit of a different genre, and one outside the scope of this contest. Maybe after this is over, I'll do one of these for Twitch.

Also, I'm not sure whether HOCGaming counts as a KSP YouTube channel anymore, since he decided to not make any more KSP videos. Should I put him under "Best Inactive Channel," because he's inactive in KSP right now?

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Upsilon I have to say that this was an awesome idea :)
Awesome idea, Upsilon!

Thanks! I think that when (not if) you guys get nominated, you're not unlikely to win in your respective fields. I personally doubt I'll win anything, as my channel doesn't even really fit into one of the categories listed above. Oh well.

I'm probably going to create several videos, as suggested by benjee10 in a PM. First, I'll work on briefly showcasing every channel that has been nominated. Maybe just a 5-second clip of one of their videos that strikes me as cool.

I'll probably take a preliminary vote and narrow each category to the 3 or 5 best entries, and make a longer and more detailed version of those. Hopefully, at this point I can actually have each of the YouTubers on the list make a 20-second-ish clip of why to select their channels/videos, which I can then stitch together. (I doubt the giants of KSP would respond to my humble requests, but it's worth a try!)

Finally, I'll make a video showcasing the winners, along with sending them a .craft file of their shiny Oscar-B awards. I would 3d-print them, but that would be very expensive and I don't have all that much money.

So, that's my tentative plan. I'll probably create a poll for each of the categories via Google or some other software. Luckily, I have a month to figure it all out. :)


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I would like to nominate the fairly obscure/under appreciated Thor LP for best showcase channel.

He may not be the best at KSP, but his channel is funny, generally ambitious, and does a fair amount of fumbling around with other people's builds.

I more or less wish to nominate him because of his channel as a whole. Maybe if the OP could make an obscure/honorable mention category, Thor LP might fit into that category better.

(Also I'm not particularly sure if he is a member of these forums. I've just never heard mention of his youtube channel and I enjoy his content. I'd like to send a little publicity his way!)

Edited by Mister Kerman
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I nominate Hazard-ish for the funny category.

I think there should also be a category for lets-play-ers who are noobish and funny, and also play other games, if so, I would nominate Hank Plays channel, where in Hank Green of Nerdfighteria plays various games, sometimes Kerbal Space Program.

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OO can I nominate myself for up-and-comer? I think I qualify, I have WAY less than 500 subscribers and I just started a week ago, so I'm definitely way new and way small. Here's a link to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTQk1ZI9XgdfnqV3GRkbRsw

Channel is called "We Can Game if we Want To". "We" because I also do vids with my wife, mostly minecraft adventure maps with her but I'm going to try to get her to build rockets. Should be some explosive fun!

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Danny2462 predictably enough is already in the running for comedy, but I also want to nominate him for Best Overall, Best Artistic and Best Showcase. As for why....well, let's see, he's made practical/invented:

Kerbal Mass Relays

Universe Destruction Machines

Kraken Summoners

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I nominate KerbalEssences for the best showcase channel. He has done several educational videos about the Falcon 9 reusable rocket, Vega, SMAP and many many more space missions in his series KNews. very educational, very interesting and very well put together!

(link to his youtube channel = https://www.youtube.com/user/KerbalEssences/videos)

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