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[1.8.x] KerboKatz - SmallUtilities - 18.10.2019


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The engineers at KerboKatz were busy pondering the issues of their tech again.

KerboKatz is presenting you our small collection of utilities to make your life less of a hassle.

Our engineers are brainstorming day and night for more ideas. If you got an idea just inform them in this thread :).

What this mod pack contains:

  • AutoBalancingLandingLeg (Currently not maintained)
  • EditorCamExtension (Currently not maintained)
  • FPSLimiter
  • FPSViewer
  • FillSpotsWithTourists (Currently not maintained)
  • ModifiedExplosionPotential
  • PhysicalTimeRatioViewer
  • RecoverAll
  • DestroyAll
  • KerbalScienceExchange
  • DailyFunds


The engineers found a dramatic issue with their life simulator which was running way too fast while they had their backs turned to it. Thinking about how the world wants to reduce power consumption to be "green" they quickly found a fix for it.

This small tool was created after i was browsing the forums and a post came to my attention which wanted to "stop the fan from running".

Of course this tool doesn't stop the fan (warranty void by reading this!) but it does something way more "healthy" and useful. It limits the fps (frames per second) while kerbal is running in the background causing it to use less CPU & GPU cycles. In the end the CPU & GPU run cooler and the fans spin down :).





Some of you wished a simple and easy way to display the current game fps.

Left-Clicking will toggle the fps on/off

Right-clicking on the menu entry will get you to the settings. Here you can set if you want it to be always displayed on top of everything. Something else you can do here, is reset the min/max fps counter, this is especially useful to benchmark a specific scene.




This little mod is very simple and modifies the explosion potential in order to create bigger or smaller explosions.

For example an empty fuel tank won't look much like an explosion. On the other hand a full tank will explode in a flashy explosion.

Can't really show what this does in a picture.



This little plugin displays a simple layer much like FPSViewer to compare ingame vs real time speed.

Wanted to know by how much the time slows down with that 1000 part craft ? Now you can find out!

Do you want to view/change the MaxDeltaTime ? This is the mod for you!








RecoverAll & DestroyAll

These mods initial had their own thread. But since they are so small we decided we would merge it with this pack!

What it does:

Basically,as the name implies, allows you to recover/destroy all vessels with a single push of a button. These mods only show up in the tracking station.

With this tiny tool you can exchange your science for funds or vice versa.


This tool gives you 100 funds per day for every positive reputation point you have.



Q: How do i install this one or all of these mods ?

A: To install only one of the mods pick the respective archive on the download sites. You can mix them up too if you want to use multiple of them. The zip files are all structured so that you only have to extract them into your kerbal folder and overwrite the folder.

Q: How do i uninstall one of these mods ?

A: I'm sorry that you want to do that. Just remove the respective folder in your "GameData\KerboKatz\SmallUtilities" folder. If you aren't using any of our other mods you can remove the "KerboKatz" folder too. If you have a few minutes please tell us what you didn't like about this mod. So we can improve it.

Q: One of these mods isn't working ?!!!!

A: Make sure you got the KerboKatzUtilities. If you do so please post your output_log so we can investigate your issues.

Q: I installed with CKAN and it's not working!

A: Even though we let CKAN generate meta files for our mods we don't actively check if its actually working or has the newest version. In cases with issues that can't be reproduced with a manual install, it's suggested to take it to the CKAN guys.

Q: How do i access these mods ?

A: In general right-clicking opens their settings menus. By left-clicking you will usually toggle a function like the fps layer(FPSViewer) or toggle between VAB and SPH mode(EditorCamExtension). Some of the mods on the other hand don't have any settings or toggle able functions and they only work on specific cases like when you are on the launchpad(FillSpotsWithTourists) or during the flight scene start up(DisableTempGauges). Another case are mods(Afterburner) only add part modules in those cases ModuleManager is required to add these modules to parts. And then there are mods that do things in the background without doing having any in-game settable settings and only work in specific scenes like ModifiedExplosionPotential.

Q: I have issues with one of these mods.

A: Please post your output_log, detailed description and reproduction steps so we can investigate your issues.

Q: I have a suggestion for one of your mods or an idea for a new mod.

A: Just post it in this thread. We always like new ideas. But please be aware that some things might not be doable.

Q: I like your mods how can i thank you ?

A: Just post something in this thread. We like reputation points too :wink:. If you feel like it you can donate to us too.

If you like our mods please consider a donation:btn_donate_LG.gif

Or Support us on patreon.png

Please be aware that all of these mods need the KerboKatzUtilities unless otherwise stated.


  • Feel free to give me some ideas :wink:

Known bugs:




Download from our website.

License: All rights reserved.

Requires: KerboKatzUtilities: 1.5.2-KSP1.8 -> License: All rights reserved. (included in the downloads)


Not maintained:




This little tool allows you to switch between the VAB and SPH camera.

By left clicking this will switch the cameras and display you which one you are currently using.

Right clicking will again open the settings menu which allows you to tweak the speed the camera will move.


It always buged me that i had to manually fill up my pods with tourists after accepting the contract. So i create this little tool that asks after launching if you want to fill up your free spots with tourists.

If you don't want to take your tourists on this trip you can simply press "No" or just launch your vessel.



I'm sure you landed on as many slopes as i did and the craft was always not even and the slightest tough would tip it over. To solve this problem we send our engineers on a journey to find a way to solve this issue. After many sleepless nights and cups of coffee (they raided the local store for all the coffee they had) they came to a solution. It's not a very elegant one but hey "It Works!".


Requires ModuleManager(Not included).

Can be used without KerboKatzUtilities.



Engineers at KerboKatz were standing in front of an issue. They need a tiny bit more thrust to take off the short runway. This required more engines but these engines would not be needed shortly after taking off. So they were trying to solve this problem without adding even more mass to their crafts. During one night the lead engineers woke up in the middle of the night and had a brilliant idea: Why not just increase the fuel flow ? This would result in less efficiency and more heat generated but since it was only needed for takeoff that wasn't such a huge deal. Many sleepless night later they finally managed to build an upgrade for their jets. They called it Afterburner.

This requires ModuleManager(Not included) to apply the patch to "J-33 'Wheesley' Basic Jet Engine","J-X4 'Whiplash' Turbo Ramjet Engine" and "CR-7 R.A.P.I.E.R. Engine"(Air breathing only).

This works with multimode engines too.

How to add the afterburner module to your own engine:

@PART[JetEngine]{//this should be self explanatory
    name = Afterburner
    thrustBonus = 25 // How much the thrust will get increased by turning on the afterburner in %. In this example the thrust would be increased by 25%
    fuelEfficencyDecrease = 30 // How much more fuel will be consumed. This reduces the ISP at all atmosphere levels. This will reduce the engines efficiency by 30%
    heatIncrease = 50 // How much more heat will be generated. When this is set to 0 the engine will heat up the same as if the afterburner was off.
    engineID = Cruise // If your part uses MultiModeEngine(like the rapier) and you want the afterburner to only affect one of the engine's modes use this to define which one. Leave empty if the part only has one engine or you want to use the same values for all engines.




In KSP 1.0.1 Squad introduced temperature gauges. They are awesome but cause a nasty memory leak. You can disable them by pressing F10 but it isn't persistent and has to be pressed every time you launch a new craft or go to the flight scene.

This mod disables them when you go to the flight scene. If you wish to see them again you can press F10 to enable them.

No pics for this one as there is nothing to see.

This mod doesn't require the KerboKatzUtilities.



Edited by SpaceTiger
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extremely interesting...

does the game-speed keep up?

because when I do mechjeb-aided burns with the ion drive, it could fire for 6h+. and having ksp sitting around at full speed is somewhat problematic...

Kerbal seems to run the physics and graphics in the same thread which is sad and unfortunate. Cause of this a lower fps count means less physics calculations and slower game speed. I made the observation that fps over 35 seems a little moot and with 20 it's still decent. Of course that's all my preference so it might be different for you.


Small little update to enable/disable vsync.

Edited by SpaceTiger
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SO MUCH YES! I've been having real problems since ever since squad decided to make the game run the same fps minimised and normal (wasn't always like this as far as I remember). My rig gets really loud when playing and its annoying that it stays that way even if I alt-tab out and have lunch, etc.

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I mean an option that shows FPS on screen, in an unobtrusive manner, so the player can check how much FPS the game has at the moment. Quite like ShowFPS does...

I'll see what i can do :)

SO MUCH YES! I've been having real problems since ever since squad decided to make the game run the same fps minimised and normal (wasn't always like this as far as I remember). My rig gets really loud when playing and its annoying that it stays that way even if I alt-tab out and have lunch, etc.

Always glad to hear that it helps someone :)

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I mean an option that shows FPS on screen, in an unobtrusive manner, so the player can check how much FPS the game has at the moment. Quite like ShowFPS does...

I have been working on this and i think i got something that's quite nice :).

Some screenshots:


Now as you see it shows the fps just floating around and i hope this was what you wanted. Anyway if you want to change the position where it shows the fps just click on "Change position" and a layer will show up over it like this:


By dragging that little layer you will move where fps will be shown. To remove the layer just press on "Change position" again and it will remove it.

Currently i am working on a update for 1.0 since i have rewritten quiet some code in the KerboKatzUtilities.

Just a few more days :)

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here's an idea - swapping camera controls between VAB and SPH modes. Would be nice to have the more free-roaming camera in the VAB for some things, and the locked on rotating camera in the SPH as well for certain situations

I just tried something like this but it doesn't seem very possible at the moment. This either causes the scenes to switch completely or a lot of other weird glitches. One possible solution, I'm not even sure one can do this, would be to rewrite the camera controls but i got no experience in that area.

Edit: Well i tried myself into the camera controls and it does seem to work :).

Edit #2: Just need to smooth out the movements they seem very much like instant right now.

Edited by SpaceTiger
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Any news on making your mod 1.0 compatible? I find your small utilities very usefull.
Yeah, big update(well big for me cause its changing a lot in all of my mods) is on its making, just squishing bugs and testing right now. But from what i have seen in the code it should still work.
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Couple of issues.

1. FPS display isn't in a very good spot. Unreadable in most scenes.

2. Zoom in/out seems to be backwards compared to default KSP. For example, in the VAB Shift+Mouse Wheel Up zooms out instead of in.

3. Some funky interaction with Editor Extensions. EE has a spacebar hot key that re-centers your view. After using spacebar when the scroll view up/down is used camera switches to the default VAB viewing angle.


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What I did? In building process, when I tried to zoom via Numpad+ key... nothing happened. Problem was solved when I removed EditorCamUtilities.

Hmm i never used those keys. Thats probably why i didn't map them for the controls. I'll map them again in a future patch

Couple of issues.

1. FPS display isn't in a very good spot. Unreadable in most scenes.

You can move it by right clicking on the "FPSViewer" toolbar entry which will open its settings menu-> Click on Change position and drag the tiny little window that pops up over it where you want it to be.

2. Zoom in/out seems to be backwards compared to default KSP. For example, in the VAB Shift+Mouse Wheel Up zooms out instead of in.

Oh is it ? I'll change that

3. Some funky interaction with Editor Extensions. EE has a spacebar hot key that re-centers your view. After using spacebar when the scroll view up/down is used camera switches to the default VAB viewing angle.


Yeah Editor Extensions thought that it might be a problem. I'll see if i can fix these issues.

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You can move it by right clicking on the "FPSViewer" toolbar entry which will open its settings menu-> Click on Change position and drag the tiny little window that pops up over it where you want it to be.

Yeah Editor Extensions thought that it might be a problem. I'll see if i can fix these issues.

Noted and thanks!

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Found out about this mod because of the TempGauge issue, I also like the FPS background limiter. Any plans to incorporate this to use Blizzy's Toolbar? It's not that I don't like the blue kitty kat, it's just that I run out of real estate with the Stock Toolbar :)

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