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1.1.2 Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics 2.0.2


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I was really just trying to see if there was a known preliminary issue, not take up your time with that (heavily-modded) craft. Here is a logfile and craft where I have reduced the number of base mods to three: Stockalike Station Parts Expansion, KRASH, (and IR, of course) and had the game open for no longer than was required to duplicate the issue: 

Logfile: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jhycq2xdha3ean1/Player_20161104_1223.log?dl=0
Craft: https://www.dropbox.com/s/atnieuhr2ly3uoe/Duna 6K Lander Concept Cleaner.craft?dl=0

To duplicate. Load craft, launch, confirm that robotics work on the launchpad, deploying shield and airlock. Revert to hanger, use KRASH interface Orbit Selection > Duna > Start Simulation, notice that the central tube is now shifted up the extendatron, which has itself shifted, and the hinge is no longer in the same position.

I can make a version with no SSPE parts over the weekend, to further reduce the variables, but note that the hinge is not attached to any non-stock parts.

Edited by larkvi
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  On 11/4/2016 at 4:26 PM, larkvi said:

I was really just trying to see if there was a known preliminary issue, not take up your time with that (heavily-modded) craft. Here is a logfile and craft where I have reduced the number of base mods to three: Stockalike Station Parts Expansion, KRASH, (and IR, of course) and had the game open for no longer than was required to duplicate the issue: 

Logfile: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jhycq2xdha3ean1/Player_20161104_1223.log?dl=0
Craft: https://www.dropbox.com/s/atnieuhr2ly3uoe/Duna 6K Lander Concept Cleaner.craft?dl=0

To duplicate. Load craft, launch, confirm that robotics work on the launchpad, deploying shield and airlock. Revert to hanger, use KRASH interface Orbit Selection > Duna > Start Simulation, notice that the central tube is now shifted up the extendatron, which has itself shifted, and the hinge is no longer in the same position. I can make a version with no SSPE parts over the weekend, to further reduce the variables, but note that the hinge is not attached to any non-stock parts.


What if you use built-in cheat engine to place the craft on Duna? I'll try that later today as well.


Just tested stock cheat (Set Orbit). It does not cause any issues, so there is something about KRASH that probably causes issues.

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  On 11/2/2016 at 7:40 AM, Ziw said:

Proper module name is ModuleIRServo, but all the parts have the MuMechToggle alias still as I recall. I'll try to look at the problem later this week.


I tried replacing <string name="exemptModuleType3">MuMechServo</string> with <string name="exemptModuleType3">ModuleIRServo</string> in the KJR config.xml but leaving <bool name="multiPartAttachNodeReinforcement">1</bool> hoping that it would improve things, but the IR components seemed more bound together and stuck than the default KJR config. Seems like the best current option is still simply changing multiPartAttachNodeReinforcement to 0.

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  On 11/5/2016 at 1:42 AM, Jhammer said:

Can you update this to the current version 1.2



Welcome to the forums.

When looking for an update to a mod it is usually good practice to check the last 3-4 pages of a thread before asking for an update. As in this case there is an updated version one page back. You will need the plugin found here

as well as parts which can be found here

Legacy Parts and Rework Parts


Edited by V8jester
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  On 11/5/2016 at 2:57 AM, V8jester said:


Welcome to the forums.

When looking for an update to a mod it is usually good practice to check the last 3-4 pages of a thread before asking for an update. As in this case there is an updated version one page back. You will need the plugin found here

as well as parts which can be found here

Legacy Parts and Rework Parts



Thank you. We do need to ask @sirkut to update the thread and Curse page, but I'd like to have more feedback first. As you see there are some issues, albeit caused by other mods.

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  On 11/4/2016 at 4:29 PM, Ziw said:

What if you use built-in cheat engine to place the craft on Duna? I'll try that later today as well.


Just tested stock cheat (Set Orbit). It does not cause any issues, so there is something about KRASH that probably causes issues.


I did not realize there was now a stock cheat option. I shall try it, and move this issue over to the KRASH thread.

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  On 11/5/2016 at 4:01 PM, Henk Vries said:

For those having the same issue, 

THIS MOD IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH Kerbal Joint Reinforcement !!!

Having both installed cause the moving parts to not extend or only half extend while becoming one giant clipping mess. De-installing KJR will instantly solve the problem. 


The best answer is a little more nuanced than that Henk:

  On 11/1/2016 at 3:21 AM, sdfghdfgjd said:

To get KJR working, you can change

    <bool name="multiPartAttachNodeReinforcement">1</bool>

from 1 to 0 in KerbalJointReinforcement/Plugin/PluginData/KerbalJointReinforcement/config.xml

Explanation of all the options in the readme.



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  On 11/7/2016 at 1:09 PM, Harpi2600 said:

Infernal robotic does not work landing legs on moving parts.


New stock KSP autostrut feature as well as KJR mod is one to blaim. Posts from one page back.

Might be good to raise issue on stock bug tracker too. Ability to add switch in part module config that will allow autostrut to some other part or ban autostrut.
Could be used not even with IR parts, but any new parts that are planed in future releases of KSP. That way IR parts will be "safe" from accidental autostrut while still have neccessary ability for autostrut on wheels, for example.

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  On 11/7/2016 at 4:04 PM, kcs123 said:

Nový sklad KSP autostrut funkce, stejně jako KJR mod je jedna ku blaim. Příspěvky od jednoho stánku zpět .

Možná by bylo dobré, aby zvýšit otázku o nutnosti sledování chyb taky. Možnost přidat přepínač část modulu config, který umožní autostrut na jiné součásti nebo zákaz autostrut.
Může být použit ani s IR dílů, ale všechny nové díly, které jsou plánovány v budoucích verzích KSP. Tímto způsobem IR části budou "bezpečné" před nechtěným autostrut zatímco ještě nutný schopnost autostrut na kolech, např.


My mistake, I apologize. My English is not very good, I overlooked it.

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  On 11/9/2016 at 1:43 PM, colfighter said:

Is there 1.2 compatibility? I am a HUGE fan of this mod.



  On 11/5/2016 at 2:57 AM, V8jester said:


Welcome to the forums.

When looking for an update to a mod it is usually good practice to check the last 3-4 pages of a thread before asking for an update. As in this case there is an updated version one page back. You will need the plugin found here

as well as parts which can be found here

Legacy Parts and Rework Parts




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  On 11/1/2016 at 3:21 AM, sdfghdfgjd said:

To get KJR working, you can change

    <bool name="multiPartAttachNodeReinforcement">1</bool>

from 1 to 0 in KerbalJointReinforcement/Plugin/PluginData/KerbalJointReinforcement/config.xml

Explanation of all the options in the readme.


Fab! Thanks for this, just tested and worked in 1.2.1! :)

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Have anyone else got weird behavior if craft have wheels or legs and the first IR detail is rotatron? My testing craft slides by phantom force on 3.4 m/s when I try to rotate first rotatron (doking washer type from legacy pack on screen). Further rotating can even destroy craft. But if there is any IR part between rotatron and wheels or legs - it rotates normally (example is rework rotatron on screen ). Pivotrons and extendatrons work normal even when are first IR part from wheels/legs. KSP 1.2, IR 2.0.7

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  On 11/13/2016 at 9:13 PM, Warro said:

Have anyone else got weird behavior if craft have wheels or legs and the first IR detail is rotatron?


Yep. Everyone else who place landing gears or wheels too close to IR parts. KJR if used could also be issue. Mentioned few pages back.

It is due to stock wheel/landing gear autostrut feature that can't be disabled. Wheels/landing gears aims to closest heaviest part to autostrut with. That cause issues with IR moving parts. You can try to put some other parts between IR parts and landing gears, but it not work in every situation.

Trial and error mostly, until you figure out what you can do and what you need to avoid when building craft.

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Hi guys  , just a quick question,  for some reason i can get the tool bar icon in VAB SPH  or in game. i followed instructions to the T. All the parts are showing all the options are there when i right click the part,  but no tool bar icon so i cant get the interface on screen.  please help. thank you gents.  

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  On 11/14/2016 at 2:19 AM, mechanicH said:

Hi guys  , just a quick question,  for some reason i can get the tool bar icon in VAB SPH  or in game. i followed instructions to the T. All the parts are showing all the options are there when i right click the part,  but no tool bar icon so i cant get the interface on screen.  please help. thank you gents.  


I assume you are talking about the Blizzy Toolbar icon? I myself just manually changed the 0 to a 1 in the config.xml under "MagicSmokeIndustries/Plugins/PluginData/InfernalRobotics"

line "<bool name="useBlizzyToolbar">0</bool>"  to "<bool name="useBlizzyToolbar">1</bool>" 


And just because I couldn't keep this to myself :)


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Noticed similar issue with toolbar. Fresh KSP install and just started to hunt down working mods and install them.

Fresh install, blizzy toolbar is empty, but shown on UI, so you can choose size/positon and icons you want to be there.
If I add only IR icon on it, toolbar itself become invisible. If you leave it like that, there is no chance to configure it properly again except by deleting toolbar-settings.dat file located in "GameData" root folder.

Workaround from this, at least in my case is to put final frontier icon, so it can stay visible even when you click on "broken" icon from other mods like IR.

Hhave yet to try to edit IR xml config file to suport toolbar, as V8jester suggested.



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Hey there, just reporting an issue: I have, let's say, an extendatron. I extend it fully, then timewarp (non-physical). When I come out of warp, if I try to retract it, it will spazz out, and end up being doubly extended, like, floating-in-space extended. Funny thing, I can keep doing that until it's quite far away.

No KJR here, just a bunch of other stuff. I'm curious to see if someone can reproduce it, if not, then it's probably some conflict on my end.

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  On 11/14/2016 at 10:13 PM, Vegetal said:

Hey there, just reporting an issue: I have, let's say, an extendatron. I extend it fully, then timewarp (non-physical). When I come out of warp, if I try to retract it, it will spazz out, and end up being doubly extended, like, floating-in-space extended. Funny thing, I can keep doing that until it's quite far away.

No KJR here, just a bunch of other stuff. I'm curious to see if someone can reproduce it, if not, then it's probably some conflict on my end.


Yeah there is something going on with IR and warping or Hyperedit ATM in 1.2.1. I believe @Ziw is aware of it but I think he and the rest of the IR team are currently taking a much needed and deserved break from the madness that is KSP. Hopefully it won't stay broke for too long. But for now I would say. "Stay tuned" and be patient.

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I'm getting this problem with the rework parts. Edit: after downloading the legacy parts I still get the same issue.

Kinda puts a damper on grabbing and recovering a satellite lol

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It happens with any part I use, and sometimes it invokes the Kraken.

Anything I can do to fix this?

Also I do have the latest version of KJR

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  On 11/15/2016 at 4:08 AM, V8jester said:

Yeah there is something going on with IR and warping or Hyperedit ATM in 1.2.1. I believe @Ziw is aware of it but I think he and the rest of the IR team are currently taking a much needed and deserved break from the madness that is KSP. Hopefully it won't stay broke for too long. But for now I would say. "Stay tuned" and be patient.


Well, at least I won't have to troubleshoot my mods, as it's a known issue. Hope they fix that soon, as I just started using IR and it's *AWESOME*.

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