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Will you skip school/work on 27 April?


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Alright, somebody's got to buck the trend here. I work in an IT organization. Many of us entered the field because of a love of computers sparked initially by a gaming interest. My boss and peers take time off for video game releases, expansion releases, etc. Best place to work evah!

So yes, I will be off :P Nyah nyah nyah!

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Let's just say that if you play your cards right going into a career in the science/engineering fields, you can get to a point where basically anything science/engineering related can be classified as work-related study.

But before THAT happened I never would have dreamed about skipping school or work just to play a computer game a few days earlier. Stay in school kids!

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Heh, probably not. I'll definitely be playing it the whole time Monday night, but I better not skip school when I've got my ACT literally the next day. KSP stress relief, woo!

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I don't have to-- my classes end early enough in the day that the better question is whether or not I'll skip the next day.

...Which I also don't have to, because my classes are still early enough in the day. nyeh nyeh nyeh.

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I don't have to-- my classes end early enough in the day that the better question is whether or not I'll skip the next day.

...Which I also don't have to, because my classes are still early enough in the day. nyeh nyeh nyeh.

Yeah, now that's where I'm screwed. I actually have a mandatory meeting on the 28th, so I can't take vacation and can't stay up late.


I kid you not :) One of our "team building exercises" is playing PayDay 2 together robbing banks (in game - LOL!). Not during work hours, obviously.

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I don't need to, due to an incredible coincidence that has me out of work and school by 1:00 p.m. that day, but I wouldn't worry about it if it did. For previous releases, I found that sometimes it's better to wait a couple hours before downloading, just in-case SQUAD needs to do a hot fix.

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I would do the American thing and work very half-heartedly that day... Except going to be on vacation... out of town... so no KSP :( . But when I get back, yeah going to be pretty hard to get my head back into the game.

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Won't be skipping work on the 27th (or even the 28th, which is the more likely date for release in my time zone), but the Japanese 'Golden Week' break starts on the 29th, and this year runs straight through to May 6th.

I can confidently say I will not achieve much outside of KSP during this time :)

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Why would I take the day off when likely all that'll happen is the game will be released late in the day, the servers will go down and/or be slow, and the whole game won't actually be playable until the 28th?

No the day to take off is the 28th :D

But actually, I won't do it. I'll just play when I can during the week and enjoy the weekend of KSP. Hopefully it'll be all rainy.

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I highly doubt that Gerandar meant that he didn't think the game wasn't worth spending money on; just that it wasn't worth losing any further money by missing a work day :P

As for myself: Well, depending on what you consider "work," you might say that I'll actually be even busier than usual, in a certain sense...

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So you pirated KSP? :P

Yeah, I'm still going to show up where I need to, but anything non-KSP related stops there.

I'm sure he mean losing money by not working.

This may be crazy to everyone but I NEVER play a new game or version until it's been out at least a few days. I've been burned far too many times. I'd rather wait until the weekend.

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The 27th is a national holiday for Australia and New Zealand (actually it's the 25th but the Monday counts as the holiday)

You might want to check again. NSW definitely doesn't get the extra day this year, neither does Victoria. Not sure about other states.

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