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[WIP] CxAerospace: Stations Parts Pack v1.0 - Head Over to Add-On Release


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So yesterday I got a rescue mission, got my early game ship up their to find the Kerbal stranded in a nap hab (from this mod).  Switched to the stranded vessel like always, clicked EVA on the Kerbal's portrait, and saw a message that he could not EVA cause there were no hatches in his vessel.  Any chance that can be fixed?


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3 minutes ago, CrashTestDanny said:

So yesterday I got a rescue mission, got my early game ship up their to find the Kerbal stranded in a nap hab (from this mod).  Switched to the stranded vessel like always, clicked EVA on the Kerbal's portrait, and saw a message that he could not EVA cause there were no hatches in his vessel.  Any chance that can be fixed?


Hey Danny,

I recently removed the hatches from all the parts that didnt have an airlock functionality to them since Squad added the ability to transfer crew now by just right clicking the part and not needing a hatch collider to do the transfer.

I havent played the game much recently, but do rescue contracts randomly select from any crewable parts, including mods?

v0.10 was when i removed the hatch colliders. If you download v0.09 and just copy over the NapHabV1.mu file, it should be able to fix it. (to be safe, make a backup of your save folder in case something goes wrong). I guess if it causes issues with stock gameplay I'll be adding back the hatch colliders to all the other parts.

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6 hours ago, cxg2827 said:

I havent played the game much recently, but do rescue contracts randomly select from any crewable parts, including mods?

Yeah, that's my experience.  It's not actually an issue that I'm going to go through any special wranglings to address.  I have two options for completing such missions (1 - use the klaw, 2 - cheat [hyperedit]) in addition to the obvious option of failing it... :)

All that aside, it doesn't seem like Jeb or Val would really stand for being welded into a tin can and launched into orbit without the option to open the door and take a spacewalk, does it?  :cool:


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1 hour ago, cxg2827 said:

This just made me think: when the claw is used to attach to a vessel, can you right click and transfer the crew that way instead of EVAing?

I haven't tried with the right-click menu, but you've always been able to click the crew hatch and transfer crew via the klaw, so I assume the right-click is just a different hook to the same function.


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3 hours ago, Tristonwilson12 said:

Any news on the Truss's?

Right now I'm focusing my efforts on the 2 missing IVAs and the Active APAS. With those done (and a few minor texture changes and props) I'd consider upgrading this mod from WIP to v1.0 and consider the original scope complete.

Then I will jump back to working on the Trusses and some other parts which don't have IVAs, followed by the other crewable modules.


On the topic of IVAs, any preferences for how the MiniLab IVA should be laid out? 3 Options:

  1. Copy the ELM layout, and have the crew either "floating" in front of some experiment racks
  2. Hatch entry point is the floor of the module (might be the roomiest layout). The extruded cut in the floor makes it seem small, but that is the shape my hatch prop not the physical hatch opening.

  3. Similar profile as the GymHab, with a defined floor, with experiments and storage racks located on the sides
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18 hours ago, AdmiralSirJohn said:

I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can't seem to find it, so I'll ask.

Is there any way to change the image on the TV in the Gym Hab module?  I'm sure my Kerbals would much rather be watching Star Trek (or rather, one of the fan films based on it)...

Not a fan of Giorgio Tsoukalos :P?

You are the first to ask this, but there is no channel changing function. If you pm me a picture of what you want on the TV I can post a separate link in the first post with the alternate IVA texture.

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Hehe, Grumpy cat would be apt...I would be krakened if I had to use a vacuum cleaner for a toilet while in space (pun intended), and Grump Cat would suit the mood.

As always CX, your hab modules are awesome.  Just so happens that my daughter had to do a science assignment on building a space station, and the possible interior....we just started up KSP, built a space station with all the requisite parts (Kanadarm, radiators, solar panels), and we used just about every one of your modules.  When then took outside pics, as well as inside pics, and did a small video of docking (using the MK 2-1 rasterprop mod for interior shots.  My daughter got a resounding A, and dumbfounded the teacher.

Who said playing video games was a waster of time......(ok, my wife did, but this kept her quiet a bit).

Edited by Gaultesian
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3 hours ago, cxg2827 said:

Not a fan of Giorgio Tsoukalos :P?

You are the first to ask this, but there is no channel changing function. If you pm me a picture of what you want on the TV I can post a separate link in the first post with the alternate IVA texture.

Not really.

I'll post a screenshot shortly.  (If I knew how to get Photoshop CS3 to save .dds textures properly, I'd do it myself...)

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On 12/19/2015 at 5:41 PM, Gaultesian said:

Just so happens that my daughter had to do a science assignment on building a space station, and the possible interior....we just started up KSP, built a space station with all the requisite parts (Kanadarm, radiators, solar panels), and we used just about every one of your modules.  When then took outside pics, as well as inside pics, and did a small video of docking (using the MK 2-1 rasterprop mod for interior shots.  My daughter got a resounding A, and dumbfounded the teacher.

Who said playing video games was a waster of time......(ok, my wife did, but this kept her quiet a bit).


Very cool. Reading your post about has made me realize that I should probably change out the magazine in the GymHab by the toilet with something more appropriate :sealed:.


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How do you dock?  I've tried mating passive to active in both orientations (flat to bulkhead, flat facing out) and all they do is bounce off each other.  What step am I missing?  Cool mod, but 4 hours and no dock is getting.... frustrating.

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22 hours ago, mjl1966 said:

How do you dock?  I've tried mating passive to active in both orientations (flat to bulkhead, flat facing out) and all they do is bounce off each other.  What step am I missing?  Cool mod, but 4 hours and no dock is getting.... frustrating.

I recently made it so that these only dock at specific orientations at 90 degree increments. The docking ports should magnetize and be attracted at any orientation, but the 2 vessels will just yo-yo and not dock until they are aligned, so you need to use SAS or RCS to rotate the craft a bit. The docking ports need to be oriented in any way that the ACBM guide fins are inside the PCBM guide fins like in the pictures below.




22 hours ago, Jimbodiah said:

I have problems getting back into the habs... You can EVA, but you can not gte back in... The science hab has a door that works sometimes, but not always. My kerbals keep getting stranded outside. Anyway to get them back in?

Check out this post I made on December 15th Here. I removed the Airlocks from these parts as they technically do not have an airlock designed into them, so it requires for you to enter into your vessel through another airlock module, and then use the right-click menu to transfer the crew back into the HAB modules. Though I'll be adding those airlocks back to the parts since you can run into issues with rescue contracts and if you have RUD and need to evacuate your crew from the now disconnected section.

It's a bit late tonight for me to be making these changes right now, but I will now plan to add them tomorrow when I get home from work. Otherwise you can follow the directions I posted in the comment I linked to get it working right away.

Edited by cxg2827
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On 12/28/2015 at 0:24 AM, cxg2827 said:

I recently made it so that these only dock at specific orientations at 90 degree increments. The docking ports should magnetize and be attracted at any orientation, but the 2 vessels will just yo-yo and not dock until they are aligned, so you need to use SAS or RCS to rotate the craft a bit. The docking ports need to be oriented in any way that the ACBM guide fins are inside the PCBM guide fins like in the pictures below.




Check out this post I made on December 15th Here. I removed the Airlocks from these parts as they technically do not have an airlock designed into them, so it requires for you to enter into your vessel through another airlock module, and then use the right-click menu to transfer the crew back into the HAB modules. Though I'll be adding those airlocks back to the parts since you can run into issues with rescue contracts and if you have RUD and need to evacuate your crew from the now disconnected section.

It's a bit late tonight for me to be making these changes right now, but I will now plan to add them tomorrow when I get home from work. Otherwise you can follow the directions I posted in the comment I linked to get it working right away.

Thanks cxg!  That helped a LOT! 

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I take it the different modules differ primarily in aesthetics?  i.e - both the nap and gym modules actually do the same thing - house Kerbals, but no difference otherwise.  Just making sure I'm not missing a feature.

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  • 2 weeks later...
53 minutes ago, Mods_o_joy said:

Just having 2 Module's (Like the DOS-7 And Quest Airlock) From your modpack will lag the editor, You might want to consider Reducing your Tri count

I'm not familiar with a CxAerospace DOS-7 part. Sure it's not from another pack?


The geometry isn't much more hi-poly than most part packs out there. This thread has some great info on how poly-count effects KSP performance. The TL;DR is that number of parts in a vessel is far more important than part poly-count. Not just in the obvious "well duh, more parts, more polygons..." way, but in that poly count isn't as tasking on the GPU as part count is on the CPU. Reducing tri-count won't help much. As it is, KSP add-on authors are concerned for some reason that any cylinder with more than 24 sides will melt GPUs. I digress.

First, run on a clean install and see if the issue persists. Also check your debug menu for null reference spamming. 

The textures in CxAerospace are 2k though, and the UV mapping is good, but could be better I suppose. The pack is still small, and it is good to leave texture space on texture sheets for future expansion. 2K textures could cause performance drops, and if you're not wanting to run half-res textures, it'd be nice for @cxg2827 to throw some half-res textures out there, but probably not too important at the moment. There are also normals maps applied, and they can be a drain, but unless cxg2827 wants to model each individual panel division, metal crimp, and bolt, normal maps are pretty much necessary for fidelity.

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