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[WIP] CxAerospace: Stations Parts Pack v1.0 - Head Over to Add-On Release


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Also, would you consider a node module like the Harmony and Tranquility nodes?

Yup, I plan on doing those ones at some point.

Progress pic for the JLP. Was originally thinking of just making it have data storage, but instead I might go the route of making it a 1-man lab.


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Probably being thick here but I cannot get crew to transfer between your parts, no matter how I connect them up: directly, docking ports or your supplied berthing components. What am I doing wrong?

I have it setup that the EVA hatch colliders are located at a docking port attachment node for each module (except the science lab where it it located at the experiments hatch). Are you having trouble clicking them or is it a different issue?

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Hello, I am a newcomer to the community of the KSP forums, Sorry if i'm annoying, Act like an idiot, Or offend you in anyway, Or if i'm saying anything that has already been said, But, Nonetheless, Might i suggest a dedicated Airlock part?

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Here is something I've been messing with. Trussing that would make Buckminster Fuller proud.

(This would be part of a different mod pack)


Edited by cxg2827
improved design
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I have a bit of an interesting request for this. Have you thought about making a version of the CBM that would fit seamlessly with SHDI/Mk1-2?

Essentially I love using the CBM but the thing about it is that in order for it to work on the Mk1-2 pod (when used in conjunction with SHDI's pod cover) I either have to offset the pod cover itself or put something under the CBM to raise it up, because otherwise the pod cover ends up making kraken bait with the service module. Not really a big problem necessarily (because it isn't hard to just offset the pod cover and maintain looks on the pod itself) but it would be cool if there was an actual CBM variant that accounted for this already.

I also would love to see an integrated parachute version, but i'm not picky :D

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I'll might give it a go eventually' date=' but it would be a very low priority part since I am now going to tackle the ISS truss parts.


New update is out on Kerbal Stuff. For now I'm just making the JLP a mini lab. not sure what would be required to make it a data-only storage module so I'm taking the easy way out :P


-MM config added for Snacks!

-Added Part:
-2M Mini Lab: Crew capacity 1, no IVA yet.

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What about 10 and 15 meter centrifuges?

I have some centrifuge ideas, but that will be in a different pack.

I don't know if this has been talked about, but those CBMs, and maybe even the modules themselves(I'm not too sure) generate a preposterous amount of heat! I've had a 2 space shuttles and 3 stations literally explode because of the heat of the CBMs.

First time I've heard about a heat issue. I have their max temps set to 800C, but I'm not sure if that would be related. When were the explosions happening?

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First time I've heard about a heat issue. I have their max temps set to 800C, but I'm not sure if that would be related. When were the explosions happening?

Well I don't exactly recall the explosions on the station... I think it was just because of a lack of radiators or... something...

I know the space shuttle(Buran, not STS) carrying a replica of Unity Node 1 had the linkage between the Energiya core and Buran's lifting body overheat and blow up, only to find out directly inside, practically next to the decoupler was the CBM. Apon corrections of that, after entering orbit the entire body of Unity began to overheat, but nothing blew up at this point... yet.

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Yea, I'm not too sure how to resolve this issue.

From some searching it seems to be a common issue when a small mass part is attached to another part with a much higher relative mass.

Maybe this will be less of a problem with the updates in 1.0.5?

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