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[1.12.x] USI Life Support


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Where are the dependencies listed?

Module Manager... I was having the same problem and installing Module Manager (as listed many pages back) fixed it :)

Module Manager should be included in the install, or NOTED on the first post please RoverDude :)

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Both of your statements make no sense, your surprised that there is 99% chance people who use mods have mod manager? why is that suprising? Don't worry im not advocating a boycott of module manager, I just didn't know why this mod in particular wasn't working out of other USI mods, MM was included in zip file with all the USI mods before, now its not & i didn't notice it.

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Both of your statements make no sense, your surprised that there is 99% chance people who use mods have mod manager? why is that suprising? Don't worry im not advocating a boycott of module manager, I just didn't know why this mod in particular wasn't working out of other USI mods, MM was included in zip file with all the USI mods before, now its not & i didn't notice it.

Its one less thing he has to update whenever a new MM comes out that's why I believe. Also it's fairly common for people to have multiple version of MM in their gamedata since so many mods use it and don't update it when MM does. I've seen people with close to 10 mm versions in one folder lol. It can cause problems too.

If people are only using USI mods then yes it can cause an issue. But chances are most people will end up with MM anyways once most mods are updated for 1.0.

A notice somewhere would be great, but anything that saves Roverdude from doing things other than updating his own work ends up better in the long run since he can focus on his own mods.

i didn't notice at first either, until I watched loading screen on startup and didn't see the message. It was noted in the first release of 1.0. Though I don't think it's seen on the newer ones. (Well nvm that. It was noted in mks release. Not this LS one, forgot I was in this thread lol.)

Edited by Hevak
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I have the green life support icon on my GUI but its status is blank, i have a vessel 21 days into launch and the icon is still green & blank.

Yeah, MM. This came out before we had a new MM done yet. I'll bundle it next time

Cus I was bored, created this: http://www./download/qst9tv50wlgtw7m/ProbeLifeSpan.zip :D Although I am more interested in what RoverDude has up his sleeves *squirms impatiantly*

Every probe will last ~184 days before needing to have a backup comp attached (either via KIS or docking). Adds 3 "backup computers" that are little more than LifeSpan batteries. If you don't fly the ship during timewarp the LifeSpan shouldn't decrease due to the stock resource system only tracking the ship you fly (I think?) so 184 days of use is prolly OP LOL.

I'd create an "x distance from kerbin = shutdown" type thing, but I suck at actual programming :/ And, I'm not that bored.... :P:D

Please do not post random mod zips - violates the posting rules, and while I expect yours is not full of cooties, it's a bad practice :D

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Now that the life support is displaying time remaining after installing MM, the kerbals in red should be inactive & what i understand is 15> days should w.o supplies, in the vessel i have which is 55 days without supplies i have a kerbal that can eva, pickup surface samples, plant flags etc.

Edit: might be an issue w. kerbals launched pre- MM, other ones seem to be starving.

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Both of your statements make no sense, your surprised that there is 99% chance people who use mods have mod manager?

I'm surprised it's not 100%. As in, I'm surprised that anybody who would download this mod wouldn't already have ModuleManager installed.

It was more of a quip/joke than anything else. I wasn't trying to imply anything, just that ModuleManager is so ubiquitous these days.

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So how does this life support exactly work? Why am i losing months/years worth of supplies with some "airlock message" when i have adequate food, how do i prevent this.

Also if 1 Nom-o-matic 5000 can't support a single kerbal while slightly producing less then whats being consumed and thus flagging the vessel equal to a vessel without a nom-o-matic 5000, what good is it for?

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So how does this life support exactly work? Why am i losing months/years worth of supplies with some "airlock message" when i have adequate food, how do i prevent this.

Also if 1 Nom-o-matic 5000 can't support a single kerbal while slightly producing less then whats being consumed and thus flagging the vessel equal to a vessel without a nom-o-matic 5000, what good is it for?

This thread isn't that long yet, so it's beneficial to skim through. In fact 2 pages back post #315-316

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Well to clear up discussion on people and Module Manager:

This is really essential for people who use a few to a lot mods, is what makes possible compatibility patches based on dependency.

So in short summary, is something that should be added stock.

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This thread isn't that long yet, so it's beneficial to skim through. In fact 2 pages back post #315-316

I've read that and it made no sense to me, is there a life support module that adds a microwave? Or is it re-entry heat which seems kind of random, are they going to throw a tantrum and airlock more food if the vessel isn't sitting in a body of water because "insert roleplaying message here" or maybe they need wind in their face so vessel must move at 1,500 ms. Again there is this is the clarity i see in post #315-316.

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RoverDude, I love your mods. But they do conflict a lot, and tend to have missing components.

Especially USI Life Support always seems to break something. I always install it after it is compatible with the latest update, but I always remove it afterwards, because it breaks things.

At the moment, it is incompatible with the Taurus HCV.

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At the moment, it is incompatible with the Taurus HCV.

The Taurus HCV thing is known. It actually gets even more fun with new BDAnimations module.

Also, RoverDune, please please update the version in the thread title? Now I worry I missed an update all the time :<

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Especially USI Life Support always seems to break something. I always install it after it is compatible with the latest update, but I always remove it afterwards, because it breaks things.

Well considering that it is a alpha version, experimental of sorts, its expected to not be working 100%.

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Well considering that it is a alpha version, experimental of sorts, its expected to not be working 100%.

Even if this is alpha version, the only way the developer will know that something may broken is when it is reported. So, knowing it doesn't work with a specific mod my spotlight the same problem with other mods as well. Rover is very conscientious about his work; therefore, I believe he prefers that players report breakages, regardless of source.

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I've read that and it made no sense to me, is there a life support module that adds a microwave? Or is it re-entry heat which seems kind of random, are they going to throw a tantrum and airlock more food if the vessel isn't sitting in a body of water because "insert roleplaying message here" or maybe they need wind in their face so vessel must move at 1,500 ms. Again there is this is the clarity i see in post #315-316.

To clarify what was asked and confirmed: In addition to supplies, Kerbals require electriccharge at all times, otherwise they will throw a tantrum. Don't know if this is what was happening to you, but good thing to look out for.

At some point, the original post should probably be rewritten a bit to include all the little details like this, but the mod is still growing and changing, so not much point just yet.

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I've read that and it made no sense to me, is there a life support module that adds a microwave? Or is it re-entry heat which seems kind of random, are they going to throw a tantrum and airlock more food if the vessel isn't sitting in a body of water because "insert roleplaying message here" or maybe they need wind in their face so vessel must move at 1,500 ms. Again there is this is the clarity i see in post #315-316.

That was Rover being funny. You missed the explanation in the post I guess. Kerbals revolt and throw stuff out of the airlock if you go without Electrical power too long.

RoverDude, I love your mods. But they do conflict a lot, and tend to have missing components.

Especially USI Life Support always seems to break something. I always install it after it is compatible with the latest update, but I always remove it afterwards, because it breaks things.

At the moment, it is incompatible with the Taurus HCV.

If you intended to rant, well done. If you wish to be helpful, some detail would be useful. I've never noticed any missing components, and you give no details on how things are "breaking".

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If you intended to rant, well done. If you wish to be helpful, some detail would be useful. I've never noticed any missing components, and you give no details on how things are "breaking".

Taurus HCV has a monopropellant "launch escape system" slash landing assistance engines. Those get triggered on launch if USI-LS is present. RoverDude knows about that. /me isn't bothered, because /me is very slow in career and this is an alpha anyway.

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Even if this is alpha version, the only way the developer will know that something may broken is when it is reported. So, knowing it doesn't work with a specific mod my spotlight the same problem with other mods as well. Rover is very conscientious about his work; therefore, I believe he prefers that players report breakages, regardless of source.

I don't think the problem is with:

At the moment, it is incompatible with the Taurus HCV.

So much as:

Especially USI Life Support always seems to break something. I always install it after it is compatible with the latest update, but I always remove it afterwards, because it breaks things.
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Well to clear up discussion on people and Module Manager:

This is really essential for people who use a few to a lot mods, is what makes possible compatibility patches based on dependency.

So in short summary, is something that should be added stock.

I can't speak to why it isn't bundled ok, but I think a simple message on the first post is best. I'd be more likely to agree that it should be bundled with the mod if this was Roverdudes only mod, but He has and maintains something like 15 mods. And I'm pretty sure he removed mm from every bundle. it saves him time most likely. Because if he does bundle, then need to constantly follow the MM people and see every time they update it, then update all of his mod packages and re upload them all to github and anywhere else he hosts his mods for something that is really a small change.

It's much easier for him if he puts a dependency notice on the post somewhere an has the player download and worry about MM themselves. In my opinion.

Edit: and I missed a post by Roverdude on the the previous page, where he said MM will be bundled again in a future release. It wasn't bundled before because it hadn't been updated. :)

Edited by Hevak
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