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[1.12.x] USI Life Support


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19 hours ago, RoverDude said:

Also - how is the stability/etc. working out for everyone?

Well, the catch-up mechanic for planetary storage still isn't working as axpected. ILM has to put the overflow into the planetary storage, right? The overflow is lost as of the current version.

Edit: just realized that this is probably the wrong thread to post about logistics stuff, dammit

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17 hours ago, Kielm said:

Funny you should ask!

I've been encountering a couple of problems with some lag in the VAB when using Life Support enabled parts, it turns out it's the logfile being spammed with the following error. 

ERROR Object reference not set to an instance of an object IN ModuleLifeSupport

I have a copy of the output log if you need it (although it's pretty much the same repeated many thousand times), I'll log it as an issue on github as well. To reproduce, just start a new craft and add a Mk1-2 command pod and watch the debug screen while you do. 

Thanks - will take a peek

3 hours ago, sh1pman said:

Well, the catch-up mechanic for planetary storage still isn't working as axpected. ILM has to put the overflow into the planetary storage, right? The overflow is lost as of the current version.

Edit: just realized that this is probably the wrong thread to post about logistics stuff, dammit

Yep, your princess is in a different castle ;)

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On 3/5/2016 at 9:47 AM, RoverDude said:

I am pleased folks are getting the reference :D

Awww... And i was hoping to call them Plants: Organic & Offal ProductS.... :D

Or better yet:  Processed Organic & Offal ProductS...

Just make sure to place these parts on the other end of the base/craft from the NOMS... LOL

Edited by Stone Blue
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On 1/24/2016 at 7:25 AM, eberkain said:

I must be missing something, I've had a kerbal in space for 5 days or so, just a small mk1 pod with a small life support attached, has yet to consume supplies or create mulch.  The life support window is blank, nothing there.  Is there a special step or something I didn't do when designing the ship?




my installed mods.  


I'll just reaffirm your finding here for the benefit of anyone who reads this: I had the same problem as you when USI-LS was installed by CKAN. Comparing my GameData folder with the USI-LS download, it appears that everything was properly present in the UmbraSpaceIndustries folder, but the 000_USITools folder was completely absent. I "need" the version updating convenience of CKAN, so as a compromise all I did was add the 000_USITools manually. So far this appears to work fine.

Now I've realized "USI Tools" is in CKAN so I've installed that with CKAN instead. So far so good. Although it took me a long time to troubleshoot why I was always getting indefinite hab and home values. Turns out it's because by default NoHomeEffect = 0 and NoHomeEffectVets = 0 which turns the feature off. Also by default HabMultiplier = 5, although the cfg said default should be 1, so that's fixed now.

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3 hours ago, RoverDude said:

It gets the same level of amnesty - the two are on the same timer.

Okay thanks. I thought that was the case, since it's mentioned in the first post. I was asking because when I ran out of EC in my game when using this mod, and monitoring the life support status window, it simply made the timer for supplies freeze. I didn't loose control but it seemed like odd behavior and I thought maybe I had met a bug. I used time acceleration to run the clock quite a lot (I was in orbit around the sun) but the timer remained the same and I still had control 15 days after supplies had run out (By my estimate, since the life support timer was stuck on a positive number). Then I went back to the space center and the life support data correctly showed the craft was 18 days past supplies running out, and switching back to the craft found all my Kerbals on strike. It was just odd that running out of EC stopped the timer for how long my supplies would last and apparently left the craft in life support limbo. I launched another test and I found that I could reproduce that, but also that restoring the EC after being deprived of it resumed the timer from where it was stopped.

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I'm sure this is a known issue but just in case, undocking/redocking still seems to reset the hab timer.  For example, I have a Duna mission in progress with a mothership and a lander.  I transferred a couple Kerbals to the lander, landed and returned and those 2 Kerbals now have like an extra year on their hab timers compared to the other two who stayed with the mothership the whole time.

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9 minutes ago, Cruzo said:

I'm sure this is a known issue but just in case, undocking/redocking still seems to reset the hab timer.  For example, I have a Duna mission in progress with a mothership and a lander.  I transferred a couple Kerbals to the lander, landed and returned and those 2 Kerbals now have like an extra year on their hab timers compared to the other two who stayed with the mothership the whole time.

Well, they did change habitation spaces a couple of times, and got out to stretch their legs...  ;)

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That would be by design.  It tracks your last two vessels (EVA being one of those).  So (in theory) an EVA and return would not reset the hab timer.  An EVA, swap to a new vessel, and return would reset the hab timer.  Your home timer should never reset unless you get into a better ship (or, reduce the crew in your current one).

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Sorry to sound like a broken record but I'm still getting an issue with getting life support parts from the Kolonization pack to change the consumption rate, as per issue #76 on the Github page. I saw a solution was proposed but I wasn't sure if it was merged at all.

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2 hours ago, TheGroovyMule said:

Sorry to sound like a broken record but I'm still getting an issue with getting life support parts from the Kolonization pack to change the consumption rate, as per issue #76 on the Github page. I saw a solution was proposed but I wasn't sure if it was merged at all.

You're right, I still don't get any recycler activity from the mentioned parts. Weird, I thought it was fixed.

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2 minutes ago, RoverDude said:

Thanks, if someone can do me a favor and toss in a PR that would be awesome

If I knew how to fix it, I would. But unless this qualifies as a fix (which I highly doubt, because that statement probably had a purpose), I don't have a PR to offer.

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Was thinking about to make a Tweakscale config for just the life support tanks, just wanted to confirm where I plop it in the folder when I'm done? If anyone has it already done it I'll trade you my Kerbal Planetary Base config!


Edit:Nevermind, a lot has changed!

Edited by Glaran K'erman
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Nevermind, completely removing USI from the picture made it clear that I have to look elsewhere. The problem still persists even with no USI mod installed at all. Guess I was jumping to the conclusion that dying Kerbals must have something to do with life support. Should have thought of checking this before posting... sorry.


When I switch away from a vessel landed on Kerbin using map view (as opposed to going through the KSC/tracking station, in which case everything goes just fine), my Kerbals in the formerly active vessel disappear and get listed as MIA in the astronaut complex. This happens even with plenty life support on the vessel, and even with NoSupplyEffect=0. I had this issue as far back as v0.3.11. Now the really bad news (at least for me) is that I can't reproduce this with a clean install (i.e. nothing but Life Support + Kolonization + dependencies). So I don't even know if I should have asked this in the Kolonisation thread instead.

Are there any mods that are either known to, or at least could conceivably cause this behavior with USI? I'd really like to narrow down the search among my 80+ mods before even attempting to find the culprit...


Dunno why I didn't do that before, but looking at the game log, the only relevant entries (appearing right after the switch) seem to be

[Warning]: [ProtoCrewMember Warning]: Crewmember XYZ Kerman found assigned but no vessels reference him. XYZ Kerman set as missing.

for every Kerbal in the landed vessel. No idea if this even has anything to do with USI... It hasn't. My apologies


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1 hour ago, MaxRebo said:

Nevermind, completely removing USI from the picture made it clear that I have to look elsewhere. The problem still persists even with no USI mod installed at all. Guess I was jumping to the conclusion that dying Kerbals must have something to do with life support. Should have thought of checking this before posting... sorry.

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When I switch away from a vessel landed on Kerbin using map view (as opposed to going through the KSC/tracking station, in which case everything goes just fine), my Kerbals in the formerly active vessel disappear and get listed as MIA in the astronaut complex. This happens even with plenty life support on the vessel, and even with NoSupplyEffect=0. I had this issue as far back as v0.3.11. Now the really bad news (at least for me) is that I can't reproduce this with a clean install (i.e. nothing but Life Support + Kolonization + dependencies). So I don't even know if I should have asked this in the Kolonisation thread instead.

Are there any mods that are either known to, or at least could conceivably cause this behavior with USI? I'd really like to narrow down the search among my 80+ mods before even attempting to find the culprit...


Dunno why I didn't do that before, but looking at the game log, the only relevant entries (appearing right after the switch) seem to be

[Warning]: [ProtoCrewMember Warning]: Crewmember XYZ Kerman found assigned but no vessels reference him. XYZ Kerman set as missing.

for every Kerbal in the landed vessel. No idea if this even has anything to do with USI... It hasn't. My apologies


Do you use stage recovery?

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^ Thanks for being so understanding!

8 hours ago, ExplorerKlatt said:

Do you use stage recovery?

I do indeed. Guess it's a legitimate suspect, with it hooking into vessel unloads and all... lemme check real quick



1.6.3 (02/21/2016)
- Fix for kerbals being killed in landed vessels

Daaamn... I should check for newer versions of my mods more often :confused:

Thanks for the tip... you guys rock!

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There seems to be something wrong with the supplies consumption

I got a dude in a can mining fuel on Vall who eats a whopping 16.7 supplies a day, but the 3 guys orbiting in the main base only eats 12 supplies combined a day.


Wilney enjoyed the Kerbin - Jool - Vall trip on my 2000 ton Vall Launchpad station.Once the Vall refueler was constructed in orbit he boarded that and start eating like crazy.



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14 minutes ago, RoverDude said:

16.2 is correct - as for your launchpad vessel, I'd need to see the ship - odds are you have a recycler of some kind on there, but would need more details.

The launchpad vessel  got  8 habitation rings/ 8 Agricultural modules and the 4 main ones kerbitat/pioneer/workshop/aeroponics. 133.000 units of supplies, 82.000 units of fertilizer. 129.000 units of Specialized Parts. 240.000 units of MaterialKits and 80.000 units of machinery. I weighs 1936.576 tons bone dry of fuel in an elliptical orbit over Vall. If I remember correctly it weighed over 6000 tons before departing Kerbin. The transfer burns was quite a challenge as the TWR was rather low.



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