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Goo Canisters explode during reentry

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My goo canisters exploded during my 3rd space mission, but it's really weird because they exploded 1 km above the ocean...

.Celestial bodies now accurately emit thermal radiation that makes nearby craft warmer.

part temperatures can now be affected by such things as being exposed to sunlight and hypersonic flight heating

How do I make them stop exploding? Do I have to land at night?


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If they're not blowing up until 1km, then chances are there's residual heat in the pod (which doesn't blow up until 2000K) that is conducting into the Goo Canisters until they blow up at 1200K.

The trick will be finding ways to slow down your pod enough that it doesn't heat up so much, so that it has a chance to cool below 1200K before the Goo heats up past 1200K.

Try a couple things...Goo higher up, so that it is shielded from heating up from friction directly...and let the engine/tank sink the direct entry heat if you can, and dump them before they conduct all their heat into the pod. (careful that fins don't turn pod first into stream). Also, use whatever fuel you have left to decelerate before hitting the re-entry interface...lower speeds = less friction, and less mass = less intertia, which means drag should slow you down quicker.

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chances are there's residual heat in the pod

Residual heat ... is there tutorial/dev post regarding all the new heat mechanics somewhere?

I had a pod explode "long" after the giant solid fuel booster burned out and way up in thin atmosphere/space while coasting to AP the radial parachutes grew hotter (staging menu) and the pod suddenly popped.

If I activate the pods' visibility in the staging column, it will show heat, yes?

stagingIcon = COMMAND_POD

Edited by KerbMav
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