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List of things needed in a hotfix


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Something trivial/minor level for me that annoys the .... out of me is the "Contracts" menu. Specifically a few things:

- Menu cannot open as large as your screen is tall(this would be nice considering how many contracts you can have).

- It doesn't save it's state between screens/flights:

- - - Minimized/Compressed Contracts reopen between screens.

- - - Menu closes between screens.

- - - Minimized/Compressed contracts open when conditions are met, affecting organization.

- Re-entry heat affects don't show sometimes, the vessel will just explode and reference "X exploded due to heat."

These are pretty low level trivial/minor issues when it comes to usability, but so far in my progress through the career mode it's annoying me quite a bit, as I'll set up that menu so that I can see the specific contracts I'm currently going for out of my accepted contracts, but the list will fight against me.


Also it's worth mentioning even though it's been mentioned earlier that Heatshields don't have a significant weight to them? So when you re-enter the atmosphere your capsule will sometimes flip over and explode. I corrected for that issue by having a "drag" or "drogue chute" in order to keep in the right orientation. Unfortunately, from this I've discovered that I don't even need a heatshield, as the parachute is so efficient at bleeding off speed long before the heat effects become dangerous to the craft or parachute.

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Not sure but it seems that when you go into docking mode now no matter what mode of docking your in RCS just twist you around. No more foward or Side or up or down with A,S,W,D. The H,N,I,k,l,j keys still work though.

Also noticed the other night if you use the fairings as an interstage system with at least the skipper engine. If you don't stage the fairings the skipper engine will not fire even if you just stage the engine and the seperator (keeping fairings intact). The skipper thinks its still shrouded even though its not. If you stage them like a normal fairing everything works fine.

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Not sure but it seems that when you go into docking mode now no matter what mode of docking your in RCS just twist you around. No more foward or Side or up or down with A,S,W,D. The H,N,I,k,l,j keys still work though.

I think you have encountered the modified docking mode controls (that is to say this is a feature, not a bug). From the Devnotes Tuesday from 11 Feb:

Since version 0.18 and the addition of docking, we’ve had this docking control mode which very few players ever got around to using. I didn’t remove that, but I did come up with a more elegant way to implement the control binding switching, so we could do away with all those duplicate input mappings on the settings screen. Now, there is only one input mapping for pitch, yaw, roll and linear translations, and the docking mode mapping is done using the secondary key bindings and a new state toggling system which is simpler and more flexible than the old way. So much more flexible, in fact, that you can now use docking mode as an alternate control scheme in any way you want. Rather use it to swap about yaw and roll inputs for controlling rockets and spaceplanes with a joystick? Now you can. Also, Axis bindings now also have secondary mappings of their own, so you can have a second axis bound to each action, either as a redundancy or with a different set of UI mode toggles.
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I think you have encountered the modified docking mode controls (that is to say this is a feature, not a bug). From the Devnotes Tuesday from 11 Feb:

Hmmm if that is the case. Found my first thing I don't liike about 1.0. So use to the ASWD keys that its like learning to dock all over. LOL. :) Any idea on the new mapping or how it works now? Or does the notes suggest that H and N for Foward and back. I,J,K,L for side side up down is the default layout?

Its very akward for me...

Edited by malkuth
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Not sure if this counts as a hotfix, but I'd like to see a balance pass on the solar panels. Currently the small panels the OS-STAT is the cheapest, lightest, and lowest tech level option per unit of Electric charge generated. It's only downside is it doesn't track, but it's twice as powerful as the mid sized panels.

The ox-stat is indeed massively overpowered, and is in fact STILL massless. (#lolmassless)

I did a balance pass on the panels myself in my Horrible Nerf. I rescaled their power based loosely on their surface area (so they're actually sensible by size), but also then ensured that the ox-stat had the highest cost/ec and lowest ec/ton metrics, and the gigantor the lowest cost/ec and highest ec/ton.

Here's my notes from the top of that section:

// Stock HorribleNerf
// Panel EC/ton Cost/EC EC/ton Cost/EC Size
// OX-STAT 150 133 40 2000 45x32=1440
// SP-* 80 200 60 1750 (roughly same as OX-4*)
// OX-4* 114.286 190 60 1750 222x36=7992
// Gigantor 51.429 166 80 1500 548x200=109600
// RTG 9.375 4400

I hadn't done anything with RTGs by that point; in Horrible Nerf, with an inverse-square falloff, they naturally become competitive around Jool or Eeloo as the sunlight is very weak there (4.33-1.43% of kerbin orbit) - a gigantor, the (now) best ec/ton ratio of 80, is actually only ~3.47/t at Jool's periapsis vs 9.375 for RTGs (although I was still thinking of buffing the RTG's output a bit).

I also increased solar panel cost and decreased battery costs (well above the z100), such that a battery-powered craft was cost competitive for short-duration missions.

By the way, if anybody else wants to adopt these figures, go ahead.

There is little point at all in using the Giginator as it's simply not as good in any metric except part count.

Yeah, exactly. Plus you generally don't even need the power output they produce (in 0.90 at least-might work for drills, will have to see), but that's a separate (but also serious) problem.



Im basically speechless at this point!

Then again, ive found a way to cut the dV to basically none with this new exploit/bug.

delta-v requirements in the new atmosphere are largely gravity/orbital speed based - if it were a vacuum, it would take about 2,500-2,600 delta v to reach orbit (vs 3300-3500). I wouldn't call that 'basically none'.

FAR had that same drawback too. I found that the starter antenna made a perfect nosecone.

As I said before 1.0 drops, a lot of FAR things will apply, based on the hints and specifications that Squad dropped.

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I think it should be $128,120 otherwise I don't get +1 science on completion and +0 on advance.

It used to work as you suggest - and it was completely and utterly overpowered - It looks like it now work by comparing the money deducted vs the amount per science point, rounded to the nearest full science point.


Previously: 175,713(-9248) looked at 175713/12812.73 = 14 Science, almost double the base value so over powered even at the lowest level.

Now: Looks at the funds taken by the outsourced r&d aka (-9248) 9248/12812.73 = 1 science, 3508/12812.73 = 0 science. You spent 5% of the funds and you get ~5-10% increase in science providing you earn enough so it doesn't round to zero.

TL: DR looks to be working correctly, they balanced it since last patch.

Edited by Awsum0
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I was really hoping this would be fixed in 1.0, but in the Vehicle Assembly Building, when you right click a part to get more details - if those details are long enough to have a scroll bar you need to use the mouse wheel to scroll through the information. You can't grab the scroll bar with a left-click-and-drag like you think you should be able to. It instead clicks "though" the window and closes it.

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Massless parts aren't anymore. Their mass gets added to their parent part in flight; the mapview mass display is wrong.

Are they? I'm getting some massively stupid results from my experiments on this.

Stayputnik covered in ox-stats:

Helper stock panel(vab): 0.2t

Map info: 0.05t

VOID: 0.050t

KER: 50kg

Stayputnik with attached full-charge 1.25m heat shield:

Helper stock panel(vab): 0.4t

Map info: 0.05t

VOID: 0.250t

KER: 250kg

I suspect the VOID/KER numbers are actually accurate and would apply in actual space (I'll test that later). Thus, I suspect that radial massless parts are still actually massless.

I'd LOVE to know why the map info and helper don't agree. At some point, there has to be authoritative data in the code dammit~

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It used to work as you suggest - and it was completely and utterly overpowered - It looks like it now work by comparing the money deducted vs the amount per science point, rounded to the nearest full science point.


Previously: 175,713(-9248) looked at 175713/12812.73 = 14 Science, almost double the base value so over powered even at the lowest level.

Now: Looks at the funds taken by the outsourced r&d aka (-9248) 9248/12812.73 = 1 science, 3508/12812.73 = 0 science. You spent 5% of the funds and you get ~5-10% increase in science providing you earn enough so it doesn't round to zero.

TL: DR looks to be working correctly, they balanced it since last patch.

Then description should be rephrased, like "Yields 1 science for each 12345.67 Funds taken" or "Yields 1 science for each 12345.67 Funds removed"

Edited by Corovaneer
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1) The bug where a maneuver node may not be placed. Can happen after changine SOI or after docking. Resolved with doing an EVA, unless there is no kerb to EVA. Running a probe and can't quicksave/quickload? Tuff luck, Chuck.

2) How is there no sound in map mode? There used to be, somewhere around 0.19 or so..was there a decision made to exclude sound from map mode? If so, why isn't there a Pe/Ap indicator in staging mode?

3) Can't lock-visible the Pe and Ap markers anymore.

4) All the others already mentioned, but especially: Nooodleville Rocketry, Occlusion Obfuscation, Massless Mess, W T F (Warp Too Fast)......

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1) The bug where a maneuver node may not be placed. Can happen after changine SOI or after docking. Resolved with doing an EVA, unless there is no kerb to EVA. Running a probe and can't quicksave/quickload? Tuff luck, Chuck.

That's still around? ARGH!!!! :mad:

Oh well, it's an early access alpha, you should always enable quickload (quicksave is available in all modes by default).

Wait.. what do you mean, not early access anymore?

If so, why isn't there a Pe/Ap indicator in staging mode?

I pretty much refuse to play without VOID except in very short bursts (like 'no mods hard mode' tests or shortly after a release) because of this. Having Ap/Pe in regular view is quite excellent - you get to fly a rocket instead of an icon on a map~

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Hmmm if that is the case. Found my first thing I don't liike about 1.0. So use to the ASWD keys that its like learning to dock all over. LOL. :) Any idea on the new mapping or how it works now? Or does the notes suggest that H and N for Foward and back. I,J,K,L for side side up down is the default layout?

Its very akward for me...

This is something I dislike as well. I always used the WASD keys with the spacebar to swtich between translation/rotation, and I always thought it was super convenient and intuitive. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this "new" system seems exactly like the old one - which was terrible.

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Could someone verify that the Stage Only resource window doesn't work, in that it displays total resource in the vessel, but just hides the resources not used in the current stage? I encountered this the other night, but I was a bit distracted to properly pay attention.

As someone working with kOS this was already an issue in 0.90. Most of the time it will show the correct amount of remaining resources but sometimes it will include resources from another stage. I always thought this issue stems from mod parts but I have now seen it with a pure stock install, too.

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I'd like to add one item for a hotfix proposal:

The VAB symmetry bug. I realize this was in 0.9 as well, but it's super annoying, and really not suitable for a released game.

The one I'm talking about is when you're trying to place parts in symmetry mode, and instead of placing the part on the opposite side of the rocket, it winds up mirroring it internally within the rocket. Usually wiggling your mouse some to get the code to place it again will sort it out (sometimes it takes a few tries), but man...what a pain in the neck, especially if you don't notice it happened until after you've made additional changes to your design.

That's still around? ARGH!!!! :mad:

Yeah...it definitely is. I ran into it several times while playing last night.

And yes, agreed, not being able to place maneuver nodes for unknown reasons in a released game really isn't reasonable. We're all used to interface bugs like this and the one above, and know how to work around them, but for a new player, that is likely struggling to understand concepts like maneuver nodes and part symmetry to begin with, that stuff is just plain broken.

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Could someone verify that the Stage Only resource window doesn't work, in that it displays total resource in the vessel, but just hides the resources not used in the current stage? I encountered this the other night, but I was a bit distracted to properly pay attention.

YES it does. I noticed this but the promptly forgot.

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Please be aware that by cross-posting this tweet here, it does not mean every problem listed in this thread is on Squad's list for their planned hotfix. Hopefully, someone on the test team is vacuuming the thread for problems that Squad doesn't already have in their internal bug-tracker.

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