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Am I the only "Glass half full" guy around here?


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First of all I would like to say, wow. So many complaints about 1.0, no one complimenting the new aerodynamics model, the hard effort in creating it, or anything happy in general. Despite looking at these forums depressing me, I personally enjoy the new patch. The new parts are amazing, and fun to play around with. The interiors are just superb, nothing else to say about them. I for one am just happy about the fairings because of their stellar looks and good functionality, despite their mass, which is greatly offset by the new practically no-drag atmosphere. I just wanted to say thanks squad for all of your hard work! Hope we can get a few bugs fixed, but a lot of content and new things to play around with! :)

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People who're happy about the game are busy playing, people who are not are here complaining. You're not the only one who's happy about it. I'm enjoying it plenty so far and can't wait until modders update to 1.0 for even better gaming experience.

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I've stopped coming to this forum for the most part because the members here went from being one of the best communities I've seen in gaming to a bunch of complaining, entitled, little ....s that can't say a nice thing about anything. They hate this game. I don't know why they play it or visit the forum. The clearly hate the game. Nothing could have been released today that would have pleased them. Literally nothing. r/kerbalspaceprogram on reddit is much better. Posts about real problems get upvoted for discussion but the real negative crap just gets downvoted and you never really have to look at it.

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I'd say I'm a glass half-full guy myself, or at least I try to stay zen about things that I'm not happy with. I love that another update gives me more to play with to add to the 550+ hours I've put into this game. That said I empathize with people frustrated over things like the mk1 pod being aerodynamically unstable when a materials/utility bay and heat shield is attached, since it seems an obvious problem to spot in testing.

Altogether I think the problem is that many are too optimistic in the build-up to an update, and disappointed when it doesn't live up to their vague expectations of brilliance. Give it a week or two and the worst bugs will be ironed out, the forum will calm down and settle in to the new build and people will be back to space-talk and kerbal lovin'.

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  Mode7 said:
I've stopped coming to this forum for the most part because the members here went from being one of the best communities I've seen in gaming to a bunch of complaining, entitled, little ....s that can't say a nice thing about anything. They hate this game. I don't know why they play it or visit the forum. The clearly hate the game. Nothing could have been released today that would have pleased them. Literally nothing. r/kerbalspaceprogram on reddit is much better. Posts about real problems get upvoted for discussion but the real negative crap just gets downvoted and you never really have to look at it.

My god, this. What happened to this community? Constructive criticism is one thing, but this quote couldn't be more accurate: we really act like we hate the game sometimes.

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  MrZayas1 said:
Am I the only "Glass half full" guy around here?
Glass half-full or half-empty, it's still only half. I am, however, looking forward to trying out 1.0. If General Discussion is any indication I'm going to love the changes for stock.


  Mode7 said:
r/kerbalspaceprogram on reddit is much better. Posts about real problems get upvoted for discussion but the real negative crap just gets downvoted and you never really have to look at it.
Please stick with reddit. Alternatively, stop opening the "negative" threads and making disparaging comments about this community. Edited by regex
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Ah, the cycle continues!

Step 1: Constructive criticism and "just-plain-criticism" spring up simultaniously

Step 2: Just-plain criticism becomes more prominent than the constructive type (usually happens very quickly)

Step 3: (current step, roughly) Backlash toward criticism arises

Step 4: Chaos eventually dies down and everyone waits for the next update, return to step 1

For the record, I love the new aerodynamics model, and new parts (service bays in particular) apart from minor quibbles about the models. It does amuse me how the community at large goes through roughly this same cycle for each update :sticktongue:

To the OP here - I've seen lots of compliments to the new features, all over the place. Not sure where you're looking to have not found any.

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  regex said:
Glass half-full or half-empty, it's still only half. I am, however, looking forward to trying out 1.0. If General Discussion is any indication I'm going to love the changes for stock.

Don't speak too soon man. If you're anything like me (and I suspect you are), I suspect it's only going to take an hour or two of play before you start seeing some rather major problems and your blood pressure begins to rise ;)

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  FlowerChild said:
Don't speak too soon man. If you're anything like me (and I suspect you are), I suspect it's only going to take an hour or two of play before you start seeing some rather major problems and your blood pressure begins to rise ;)
Well, my first scheduled project is a grand tour so ... wish me luck, I guess? I'll be filming the whole thing.
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  Motokid600 said:


You both must be very new to the internet and gaming communities. Have you any idea of the atrocities that happen elsewhere? Both of you. Get. Real. Come say something when Squad starts getting death threats.

But the thing is, we used to be so nice.

I've seen other communities. I've used the ROBLOX forums. But KSP was different! We used to pride ourselves on how welcoming we were. I was amazed at how kind everybody was, we appreciated SQUAD and we really seemed to enjoy this quirky little game.

What happened, guys? What happened? :(

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You get real. I never said anything about this being the worst place on the internet. Hell, WoW's community got almost as bad as this by the time it was out of beta. Just because their are worse offenders doesn't mean that this forum is all sunshine and roses. The majority of people here are great. They like talking about KSP, rockets, space exploration, etc... Thats all cool. Unfortunately there is a minority of users that post A TON that are super negative. I don't like reading it so I switched to the reddit which is more positive.

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  regex said:
Well, my first scheduled project is a grand tour so ... wish me luck, I guess? I'll be filming the whole thing.

Best of luck. Don't get me wrong, there's some great stuff in here, and if it weren't called 1.0 it would likely be the best release yet. Let's just say we weren't wrong about it being rush job that didn't undergo sufficient testing though.

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My posts today that have to do with 1.0 have been all negative. However this isn't because I think 1.0 sucks. I like it, a lot!

But there is just that one thing that is bugging me most, heat shields flipping my craft. So that is what I have been reading and talking about most. The issue may differ but this is going to be the same for most people. It is just like tech support, no one ever calls to say my printer is working just fine, so you get a skewed perception of the product you support. These forums aren't as bad as tech support as people will come and say AWESOME, but the idea still applies.

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Maybe we just got too popular. Started attracting the wrong crowd. There seems to be a contingent of people on the internet that just love to complain or be cynical. They move from one community to another slowly sucking the life out of it like they are some kind of vampire. For them the forum is primary, the game is secondary.

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