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Windows 64 bit community workaround


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Guys, I have no more patience left! I read you guys were able to help a fellow kerbonaut by PMing two neccessary files, via dropbox or whatever, so can I ask humbly for someone to share it the same way? Stupid Unity stops downloading after 30-40 MB, every time, and to download 1,4GB just to get two files is insane. Does anyone have it on hdd, so he can share it with me? BIG THANKS!
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[quote name='ThePrometheus']Guys, I have no more patience left! I read you guys were able to help a fellow kerbonaut by PMing two neccessary files, via dropbox or whatever, so can I ask humbly for someone to share it the same way? Stupid Unity stops downloading after 30-40 MB, every time, and to download 1,4GB just to get two files is insane. Does anyone have it on hdd, so he can share it with me? BIG THANKS![/QUOTE]

Anyone doing this will be breaking the Unity3D license.

[URL="http://unity3d.com/legal/eula"][QUOTE]1. Grant of License.

Use Rights. Conditioned upon your compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and payment of all applicable fees, Unity grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license: (a) to install and execute the executable form of the Software, solely for internal use by a single person to develop Licensee Content during the applicable license term; and (b) if you have licensed a version of the Software other than a trial or educational version, to distribute the runtime portion of the Software, on a royalty-free basis, solely as embedded or incorporated into Licensee Content and solely to third parties to whom you license or sell Licensee Content pursuant to an agreement that is no less protective of Unity and its licensors as this Agreement. You may not sublicense the rights granted under clause 1(1)(a), but you may sublicense the rights granted under 1(1)(b) solely to third parties to whom you license or sell Licensee Content to act as distributors thereof pursuant to an agreement no less protective of Unity and its licensors as this Agreement.[/QUOTE][/URL]

Anyone found doing this via these forums will be subject to moderator action, sorry guys.
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My bloated 1.0.4 RO w/EVE install would go over the memory limit and do the typical crash during building/scene transition every hour or so. Got sick of it. I tried a Ubuntu partition for that x64 Linux goodness and the framerate was terrible. Tried all kinds of settings and tweaks, tried other Linux flavors instead, couldn't get it to a tolerable rate on my rig. Then I tried this.

Compared to my previous forays into official x64 Windows KSP prior to Squad cutting it (which was nightmarish), this experience has been a pleasant surprise. After applying this workaround and UnFixer, I haven't had a single crash with two solid days worth of play. And I've been able to chuck in all the memory intensive parts packs that I had to avoid before, without issue thus far. Which is freaking sweet. The only problem I've personally encountered is the buildings-appearing-fully-upgraded bug, minor when offset by the huge gains.

[quote name='ThePrometheus']Stupid Unity stops downloading after 30-40 MB, every time[/QUOTE]

I had a similar issue, only it was every 200 or so megs that it would stop. I had to use a download manager which allows resuming (Getright) to grab it.
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[quote name='fade2blk']I had a similar issue, only it was every 200 or so megs that it would stop. I had to use a download manager which allows resuming (Getright) to grab it.[/QUOTE]

Followed your example, and downloaded with Getright. Believe it or not, didn't help. Now I have corrupted Unity setup, weighing 1,4GB
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[quote name='legion1202']Very weird.. X64 was working fine... Now I am getting all my building fully upgrade but there not lol... Anyone know how to fix this?[/QUOTE]

Enter and exit SPH/VAB whenever this happens.

[quote name='Lumaan']What I do to reset that is by going in to SPH or VAB and back out, gets reset every time I do that.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='IggyHitokage']It may take a few tries, but change scenes until it 'downgrades' into the appropriate buildings. You can still use the buildings while they're "fully upgraded" but they cannot be upgraded until you bruteforce the bug to go away for a bit. It's only mildly annoying when you need to upgrade.[/QUOTE]
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Just a note for those that don't want to install Unity just to get the two files needed: You can use something like 7-Zip to open the Unity installer and just rip the needed files directly from the installer.

Now, has anyone compiled a list of the known mods that disable themselves under x64? I don't want to run Total Unfixer on the whole \GameData\ folder when only a handful of mods actually need to be patched. TIA.

EDIT: Ah, Total Unfixer seems to only patch necessary DLLs automatically now. I remembered an older version would just patch every DLL even when it wasn't needed for compatibility. Edited by bgeery
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Anyone know why I'm getting an instant white screen crash when I try to warp over 50x? Is timewarp buggy in x64, or is a known mod causing the issue?

EDIT: More info. It looks like it might be mechjeb. When it auto timewarps above 50x to a maneuver the white screen crash happens.

EDIT 2: Even at just 50x it will crash it after some seconds. The current workaround is just don't use mechjeb's autowarp; manually warp instead, using KAC to make sure to stop before the maneuver. Edited by bgeery
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I wrote a [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/117224-Windows-64-bit-community-workaround?p=2267251&viewfull=1#post2267251"]post[/URL] on this thread a month ago, when I started playing KSP under Windows 64-bit. Overall it's been more stable than I had expected, although not perfect. One issue that's been occurring with some regularity is described here: [url]http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24786-1-0-x-Kerbal-Alarm-Clock-v3-4-0-0-%28June-27%29?p=2317397&viewfull=1#post2317397[/url]

It only seems to happen with Kerbal Alarm Clock and KSP Alternate Resource Panel are installed. And it doesn't happen in 32-bit. I'd be grateful if any other intrepid x64 explorers out there could grab my craft file and/or environment and let me know if they can reproduce the problem too. Thanks!
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  • 2 weeks later...

So far, this is working incredibly well for me (better than it ever has before).

The one issue that I have noticed so far (and I'm not sure that it wasn't due to my highly inclined eccentric orbit) - that moving maneuvre nodes doesn't seem to be reflected in the "predicted track"


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I'm 'not asking' anyone to hook me up with anything, but I was doing some troubleshooting today and stupidly verified my game cache without backing up the 64-bit files, which were duly replaced with crummy 32-bit. Now everything is janky. My internet is hanging by a thread right now and I literally can't download stuff (I don't mean 'it takes a week', I mean - nada). Again, completely 'not' asking anyone to message me through my YT channel or on here with any advice on how I can get 64 bit working again, because things were running beautifully and now they're not and can't fix :(

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Anyone as a solution for the upgraded building bug? In 1.0.4 I could enter a building and get out and I would be back to not upgraded building. Now in 1.0.5 I can do this 10 times and I will still have the bug.

Is there a way to edit the save or a mod that can let you upgrade buildings.

Other than that it is running amazingly well I just wish I could play in career mode but right now I just can't since I get limited very fast by the tier 1 building.

Edited by IceSentryy
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HI there. Prior to this I have been using the -force-opengl method. I have been trying to get the 64x to work, but I am hitting a wall. I keep getting error = 193 whenever I try the workaround. Specifically with the mono.dll. I am using the paths suggested by the OP and backed up the files needed from Unity 4.6.4. However, I keep running into an unbootable game.


Any suggestions or tips would be wonderful.


Edit: Windows 7 Enterprise Editions SP1, 64x

Edited by Shirefolk
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Guest Space Cowboy

Ran it tonight on 1.0.5 with a large Ubiozur (1600+ piece) weldment and got no noticeable FPS improvement, not that I was expecting it. 

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This worked great for a little while, but now I'm getting increasingly frequent, seemingly random freezes. (As in it happened 3 times just while moving from a Jool encounter to periapsis. Still haven't gotten to periapsis.) Seems to have something to do with autosaving, but other than that I have no idea. Usually happens while timewarping, but has also happened when clicking on things or docking with the asteroid grabber or doing... literally anything, apparently. The logs are pretty unhelpful, since it's not crashing, just going into "not responding" mode.

I'm about ready to give up and just quit this game until 1.1 potentially maybe gives us a marginally stable 64-bit version. I have what seems like a pretty average number of mods, but the 32-bit game runs out of memory and crashes in no time. So my choices are constant crashes, or constant freezes. After spending weeks struggling with a different bizarre bug that screwed up the UI at random, I'm running out of patience.

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i've done everything that was said, however my load screen starts in developmental mode with no load bar and the dev. console starts. It has the old painting they had way back when and refuses to load past this, just recycling the witty tips. anyone know how to fix this or know what i did wrong?


Edit: i used the wrong file if you get this message you went to win64_development, you need to go to the folder beneith that one that is win_64nondevelopment


Edited by lilkoi98
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Tried running my modded 1.05 build with open gl, black screen.

Tried this workaround but the loading screen gets stuck at 3.6Gb of ram and won't finish loading all assets i've also used unfixer to patch needed dlls so i don't know what else to try. 

As it stands i can only play vanilla. Modded will either ctd, go black screen or straight up not load.

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I know 1.1 is just around the corner but... I have the old 64 bit Squad version still on my computer. Is it possible to get the 2 needed files ( the KSP64.exe and mono.dll) from the old version and copy them into 1.05? Will it work and is it legal?

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No one replied to my query so... I copied KSP_x64.exe out of KSP .25 and the mono and resources folders out of KSP_x64_Data and pasted them into their respective KSP 105 locations. Seemed to work just fine (got an error until I added the recources folder). Is it operating as 64 bit now? I have no idea but it works.

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  On 12/24/2015 at 9:48 PM, Red Shirt said:

No one replied to my query so... I copied KSP_x64.exe out of KSP .25 and the mono and resources folders out of KSP_x64_Data and pasted them into their respective KSP 105 locations. Seemed to work just fine (got an error until I added the recources folder). Is it operating as 64 bit now? I have no idea but it works.


if you get the 'warning you are using a 64bit build'-message, then yes.

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