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[1.0] 5dim Helium-3 Space mining [2015-05-2]


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5dim industries have been discover Helium-3 (He-3) in Kerbin System!!

It´s time to go outside Kerbin and harvest He-3, because it´s the best fuel for our nuclear power plants. So, You can go there and harvest it and come back Kerbin to sell it making a good profit.

-= Description =-

5dim Helium-3 Space mining is a mod that add a new resource: He-3.

This resource is located in all planets and moons except Kerbin and Minmus. You can detect and harvest it with vanilla parts, He-3 can be store in Xenon tanks, you can switch between xenon and He-3.

The value of He-3 in Kerbin is really good but not too high, so you can earn money doing spacial mining but this mod dont break the career mode.


-= Download =-

You can download it from Curse Forge

-= Requirements =-

This mod needs ModuleManager and Interstelar fuel Switch but ALL are include in the mod.

-=Recommended mods =-

-= Changelog =-

[v0.2] [2015-5-13] -

- Added He-3 to asteorid

- Minor fixes.

[v0.2] [2015-05-2] -

- Added InterstellarFuelSwitch to Switch between xenon/He-3

[v0.1] [2015-04-30] -

- Release

-= License =-

5dim Helium-3 Space mining is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0

-=Notes =-

Thanks to ModuleManager to do it possible.

Edited by odin_spain
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Solved, sorry :blush:

- - - Updated - - -

Eve have He-3 because I think it´s impossible to go there to extract it. On the contrary, Minmus have a low gravity and harvest there will be really easy.

Duna and Lathyne are really far away from Kerbin, so the profit will not be really good.

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Looks good. I do like the idea of this. Though looking through your resource configs, i noticed no he-3 @ Jool. Would be cool if that was added in. The Galileo probe measured significant amounts of He-3 in Jupiter atmo. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helium-3#Solar_nebula_.28primordial.29_abundance )

I built a Atmospheric mining rig for Karbonite in orbit of Jool a while back, He-3mining at Jool would be cool.


You could even borrow the atmospheric harvesting parts from Karbonite if you like (the license allows for it with proper attribution)

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Why introduce a new Helium3 resource? Did you not realsize Helium3 is standardised in the Community Resource Pack as LqdHe3?

Freethinker brings up a good point (of which i didnt even realize that He-3 was in the CRP, thanks for pointing that out)

I would always default to using resources in the CRP if at all possible to help with inter-mod cooperation.

For a future update: Instead of mining He-3 direction from the ground. Have it extracted from the stock ore, using the ISRU system? Its a bit more realistic.

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Because CRP is not for 1.0 yet and we have a new resurce system in 1.0.

Also, harvest He-3 from the ground is not a good idea because I don´t like to extract it from Minmus (you´ll make a big profit easily and brake career mode)

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Looks good. I do like the idea of this. Though looking through your resource configs, i noticed no he-3 @ Jool. Would be cool if that was added in. The Galileo probe measured significant amounts of He-3 in Jupiter atmo. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helium-3#Solar_nebula_.28primordial.29_abundance )

I built a Atmospheric mining rig for Karbonite in orbit of Jool a while back, He-3mining at Jool would be cool.


You could even borrow the atmospheric harvesting parts from Karbonite if you like (the license allows for it with proper attribution)

Notice, KSPI also allow resource harvesting above the atmosphere of all avaialble atmospheric resources. I also made it that light resources lie Hydrogen and Helium are much more abundant above the atmosphere.

- - - Updated - - -

Another this, you say you store them in a Xenon tank, why not make it a switchable Xenon tank? I made the Xenon tank switchable in my just released Interstellar Fuel Switch Mod, which is an improvement of FireSpitters Fuel tank which allows easier configuration.

Another question is, what is the reason you harves He3 in the first place? Except for profit, it's main use is in possible future Seconds generation Fusion engies, like the once found in KSPI and they will use LqdHe3.

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CRP is 1.0 Ready! See Roverdudes Github (Version 4.0 is for KSP 1.0)

I like the idea of mining for profit very much!


If you make the resources section like this, the tanks are empty!



name = He-3

amount = 0

maxAmount = 5250


Edited by ManuxKerb
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Mun is not really easy (if you are a newbie), when you go to other planets usually you don´t need extra founds.

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks, I know it, but the problem is about the cost because is a vanilla part.

If a put amount=0 the cost will be 0 when tank is full. yes it´s weird, but I expect to solve it in the next release maybe doing it switchable xenon/He-3

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Interesting... Could make a good way of getting income while doing other missions, I'll check it out. Good job !

An awesome picture

Wait wait wait. If I get this correctly you are in orbit just above the atmosphere and dipping these arms below the craft to harvest Karbonite ? Wow.

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You might try a CFG like this so your no doubling what a tank has

@name = He-3_TankLarge
@title = PB-X750 He-3 Container
@description = Although most of the Probodobodyne staff couldn't pronounce "He-3", when told how to say it correctly, they all agreed it sounded super-cool - and everything possible should be done so it could be used as a fuel, no matter the cost.

%name = He-3
amount = 5250
maxAmount = 5250


@name = He-3_RadialTank
@title = PB-X50R He-3 Container
@description = The X50R is a small-volume He-3 container, heralded by engineers for being ideally suited for small ion-driven spacecraft, and also for having thoroughly disproved management in their notion that a smaller fuel tank would make the fuel cheaper.

%name = He-3
amount = 400
maxAmount = 400

@name = He-3_Tank
@title = PB-X150 He-3 Container
@description = Although most of the Probodobodyne staff couldn't pronounce "He-3", when told how to say it correctly, they all agreed it sounded super-cool - and everything possible should be done so it could be used as a fuel, no matter the cost.

%name = He-3
amount = 700
maxAmount = 700

@name = SurfaceScanner_He-3
@title = Surface Scanning Module He-3

name = ModuleResourceScanner
ScannerType = 0
%ResourceName = He-3
MaxAbundanceAltitude = 1000
RequiresUnlock = false

%resourceName = He-3

@name = He-3_RadialDrill

name = ModuleResourceHarvester
HarvesterType = 0
Efficiency = 1
%ResourceName = He-3
%ConverterName = He-3 Harvester
%StartActionName = Start He-3 Harvester
%StopActionName = Stop He-3 Harvester
ImpactTransform = ImpactTransform
ImpactRange = 6

AutoShutdown = true
GeneratesHeat = true
TemperatureModifier = 60
UseSpecializationBonus = true
SpecialistHeatFactor = 0.2
SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.1
SpecialistShutoffTemp = 0.40
DefaultShutoffTemp = 0.25
Specialty = Engineer
EfficiencyBonus = 1.0

ResourceName = ElectricCharge
Ratio = 15

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When do i get to the drill in the techtree ? I''m running out of science and cash and i fear i will not make it to the drill to get money for the mun mission (wich i would need anyway for the science there...)

Any play advise ?


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Are you making them has for what you have you are just adding to the stock tanks not making a new part like, I posted.

EDIT- The way you have it





name = He-3

amount = 700

maxAmount = 700



You are just adding 700 He-3 with the 700 xenon so now the tank as 1400 total. Edited by Mecripp2
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Yes, I know I'm doubling the space for both in a same container. But when are you going to use xenon and He-3 at the same time? in a minning probe? Xenon is for ion drives and it can't be loaded with drills or take off the Mun.

Anyway, I'll try to solve it.

I tried your code



@name = He-3_TankLarge.....

but it duplicated me the part.

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Yes, I know I'm doubling the space for both in a same container. But when are you going to use xenon and He-3 at the same time? in a minning probe? Xenon is for ion drives and it can't be loaded with drills or take off the Mun.

Anyway, I'll try to solve it.

I tried your code



@name = He-3_TankLarge.....

but it duplicated me the part.

Because you Copied it wrong



@name = He-3_TankLarge

@title = PB-X750 He-3 Container

@description = Although most of the Probodobodyne staff couldn't pronounce "He-3", when told how to say it correctly, they all agreed it sounded super-cool - and everything possible should be done so it could be used as a fuel, no matter the cost.



%name = He-3

amount = 5250 // <---------- you also have to add @ or % on the RESOURCE

maxAmount = 5250



And the point is if you not using the xenon you have more weight and cost.

The other way is to take out the xenon but some people might want to use it for some sat's would be

%name = He-3
amount = 700
maxAmount = 700

EDIT- And if you mean duplicated has made you 2 tanks one is just xenon and one is just He-3 then yes that what it does but it's your mod do it how ever, I can edit my own files was just trying to help.

Edited by Mecripp2
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