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Biggest regret


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What is your biggest regret in KSP? Is it a past faliure which weighs heavily on your mind, or something which you can never quite achieve.

For me, it's that despite owning the game for years, I have not managed a successful docking so far. I've attempted it a few times, but found it hard to get the launch time right when it's passing overhead, or can't get near enough to the other craft without zooming past it.

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I've never built any sort of outpost, either on land or in space, nor have I ever sent a ship further away than Eve or Duna. I intend to fix that with 1.0 (I guess technically 1.0.1, now).

Also, OP, I found the new docking tutorial to be quite helpful. I had basically never docked before, and I've managed it several times in my career game without incident since doing the tutorial.

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Attempted a flight to Moho and back but severely underestimated the delta-v needed.

Result: two kerbonauts are stranded orbiting Moho in a lander with empty tanks and another kerbonaut in Kerbol orbit in a ship with empty tanks again...

Never attempted to rescue them, but never terminated crafts either: they've been out there for ~15 years now ;.;

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I'm ashamed to admit it, but my some of my bases were set up using cheats D: My Moho base in particular. The base itself was fine, it made the descent free of hax, but in order to get to that point, I had to infinite-fuel my transfer stage. I vastly under-calculated the amount of dV I would need to circularize, and it sure didn't help that I didn't nail the transfer window. My circularization maneuver ended up being something like 6000 m/s. No way was I gonna make that happen on one Nerv and a half empty orange tank!

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Ive only gone outside of kerbins soi for asteroids, and went to laythe once (never finished that mission...)

in the two years that ive played KSP...

i think its mainly that i think the ksc shouldnt go for years without a rocket launch.

i plan to go interplanetary soon thoughl whenever EPL and KAS updates so i can build bases :D

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My biggest regret is buying the game in the first place, thereby ruining the rest of my life forever. How I am I supposed to get anything done from now on?

I barely make enough time to wash my towel, or mix drinks anymore!

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  Vanamonde said:
A crew of intrepid explorers got marooned on Bop when their ship ran out of fuel, and is still there, awaiting rescue. That was in version .17 or so.

wow, by this point they've probably formed an new civilization and culture!

  justidutch said:
My biggest regret is buying the game in the first place, thereby ruining the rest of my life forever. How I am I supposed to get anything done from now on?

I barely make enough time to wash my towel, or mix drinks anymore!

just wrap a slice of lemon around a large gold brick.

My regret, I've never found the anomaly on Val.

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Mine probably is that I have yet to send Kerbals to anywhere besides the Mun, Minmus, and Duna. I'm planning an expedition to Gilly, however, so I'm going to at least add another body to my count.

  Scotius said:
I never returned anything and anyone from Eve :( For me that planet could be a black hole - nothing comes back from there.

If you can't rescue Kerbals from Eve, at least give them nifty habitats to make their permanent vacation in the purple planet less painful. And if you aren't scared of looong trips(or the distance is short), send a rover to each stranded Kerbal and take them to a common base, so they can at least maintain contact with each other. :wink:

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Mine is never delivering the Helios Moho base that I spent a lot of time on planning and designing. It had several parts: a wheeled habitat module, a solar farm, a food farm (I used TAC life support at the time), and a return vehicle.

The whole thing was ready in orbit but a new version of KSP came out so..


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  LeonG17 said:
What is your biggest regret in KSP? Is it a past faliure which weighs heavily on your mind, or something which you can never quite achieve.

For me, it's that despite owning the game for years, I have not managed a successful docking so far. I've attempted it a few times, but found it hard to get the launch time right when it's passing overhead, or can't get near enough to the other craft without zooming past it.

Firstly, here's the easy way to dock (assuming you have already rendezvous):

• Take two crafts into a 90 degree orbit.

• Align craft A so that the docking port faces North (red line on the nav ball).

• Align craft B so that it's docking port faces South (180 degrees on navball).

VERY important that you do this. Having the ports face these direction means that as you orbit the planet, the ports don't "drift." I am willing to bet you cant dock because you ports keep drifting causing you to not only kill relative velocities, but also chase the port at the same time.

• Change camera mode to "Locked" (V key)

Optional. I find docking 100% easier with this viewpoint, but it's not critical to the process.

• Moving SLOWLY and in ONE direction at a time (don't try diagonals) inch your way closer to the docking port on all axis (top/bottom and left/right if you look at your craft from the engine in locked camera mode)

• Once aligned, press H to close the gap

• ???

• Profit!

Secondly, my biggest regret is despite having all these planets to explore, I've only ever been as far as Duna (did it in a recent stream, you can see it if you want by clicking the link in my sig)

*shameless self plug

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I can't make an Eve lander capable of a return mission, and I gave up trying after a few hours of attempts. Never landed Kerbals there, just one-way probe missions. I cry a little each time I get the "Explore Eve" contract in Career mode since I know it will be yet another automated probe rather than Jeb and Bill and Bob.

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