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1.0.1 and 1.0.2 are spot on!


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Man those bugfixes are just peachy! I have never had as much fun with KSP compared to right now. The parachute behavior is just glorious! My heatshield doesn't flip my command pod.

This is just pure bliss. Perfect way to spend my Friday night. Thanks for the timely bugfixes, Squad. You guys have yourselves a relaxing weekend after what I can only imaging was a crazy crunch time leading up to release, and putting in the time afterwards to see 1.01/1.02 through. Cheers!

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Had to add another fuel can to my SSTO, but the top speed before fizzling was higher, and the descent seemed more manageable. And nervas are usable again. Plus bugfixes.

So yeah, I also rank 1.0.1-2 as improvements :)

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Waaah, I can no longer cheat by punching through the lower atmosphere with high TWR to save dV or using cubic octagonal struts as nose cones. Oh wait, those are good things. And honestly, while the new Aero in 1.02 is a little soupier than it was in 1.0, it is a dream compared to 0.90 or before. Indeed, if I had never flown anything in 1.0, I would likely find it nearly perfect after getting used to designing and flying for it. I still have to test a lot of the other improvements, but they also seem spot on from what was in the forums: such as the nervas, drills, heatshield, & parachute fixes.

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  eddiew said:
Had to add another fuel can to my SSTO, but the top speed before fizzling was higher, and the descent seemed more manageable.

I'm sorry, but at least 2 threads here say that SSTOs are impossible and the game is broken forever. You are obviously not playing correctly.


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my rockets dont work anymore. they overheat during launch and dont get proper orbit...

i have to tweak again.

mechjeb does silly stuff too :)

- - - Updated - - -

.... and i got many crash to desktop. probably because of the 2 mods i use (planetshine and mechjeb)

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  KingPhantom said:
my rockets dont work anymore. they overheat during launch and dont get proper orbit...

i have to tweak again.

mechjeb does silly stuff too :)

- - - Updated - - -

.... and i got many crash to desktop. probably because of the 2 mods i use (planetshine and mechjeb)

Just tried a mechjeb launch for you.

Incredibly simple rocket, 3.6km/s to orbit using the 1.0 method I used. Not too shabby - it works ok.

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  5thHorseman said:
I'm sorry, but at least 2 threads here say that SSTOs are impossible and the game is broken forever. You are obviously not playing correctly.


Yes, I did break 1.0 on the day of its release. I made a SSTO by only clicking randomly and made an orbit at second try. This definitely tells me I'm doing it wrong. :D

Edited by Mat2ch
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  Linear said:
Just tried a mechjeb launch for you.

Incredibly simple rocket, 3.6km/s to orbit using the 1.0 method I used. Not too shabby - it works ok.

MJ is fiddly. Some rockets I can hand fly to orbit it can't handle at all, other rockets I can't fly worth a darn it brings to orbit just fine. MJ is getting there, but needs some more tweaking I guess.

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  KingPhantom said:
my rockets dont work anymore. they overheat during launch and dont get proper orbit...

There must be wrong with your ascent profile / speed.. because i'm using 120% re-entry heating and with an 80-100 convection factor set by debug (for testing purposes atm, default with 120% thermal setting the convection factor is 40) and i still don't have any issues with overheating during launch. Fins start overheating sometimes, but nothing explodes.

Note that i don't use mechjeb. The gravity turn is initiated by pilot below 1000 m altitude, and after that the rocket continues its turn by its own.

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No No no there is something wildly wrong with the new aerodynamic. I put a plan into a full throttle dive last night and it actually slowed down! No there is something wrong.

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  sp1989 said:
No No no there is something wildly wrong with the new aerodynamic. I put a plan into a full throttle dive last night and it actually slowed down! No there is something wrong.

Not necessarily, that's the meaning of terminal velocity... you can accelerate only so much when going downwards... ask any free fall skydiver!!!!

P.S. Also keep in mind that you will always slow down as you hit thicker air due to the effects of drag.

Edited by BruceKnowles
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1.0.2 is spot on, very much so. I played around with an SSTO crew sled last night, many revisions and testing over some four hours before finding the perfect formula. This is what KSP is about, iteration, design, flying, testing, learning. Science and engineering, basically. Also asking your friends for help when you're in a pinch. ;)

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1.0.2 is the 1.0 I had hoped for. I was worried it would take them longer to get stuff sorted out, given how rushed the last few weeks of development have been, but 4 days after 1.0 is pretty good. There are still a few minor bits that may warrant tweaking, but I'm pretty happy.

Good work, Squad!

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I haven't had much time to test 1.0.2, but from what I did manage to test - Yep, I love it.

Overheat of mining rigs is long gone, pods are self balancing on reentry, heatshields function as one would expect...

All in all, its a much more intuitive system. Reentry from high orbit (Mun return, for example) using aerobraking happens exactly as I would expect it to. Lowering the Pe to 25-30 km ensures safe and realistic deceleration (around 6 g), parachutes are not indestructible and provide much nicer, lower g, making them a bit more dangerous, which is awesome. There is still plenty of ablator on the smallest shield (when only pod and parachute are returning) which gives me confidence that it will be a viable procedure for return even from higher orbits.

I haven't had the chance to test nukes yet, but I hear they're fixed as well.

Good work SQUAD!

There are still a few crucial things that are missing from stock, mainly the stuff you get with KER. Most of useful (and fundamental) data is hard to access, or not displayed at all. Hope it gets implemented too.

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No. Spaceplanes are god awful now and limited to a very minimalistic layout - part count was already punished by calculation limitations - and now I can't build spaceplanes that look good or (ironically) aerodynamic. A fix is needed, badly.

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  Aanker said:
No. Spaceplanes are god awful now and limited to a very minimalistic layout - part count was already punished by calculation limitations - and now I can't build spaceplanes that look good or (ironically) aerodynamic. A fix is needed, badly.

Really? I can build planes that both look good and are aerodynamic. Must be you.

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I think 1.02 is fantastic, its the game I've been wanting Kerbal to become for years.

There is a good reason we don't have any SSTO's in real life, the aren't possible with conventional technology. People should just be glad they can make them at all in Kerbal instead of complaining that their old designs don't work.

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  pslytely psycho said:
Regex, are you gushing!?!?!?! :D:cool::)
Aside from career mode, which I find to be a terrible mess and can easily avoid, I couldn't be happier with stock right now. Well, I could be happier, I suppose, but it's in a really good place. Squad did right. I just wish they'd have published a roadmap back in the day so I wouldn't have a reputation to overcome now.
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I like the update. I remember being a little put off by the first plane I ever designed, which was pre .90.

It was a small one engine thing it flew very well and I wanted to see how high and fast it could fly, I nosed up to a 45 degree angle then nosed up even further. When the engine finally died I went to map view to see how high I would coast. The Ap was in space forget the hieght but I remember making it to space at under 80k closer to 70K I think.

I also find the update to make designing planes and SSTO's a little more intitutive. Jets lose thrust at higher altitudes, high aspect wing ratios cause more drag than lower aspect ratios at high speeds, build something that looks like it can fly it probally can reasonably well, you may need SAS to help out if you did not pay attention to COG, COL, and COT. I am actually finding it easier to design because it is now related closer to reallife. Sure there are still some things you can do to take advantage of how things are calculated and can get some crazy things to fly, which I think is a good thing. It is fun to build some crazy stuff that I like how it looks and "cheating" to get it to work.

Overall I am happy with this update, I am not sure about reentry heat. I set the difficulty to maxium and after 1.0.2 it seems you have to work at a craft failing during reentry. I can get parts to explode easily enough but I have tried some very agressive reentry angles with no ill effect. The only time I worried was when returning from the Mun and only had enough delta-v to get my PE to around 40k for return. Several orbits around kerbin and I started worrying my ablative was going to be gone during my final descent. It seems spending more time in spent in the atmosphere above a certain speed effects ablative wear. Which kind of makes sense to me it is the friction wearing it down pulling it and the heat it is holding away from the craft. Not sure if that is close to realistic but that is how I see it from my limited understanding of how this stuff works.

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1.0.1 and 1.0.2 are spot on!

I'm afraid they just aren't for me. 1.0 has sucked the life out of KSP for me.

I guess it depends how you like to play the game. I'm an engineer and I like building clever stuff and using it. I don't like that things fall apart for no good reason or fall out of the sky for no good reason or that I can't put a craft into orbit around Eve now for no good reason.

I think I'm done with KSP for now.

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  Foxster said:
I'm afraid they just aren't for me. 1.0 has sucked the life out of KSP for me.

I guess it depends how you like to play the game. I'm an engineer and I like building clever stuff and using it. I don't like that things fall apart for no good reason or fall out of the sky for no good reason or that I can't put a craft into orbit around Eve now for no good reason.

I think I'm done with KSP for now.

That is exactly how 1.0 made me feel, but 1.02 changed all that and I'm excited about Kerbal again.

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  Foxster said:
I'm afraid they just aren't for me. 1.0 has sucked the life out of KSP for me.

I guess it depends how you like to play the game. I'm an engineer and I like building clever stuff and using it. I don't like that things fall apart for no good reason or fall out of the sky for no good reason or that I can't put a craft into orbit around Eve now for no good reason.

I think I'm done with KSP for now.

Why can't you put a craft into orbit around Eve?
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  Foxster said:
I'm afraid they just aren't for me. 1.0 has sucked the life out of KSP for me.

I guess it depends how you like to play the game. I'm an engineer and I like building clever stuff and using it. I don't like that things fall apart for no good reason or fall out of the sky for no good reason or that I can't put a craft into orbit around Eve now for no good reason.

I think I'm done with KSP for now.

As an engineer I'm kind of surprised you don't like the engineering challenge of designing a rocket/spaceplane that flies like a rocket/spaceplane should.

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