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Jax Pok Introduction

Guest Jax Pok

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Guest Jax Pok
Welcome to the forums Jax Pok!

You will be able to set an avatar up after you have had three posts.

Happy landings!

Thanks for the tip :)

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Guest Jax Pok
Welcome to the forums! Can you post a link to your channel? :)

Hi and Thanks

No music vids on it yet I'm working on two at the same time so in a few weeks. Already bumped into too many trolls on her so not going to risk putting a link sorry.

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Guest Jax Pok

I'm going to have to quit this forum already getting abuse for asking for advice on mods. thanks and bye

Could a mod please delete my account on here thanks.

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I'm going to have to quit this forum already getting abuse for asking for advice on mods. thanks and bye

Could a mod please delete my account on here thanks.

What, already?! Show me to the aggressor, they shall pay for staining the reputation of this community! :mad:

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I'm going to have to quit this forum already getting abuse for asking for advice on mods. thanks and bye

Could a mod please delete my account on here thanks.

Vhat? Vhere es he, lemme at 'im!

Welcome... and possibly goodbye....

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I'm going to have to quit this forum already getting abuse for asking for advice on mods. thanks and bye

Could a mod please delete my account on here thanks.

This is unacceptable! This is a not at all representative of the KSP community!

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Ferram was being sarcastic. He wasn't being an ass, he was giving an example. Starwhip and Dman979, he is overreacting. He asked if there is a point in using FAR since 1.0, and ferram gave a sarcastic response. So, because of sarcasm, he is quitting the forums.

Edited by xXIndestructibleEVAXx
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No thread. He made a pie to the face comment in the FAR thread the other day. This however is something were all going to have to get used to. KSP is official now so the flood of new players will surely bring about these... strange users. Young children most likely. Nothing wrong with that of course its what KSP attempts to cater to and that's really good to get kids interested in space travel when there young so it sticks. But at the same time it can be hard to have a fluent conversation with an eight year old, lol. Best just accept the fact that this is going to happen more often and simply make an attempt to point them in the right direction.

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