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[1.4.2] ForScience! v1.5.2 - Your science autopilot.

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  On 4/23/2016 at 8:30 PM, WaveFunctionP said:

The mod really shouldn't do anything if there are no science containers on the vessel. I just noticed that it isn't handling probes properly right now on my play through as well. The flickering button is the mod registering and unregistered the button on the toolbar. So, I dun goofed somewhere. I'l try to get a fix in for probes (and apparently destroyed vessels too) this weekend.


Love the mod, excellent job.
I keep getting "Surface Sample" experiments(obviously from having a Kerbal EVA)...but i have R&D tier 1(no upgrades on any buildings either)

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  On 4/24/2016 at 10:20 AM, Blaarkies said:

Love the mod, excellent job.
I keep getting "Surface Sample" experiments(obviously from having a Kerbal EVA)...but i have R&D tier 1(no upgrades on any buildings either)


Oh, sorry. I keep forgetting to fix that one. :P

I put in a fix in the next version with the probe issue fix.

I have a working version now that should fix everything. I'm just putting it through the paces. Hopefully, if all goes well, I'll have a new version up in an hour or so.

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v 1.4 - Bugfixapaloosa
- Fixed surface sample being improperly run without the correct unlocks in career
- Fixed for probe shenanigan.
- Removed the now unnecessary biome detection throttling.
- Fixed an issue where the button (color) could get out of sync with the logic state
- Fixed an issue with switching to other vessels in range.
- Fixed an issue with flickering buttons on probes and when a vessel is destroyed

Awaiting approval on curse. Shouldn't be long.

Sorry for the issues, hopefully everything is gravy now.

Edited by WaveFunctionP
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  On 4/25/2016 at 11:54 PM, Tossy64 said:

Thank you for the update, I just got this and was wondering what the flashing/flickering FS button was about. Will the new version be available on CKAN soon?


Since it doesn't update automatically, I'm going to wait a couple of weeks before I bother the ckan folks to update the version in case a major bug is found.

Someone has to actually complete some process that I don't understand to actually publish it, and I'd rather not abuse their generosity.

Edited by WaveFunctionP
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I just started testing this mod in 1.1.1 and I had a possible bug to report. If I am just doing something wrong please let me know.

Clean install of KSP 1.1.1 64 bit on Windows. FS 1.4 is only mod installed.

Brand new Normal difficulty career - launched a command pod with just 2 Goo containers and nothing else. Jeb (pilot) in the command seat.

  1. FS did nothing until I EVA'ed (maybe this is normal?)
  2. FS didn't collect the Goo science.


Overall, nice job on the mod :)


Edited by MalevolentNinja
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  On 4/29/2016 at 3:20 AM, MalevolentNinja said:

I just started testing this mod in 1.1.1 and I had a possible bug to report. If I am just doing something wrong please let me know.

Clean install of KSP 1.1.1 64 bit on Windows. FS 1.4 is only mod installed.

Brand new Normal difficulty career - launched a command pod with just 2 Goo containers and nothing else. Jeb (pilot) in the command seat.

  1. FS did nothing until I EVA'ed (maybe this is normal?)
  2. FS didn't collect the Goo science.

Overall, nice job on the mod :)



It should detect a change in availability for experiments automaticly and run the appropriate tests. I suspect that either it was doing some loading wonkyness or you missed that the experiments ran...it happens really fast. You can always manually force it to check for new experiments by toggling the toolbar icon.

As for the goo, the mod will only run experiments that do not need a scientist to reset. You either need have a scientist onboard to run them automatically, or you need to click and run a specific experiment manually like normal, and it will grab the data and make the experiment inoperable as normal.

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Two comments:

    1.  The collection of data at the LaunchPad is non-functional due to the elimination of the delay in StatesHaveChanged().  Reinstating the stopwatch delay re-enables the collection of science at the LaunchPad.

    2.  The decision to prevent science from the non-repeatable experiments does not appear to be consistent with the KSP model, which allows the one-time collection to data from non-repeatable experiments.  It is my opinion (and only my opinion) that it would be better to have ForScience be more consistent with the KSP model and allow the collection of science one-time from non-repeatable experiments without a scientist. 



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Love the mod, but i got 1 problem with it. i use Station Science and these are intended to be long term projects, requiring several big and heavy station parts to finish. My station have been orbiting kerbin for about 100 days and is nearly halfway done.

But i installed For Science! earlier today, and as i loaded up the station, i instantly got them all completed, even though i hadn't even started a couple.


any way to make an exeption for these? othervise it kinda ruins that mod. (or automaticly disabled on vehicle load)



Allso would love an option for unmanned probes to transmits all sience.

Edited by Elmotrix
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  On 5/4/2016 at 7:58 PM, skips said:

Two comments:

    1.  The collection of data at the LaunchPad is non-functional due to the elimination of the delay in StatesHaveChanged().  Reinstating the stopwatch delay re-enables the collection of science at the LaunchPad.

    2.  The decision to prevent science from the non-repeatable experiments does not appear to be consistent with the KSP model, which allows the one-time collection to data from non-repeatable experiments.  It is my opinion (and only my opinion) that it would be better to have ForScience be more consistent with the KSP model and allow the collection of science one-time from non-repeatable experiments without a scientist. 




I'll take a look at the launchpad issue.

As for the run once experiments, ideally this would be something that could be automatic, but unfortunately I do not know of a way to handle them that wouldn't also run the risk of wasting an experiment, and certainly not without complicated and possible confusing hidden logic. I don't want the player to have to read a manual to understand why and when the experiments are run, and run-once logic tends towards that direction. I am sympathetic to your suggestion, don't get me wrong. I just do not know how to fit it within the user experience priorities that For Science attempts to adhere to.

  On 5/4/2016 at 8:52 PM, Elmotrix said:

Love the mod, but i got 1 problem with it. i use Station Science and these are intended to be long term projects, requiring several big and heavy station parts to finish. My station have been orbiting kerbin for about 100 days and is nearly halfway done.

But i installed For Science! earlier today, and as i loaded up the station, i instantly got them all completed, even though i hadn't even started a couple.


any way to make an exeption for these? othervise it kinda ruins that mod. (or automaticly disabled on vehicle load)



Allso would love an option for unmanned probes to transmits all sience.


Oh, that IS bad. I'm sorry if it messed up your game. I'll look into a solution for you. I don't have an ETA, in the meanwhile, you may want to disable forscience when switching/docking to those vessels or removing the mod. I'm sorry that I don't have a more immediate solution.

I would love to support probes at some point. I've tried a few different ideas that didn't pan out for it so far, but I could probably give it more of an effort. I've just been busy with other projects.

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  On 5/5/2016 at 12:25 AM, WaveFunctionP said:

Oh, that IS bad. I'm sorry if it messed up your game. I'll look into a solution for you. I don't have an ETA, in the meanwhile, you may want to disable forscience when switching/docking to those vessels or removing the mod. I'm sorry that I don't have a more immediate solution.

I would love to support probes at some point. I've tried a few different ideas that didn't pan out for it so far, but I could probably give it more of an effort. I've just been busy with other projects.


Allright. Much experience with Arma 2 modding, none with Kerbal, but i looked up your source, did some research and i whipped this out:

else if (currentExperiment.experimentActionName == "Finalize Results") // this is Station Science. Station Science is the only once who uses this text, and they use it on all their experiments

    Debug.Log("[ForScience!] Skipping: Station Science: " + currentExperiment.experiment.id);


Add this to your Skip exceptions list of checks. Did a quick test and it worked perfectly. These experiments are done so rarely that doing them manually is the next best thing. And their contracts usly include returning the experiment in their original container as well, so just completely leaving these out is actually a good solution.

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  On 5/5/2016 at 12:25 AM, WaveFunctionP said:

As for the run once experiments, ideally this would be something that could be automatic, but unfortunately I do not know of a way to handle them that wouldn't also run the risk of wasting an experiment, and certainly not without complicated and possible confusing hidden logic. I don't want the player to have to read a manual to understand why and when the experiments are run, and run-once logic tends towards that direction. I am sympathetic to your suggestion, don't get me wrong. I just do not know how to fit it within the user experience priorities that For Science attempts to adhere to.


See my posts from 7 Jun 2015 for my solution to this problem.  As far as I can tell it does not lose any science and it matches the original game mechanics.



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  On 5/5/2016 at 7:50 PM, skips said:

See my posts from 7 Jun 2015 for my solution to this problem.  As far as I can tell it does not lose any science and it matches the original game mechanics.




It would trivial to simply run any experiment the first time it is available, it is less so to run them only when you would get maximum value (the only acceptable behavior), which would require predicting the future. I don't know if the vessel is going to @InSpaceHighKerbin or stay in the atmosphere, if the vessel is going to dock and offload science to return early, and go on to the moon or head off to Jool. Even assuming that I just rerun the experiment and only keep the highest value, I will still run into issue with faulty triggers, possible invalid experiments, and multiple goos and bays in multi-command vessels. I simply have no good clear way to resolve this ambiguity.

If I could 100% rely on state and value detection, it might work, but unfortunately it has not had a history of being reliable. The logic for that functionality has been rewritten in some way nearly every version. And I don't want to be the guy to blame when someone does a grand tour and has his heavy hitting science over written by landing back on Kerbin. That would be an absolutely terrible experience.

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@WaveFunctionP  I keep getting "Crew report" experiments, but no kerbal is onboard(an unmanned test flight for a tourist ship that hopefully doesnt burn up).
It has a probe core, and 2 Mk1 crew cabins. (I'm happy with the mod, but just want to help with bug reports

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I'm loving this mod, but I have one major issue with it, and one minor gripe.

The major issue is that if I have multiple command modules (in this case, Mk1-2 Command Pod and an Mk2 Lander Can and a Hitchiker's module) then all of the science is getting put into the Mk1-2 pod (Which was the root of this vessel), even if it already has a copy of the experiment. The result is that with ForScience! enabled, I can only have one copy of any given experiment/biome/state on a vessel, the rest are destroyed. I would love for it to correctly use all Science Containers available. Also, when I docked with another vessel, it moved all of my experiments to one vessel.

My minor gripe is that even with a scientist on board able to reset one-time experiments, that it doesn't run those as well. I was wrong. It does do that. I was just confused because I had multiple command modules on that vessel...

Other than those two things, I'm absolutely loving this mod. Thank you for writing it.

Edited by Clubbavich
Corrected factual errors.
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I tried this in ye olde days of last week and it worked fine. Only problem is it'll say I have 37 results when in reality I have 4. It might be because I have "allowmultipleexpirements=true" on all my science containers (I forget the exact wording, it's from the science lab). It's cosmetic and doesn't affect gameplay at all. IIRC, automated science sampler from Katz gets it occasionally too, but not as bad as this one. I think this one goes a lot faster too, which might be the issue (duplicate results?).


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  On 5/5/2016 at 4:10 AM, Elmotrix said:

Allright. Much experience with Arma 2 modding, none with Kerbal, but i looked up your source, did some research and i whipped this out:

else if (currentExperiment.experimentActionName == "Finalize Results") // this is Station Science. Station Science is the only once who uses this text, and they use it on all their experiments

    Debug.Log("[ForScience!] Skipping: Station Science: " + currentExperiment.experiment.id);


Add this to your Skip exceptions list of checks. Did a quick test and it worked perfectly. These experiments are done so rarely that doing them manually is the next best thing. And their contracts usly include returning the experiment in their original container as well, so just completely leaving these out is actually a good solution.


I have the same problem with "Station Science" and, if the solution that Elmotrix proposes was added, i'd be very happy!

Please @WaveFunctionP let us use these two great mods running together! :wink:

Ok. After a bit of experimentation i found out that this code is not enough to work with Station Science. The big problem lies in the function that moves all the science data in the ship to the Root command pod. This function is always active and when you press "Finalize results" it gets the data and move it to that pod invalidating the active contract. To avoid that I tried to exclude StationScience parts and experiments from any treatment with success, but there were secondary effects.....

The version I compiled can work with StationScience with no issue until the user finalize the experiment. At this point he SC part  acquire the data  of the experiment and this line:

if (ActiveContainer().GetActiveVesselDataCount() != ActiveContainer().GetScienceCount())

starts to execute on every Cycle, spamming the log. The problem is translated to the ship that docks the capsule for kerbin return. We need a way to compensate this inequality.



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  On 5/6/2015 at 2:29 AM, WaveFunctionP said:

What it does not do:
Give you science you could haven't gotten otherwise.


Should probably have better integration with RemoteTech.  It looks like when the vessel is out of range with RT the science is still automatically scraped, even though normally it wouldn't be possible to do a science experiment when out of contact.

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