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[1.8.x] DMagic's Modlets - Most KSP 1.8 Updates [10-29-2019]


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  • You can use KIS to grab, store, and attach the base EvaTransfer part just like you would any other small item.
  • When the base part is attached via KIS, there appears to be a problem where no resources are being detected and the transfer will not work

  • Easy Workaround: After KIS attaching, if you save reload using F5/F9 then the problem resolves itself and you can attach the fuel line and proceed with transferring resources.

Edited by JedTech
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  • You can use KIS to grab, store, and attach the base EvaTransfer part just like you would any other small item.
  • When the base part is attached via KIS, there appears to be a problem where no resources are being detected and the transfer will not work

  • Easy Workaround: After KIS attaching, iff you save reload using F5-F9 then the problem resolves itself and you attach the fuel line and proceed with transfering resources.

That's not too surprising, I'm guessing that it isn't correctly assigning the main vessel when attaching the part on EVA. Looking at the code I'm not even sure why I have it set up in a way that would cause that problem, there isn't really any reason to do so. It should be easy to fix it so that a reload isn't necessary.

I'll try to test it and get it working properly with KIS after 1.0.5 is released.

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  • 2 weeks later...

EVA Transfer version 3.0 is out; get it on Kerbal Stuff.

It has been updated for KSP 1.0.5 (nothing specific has been changed for the latest version, so it should work on any KSP 1.0.x version).

KIS support has been added. The part should function as normal after attaching the pipe start point on EVA. There may be some odd behavior if the part is grabbed on EVA while it already attached to a vessel, re-attaching the part and severing the connection should reset its behavior.

There are a few more minor bug fixes and better error handling.

Edited by DMagic
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  • 4 weeks later...

An idea for Portrait Stats - an option to disable the IVA view/animation, maybe replace it with a static picture, for performance? That way you can still see your crew members and stats, but if you can stop it loading the IVA and animating kerbals in flight, it may save some RAM/fps?

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Version 7 of Portrait Stats is out; get it on Kerbal Stuff.

It fixes an error that caused the Kerbal trait types to not be recognized in international versions of KSP. It also allows for setting the icon color in the included config file; colors are defined in the 0-1 range (r,g,b,a).

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I'm using Portrait Stars (v7.0) on KSP 1.0.5 (1028), considering as useful addon in particular for "role".

During career, I'm surprising about some "strange" stat reads about "my" Jebediah:

1/ first is "Experience": 65.55/64 !

2/ Jeb have landed once on Duna, and only planted one flag, but PS reports... 13. Also landed both Ike twice and Gilly once (not 13 and 14 times, as reported by PS).

3/ Strange values (IMO) about "Orbit number around Kerbin" (only 2), despite I've a build space station orbiting Kerbin: Jebediah have done many trips as pilot to this station, also he've have many tourist trips (for contracts).

About "Orbit around..." is it the total of completed orbits, or one orbit per flight-phase? (eg. takeoff from KSC, LKO insertion - doing 3 complete orbits, then Mun transfer etc, during LKO is it assumed as 3 orbits or only one ?)

Thanks in advance, sure they're explanation (simply I like to understand things) ^_^ Maybe something is wrong in "persistent.sfs" career save file...

Okay I suppose I can hide "stats" (on stars) in "Settings.cfg", by changing expToolTip = True to expToolTip = False

Sorry about mine OCDs... :lol:

Edited by DomiKamu
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/18/2015 at 8:21 AM, DomiKamu said:


I'm using Portrait Stars (v7.0) on KSP 1.0.5 (1028), considering as useful addon in particular for "role".

During career, I'm surprising about some "strange" stat reads about "my" Jebediah:

1/ first is "Experience": 65.55/64 !

2/ Jeb have landed once on Duna, and only planted one flag, but PS reports... 13. Also landed both Ike twice and Gilly once (not 13 and 14 times, as reported by PS).

3/ Strange values (IMO) about "Orbit number around Kerbin" (only 2), despite I've a build space station orbiting Kerbin: Jebediah have done many trips as pilot to this station, also he've have many tourist trips (for contracts).

About "Orbit around..." is it the total of completed orbits, or one orbit per flight-phase? (eg. takeoff from KSC, LKO insertion - doing 3 complete orbits, then Mun transfer etc, during LKO is it assumed as 3 orbits or only one ?)

Thanks in advance, sure they're explanation (simply I like to understand things) ^_^ Maybe something is wrong in "persistent.sfs" career save file...

Okay I suppose I can hide "stats" (on stars) in "Settings.cfg", by changing expToolTip = True to expToolTip = False

Sorry about mine OCDs... :lol:

1. Is 64 experience level 5? The number on the left is how much experience you have, which doesn't stop growing after reaching level five.

2. The values after each entry represent the amount of experience for that entry, so you get 13 experience for planting a flag on Duna (this represents the total amount of Duna experience, not just the amount for planting a flag).

3. Same as 2.

Note that these entries are generated with stock code, not by me (also note that this stock system rounds each value to the nearest whole number, so the actual amount might be higher or lower). The entries under career log should be exactly the same as what you would see in the astronaut complex. The flight log entries use the same system, they just represent the things you've done in the current flight (so you won't necessarily get the amount of experience listed for each entry).

The way that the experience system works is that there is a max amount for each planet, which you can achieve only by planting a flag on the surface (which is a system that I hate...). When the flight log says Orbit around Duna = 8 (or whatever the amount is) that means you'll get 8 experience from Duna if you return to home at that point. If you plant a flag you'll get 13 experience from Duna; the values don't add up, you don't get 6 from a fly-by + 8 from orbit + 10 from landing, etc... You just get the highest value.

And yes, you can disable either or both tooltips using the config file as you have described above (and if you disable the experience tooltip the stars won't show up in science or sandbox mode, where everyone starts at level 5).

Edited by DMagic
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On 3/1/2016 at 5:20 PM, DMagic said:

1. Is 64 experience level 5? The number on the left is how much experience you have, which doesn't stop growing after reaching level five.

2. The values after each entry represent the amount of experience for that entry, so you get 13 experience for planting a flag on Duna (this represents the total amount of Duna experience, not just the amount for planting a flag).

3. Same as 2.

Note that these entries are generated with stock code, not by me (also note that this stock system rounds each value to the nearest whole number, so the actual amount might be higher or lower). The entries under career log should be exactly the same as what you would see in the astronaut complex. The flight log entries use the same system, they just represent the things you've done in the current flight (so you won't necessarily get the amount of experience listed for each entry).

The way that the experience system works is that there is a max amount for each planet, which you can achieve only by planting a flag on the surface (which is a system that I hate...). When the flight log says Orbit around Duna = 8 (or whatever the amount is) that means you'll get 8 experience from Duna if you return to home at that point. If you plant a flag you'll get 13 experience from Duna; the values don't add up, you don't get 6 from a fly-by + 8 from orbit + 10 from landing, etc... You just get the highest value.

And yes, you can disable either or both tooltips using the config file as you have described above (and if you disable the experience tooltip the stars won't show up in science or sandbox mode, where everyone starts at level 5).

Happy New Year! and thanks about all of your explanations, DMagic, now it's clear in my mind. Fantastic explanations!

About question 1, the answer is yes, level 5 (five stars) was reached. So now I can consider this as normal (of course, the addon reads values somewhere - e.g. from API).

Thank you very much (again) about Portrait Stats, it's simple but it's a genious addon!

Edited by DomiKamu
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  • 1 month later...

About EVA Transfer, I picked up the line from the attached point, but I couldn't attach it to the other craft. Mouseover wouldn't 'pick' the line from the backpack, so no matter what I tried I couldn't attach it.

Do I do something wrong?

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16 hours ago, Kaerwek said:

About EVA Transfer, I picked up the line from the attached point, but I couldn't attach it to the other craft. Mouseover wouldn't 'pick' the line from the backpack, so no matter what I tried I couldn't attach it.

Do I do something wrong?

That depends on what exactly is going on.

The fuel lines have a maximum length, which can be changed in the part's config file found in this mod's folder. 

To connect to a vessel within range (I think the default is 200m) you don't have to click on the part again. Once you have picked up the fuel line from its origin point just walk over to the target vessel and point the mouse at it. As long as the vessel is within rage it should show a preview of where the fuel line will attach; click on the vessel to attach the fuel line at that point.

To open the transfer window you will have to click on the origin point of the fuel line again (but you can do so from far away while on EVA).

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3 hours ago, DMagic said:

That depends on what exactly is going on.

The fuel lines have a maximum length, which can be changed in the part's config file found in this mod's folder. 

To connect to a vessel within range (I think the default is 200m) you don't have to click on the part again. Once you have picked up the fuel line from its origin point just walk over to the target vessel and point the mouse at it. As long as the vessel is within rage it should show a preview of where the fuel line will attach; click on the vessel to attach the fuel line at that point.

To open the transfer window you will have to click on the origin point of the fuel line again (but you can do so from far away while on EVA).

Well, the vessels are parked next to each other, literally so close they almost touch each other. On Minmus. One of them is actively mining, so wobbling all the time. I've tried to clear away things that it could clip to, but I can't even get an indication for where it can attach the EVA Transfer line I'm carrying stuck to my Kerbals backpack.

To make it clear, I'm trying to attach to the vessel that is mining.

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I got it to work. What I did, was that I stopped each of the mining drills and retracted them so that the mining vessel was still.

So close were they that I had to retract the Gigantor XL sunpanels, because in my initial takeoff attempt it would tear the mining crafts sunpanels partly apart. :o

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  • 1 month later...

DMagic, just a heads up with 1.1 when you get to updating........there is a feature in stock that lets you see the internals of ships via a cutaway. Just to the left of the Kerbal picture, is a button to active Interior Overlay. The Portrait Stats mod disables this button at the present time.

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@Loren Pechtel Good idea; I'll add that to the tooltip for tourists, maybe just as a list of the current tourist contract titles.

Also, Portrait Stats obviously needs some rethinking for 1.1. Right now I'm coming up with some options to supplement or replace aspects of the stock version.

First is an option to make the icons always visible (the IVA and EVA buttons would still only appear on hover), this is easy.

Next is an option to replace the trait text with an icon, as soon as I figure how to get the icon positioned right this will also be easy.

Then there are options for the two tooltips, I think these should also be easy to add to either the new icon or the existing objects.


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27 minutes ago, DMagic said:

@Loren Pechtel Good idea; I'll add that to the tooltip for tourists, maybe just as a list of the current tourist contract titles.

Also, Portrait Stats obviously needs some rethinking for 1.1. Right now I'm coming up with some options to supplement or replace aspects of the stock version.

First is an option to make the icons always visible (the IVA and EVA buttons would still only appear on hover), this is easy.

Next is an option to replace the trait text with an icon, as soon as I figure how to get the icon positioned right this will also be easy.

Then there are options for the two tooltips, I think these should also be easy to add to either the new icon or the existing objects.


Contract titles don't tell you much.  You need the objectives to be of any value, ideal would be objectives left to complete.

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Hey DMagic, just wondering if Celestial Body Science Editor will be with us going forward into 1.1? I always liked to nerf Mun and Minmus down to about half their stock values to encourage me to step out beyond Kerbin's SoI :)

No problems if not, I appreciate there's probably not that many people who do that sort of thing ^^;  

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@Loren Pechtel It seems that tourist contracts are tied to specific Kerbals, so the tooltip will just show all of the items in that tourist's itinerary:


@eddiew Yep, I plan on it. That is, I think, the only mod I haven't checked on yet, but aside from some minor changes to how the GUI is drawn it should work just the same as before.

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10 hours ago, DMagic said:

Portrait Stats 8.0 and Celestial Body Science Editor 6.0 are out for KSP 1.1; get them on SpaceDock.

Portrait Stats has new setting options which allow for replacing the stock Kerbal trait text with an icon, with forcing the display to always be visible, and for using the two tooltips.

I just tried using Portrait stats with 1.1 (Linux, 64-bit) and I think I'm just seeing the default Kerbal view.  Is there something I have to do to activate it?


EDIT - Nevermind.  CKAN was being screwy and telling me that it had updated a bunch of mods but, in fact, had not.  Turns out a bunch of other stuff was also malfunctioning too.  I guess running Linux, just because I *can* run the system for 7 months without a reboot doesn't mean I *should*.

Edited by DanHeidel
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