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[1.8.x] DMagic's Modlets - Most KSP 1.8 Updates [10-29-2019]


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  On 6/23/2016 at 4:16 PM, DMagic said:

All aspects of the part are subject to change in future releases, so don't use this for anything you aren't willing to lose.


I'm a modding noob. What would happen if the mod changed? Would I not be able to simply swap the old part for the updated part on any craft I have in use? I guess I should wait for it to be tested a bit more. Thanks anyway; this part is way overdue IMO!

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@THX1138 Well, in all likelihood nothing will change so it won't be an issue. The worst case is that the part name is changed, which would cause all active vessels with the part to be destroyed, but there is no reason to change the part name. The only thing that I can think of actually happening is that a change in the current part model causes vessels that are already docked together with this docking port to have problems, maybe being shifted up or down a little. 

I don't foresee any major problems with the current part. Any changes are most likely to be in the part module code.

The full release will have the versions of the 0.65m and 2.5m docking ports along with the current 1.25m part. Future versions may have additional variants, like shielded ports, a fairing-type nose cone port, and maybe a few others. 

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  On 6/24/2016 at 6:12 PM, DMagic said:

@THX1138 Well, in all likelihood nothing will change so it won't be an issue. The worst case is that the part name is changed, which would cause all active vessels with the part to be destroyed, but there is no reason to change the part name. The only thing that I can think of actually happening is that a change in the current part model causes vessels that are already docked together with this docking port to have problems, maybe being shifted up or down a little. 

I don't foresee any major problems with the current part. Any changes are most likely to be in the part module code.

The full release will have the versions of the 0.65m and 2.5m docking ports along with the current 1.25m part. Future versions may have additional variants, like shielded ports, a fairing-type nose cone port, and maybe a few others. 


Thanks for the quick reply. Do you know whether name parts changing is something that happened to stock in the past? I'm certain that some of my vessels disappeared as a result of one of the KSP updates (my only mod to date is Kerbal Alarm Clock). Destroying ships seems such a drastic response to the problem!

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I don't think stock parts have ever changed names (these are the internal names that I'm talking about, usually listed at the top of each part's config file, not what you see listed in-game). When you load a save with a part that doesn't exist anymore a little window will pop up in the Space Center scene telling you which parts are missing and what vessel they are on. If this happens you can always quit KSP right away (not through the exit menu, use Alt+F4, or Force Quit or whatever) and the game won't be saved, so you can try to rescue it.

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  On 6/23/2016 at 4:16 PM, DMagic said:

EVA Struts 2.0 is out; get it on Space Dock.

It fixes an error that prevented struts from detaching upon decoupling or undocking without first reloading the vessel. This version should also work fine on KSP 1.1.2.

Also, EVA Resource Transfer and Celestial Body Science Editor were both marked as compatible with 1.1.3.




Also, I have a new modlet that I would like people to test out for me. A flexible docking port:


As you can see it is designed to look like the stock clampotron and shares its texture.

The docking port has two modes; when retracted it behaves like a normal port, but when extended it allows for a limited range of translation and rotation of the docking port head. 

There are controls for extending and retracting the port, and for deactivating the magnets (this works for both modes, and should work when this is not the dominant port). It is meant for facilitating base construction or other types of ground docking, but it also works in space. You might want to disable the magnets in space though, at least for lighter vessels, as they tend to get tossed around faster than the docking port can move. Also note that when two flexible ports are brought together only one will be active, when both are active they tend to chase each other around and you get odd results.

For now I'm only releasing a version for testing. It has a single port, the 1.25m part that pairs with a standard clampotron. The stock 1.25m docking port is required (in case anyone has deleted or replaced it) as they share the same texture. The part is in the start node of the tech tree and it is very cheap.

All aspects of the part are subject to change in future releases, so don't use this for anything you aren't willing to lose.

Download it from GitHub and let me know how it works: https://github.com/DMagic1/KSP_Flexible_Docking/releases/tag/v0.1

It is release under the MIT license, and the stock docking port model was only used for reference, everything here was made from scratch.


Seems that FAR doesn't like this too much. Have it inside a cargo bay and makes my ship flip out at launch

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@ultraviolet150 Is the docking port extended when this happens? Or is it docked to something in extended mode? I can see why either would cause problems, as it is has a constantly moving animation.

I can see about making sure the animation stops when it doesn't need to be active.

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  On 6/25/2016 at 12:51 PM, DMagic said:

@ultraviolet150 Is the docking port extended when this happens? Or is it docked to something in extended mode? I can see why either would cause problems, as it is has a constantly moving animation.

I can see about making sure the animation stops when it doesn't need to be active.


It's not docked to anything and is retracted. This happens when it's placed both parallel to the cargo bay as well as perpendicular to the bay. Having the animation disabled while stowed would be awesome. 

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Do I install this by placing all the files into the currently empty \Kerbal Space Program\Parts folder?

Edit: Nevermind; I'm pretty sure it goes in the GameData folder like most other mods.

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I gave this a try, and I must have done something wrong, because the "Magnetism" was pushing the other vehicle away!  I tried docking two together, Clamp-o-Tron + flexidock, etc same effect. If I engaged the breaks it started searching then gave up and docked as any normal port (this was on 1.1.3 x64 windows)

I uninstalled kerbal and started from a fresh install, same problem, it was down to having multiple docking ports in close proximity. 


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It can't be attached radially to a fuel tank; is that correct?

Incidentally, since it's still quite restrictive (0.625 m translation), how do you ensure you're placing your ports at consistent heights in VAB? This is tricky.

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  On 6/27/2016 at 2:46 PM, DMagic said:

@genericeventhandler Do you have pictures of the situation you are describing? Are you trying to use multiple ports right next to each other on the same vessel?

Also, did you try disabling the magnets?


I think it's my 1.1.3 install, lots of broken things on that, I've installed it on 1.1.2 and will give that a go tonight, and I'll make a youtube video. 

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@THX1138 Surface attachment is one of the things that is yet to be added; the config file is mostly just place holder info for now.

As for lining things up, I would follow the same general guidelines that have always been used (try to use a standard height of some kind, test things out, etc...), it's just that the docking ports no longer need to be absolutely perfect when using the flexible ports.

It looks like the FAR problems might also be related to the unfinished attachment nodes and attachment rules. The plugin itself doesn't seem to have any problem with FAR, just the part.

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A new version of the flexible docking ports is available on GitHub.

This adds a Flexible Clampotron Jr part, this also uses stock textures. The folder structure has changed, so you'll need to fully delete all existing files.

This fixes some issues with the attachment nodes (which should prevent FAR from detonating vessels with these parts), fixes a problem when docking two flexible ports together, and fixes some startup errors.

It also fixes a problem that was preventing the flexible ports from working when not the dominant port. This can happen for several reasons; different vessel types, or different vessel masses, it doesn't have anything to do with which vessel is active.

Let me know if any new problems are found, or if any of the existing problems still exist.

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I can not see the new flexotube in the editor, I have this message in the log:


  Reveal hidden contents


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Version 0.3 of Flexible Docking is out now; get it on GitHub:D

The name of the folder has been corrected and parts should load properly. Make sure to completely delete any existing FlexoTube and/or FlexoTubes folders.

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  On 6/30/2016 at 9:55 PM, DMagic said:

Version 0.3 of Flexible Docking is out now; get it on GitHub:D

The name of the folder has been corrected and parts should load properly. Make sure to completely delete any existing FlexoTube and/or FlexoTubes folders.


saw you working on this (or rather saw it appear on your git)...looks interesting. My first guess was a compound part that was a docking port on both ends, but that appears not to be the case looking at the config. Will give it a go. Thanks!

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