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[1.12.x] Mk2 Expansion v1.9.1 [update 10/5/21]

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[quote name='SuicidalInsanity']@iospace; Are there reproducible steps to getting the reactor to not work, or is it random? The reactor uses the same code as the stock ISRU - are you seeing similar behavior from that?
Edit: Do you have NFE installed?[/QUOTE]
Sadly random. I haven't used any of the ISRUs, so no comment on that regard. I don't have NFE installed though, but I do have modular fuel tanks (so I can stick xenon tanks in the Mk1->Mk2 converters). The only difference between this ship and one that works is placement of parts, and even then, the placement differences are so slight it shouldn't affect anything (RCS, panels, and radiators are the only parts that would be placed differently).

I tested the craft on its launcher to see if the reactor will start on the ground, which it did, oddly enough.

Edit: so I tested it some more: sub-orbital (worked), orbital (worked), and detached from the lifter (worked). Don't know why two identical craft have different results.

Edit 2: I managed to somehow reproduce it. I deorbited my lifter, recovered it, and suddenly it stops working on the new one.

Edit 3: The ship is entirely unmanned, so I'm wondering if that has anything to do with it.

Edit 4: Docked a ship with a pilot and a scientist on it. It failed to start up. I'm going to suspect that it needs an engineer in order to run, which would explain why it would stop once the parent vessel's crew is recovered. The fact it worked though while unmanned and not connected to any other craft though is puzzling to me. I'll test with an engineer tomorrow. Edited by iospace
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What texture are you using for the spike part of the linear aerospike?

I remove a lot of the stock parts from the game to help save ram because I use a LOT of mods, and it appears I have removed the part that the aerospike pulls it's texture from unknowingly.
Thank you! Oh and btw I am still on 1.0.4 and using version of your mod
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[quote name='SuicidalInsanity']@Generalstarwars333;Lack of firespitter would only break the turboprop. Since most of the parts are unchanged from the previous version, for all of them to suddenly disappear suggests an improper install. I would double check/do a reinstall of the mod to confirm that the parts are appearing in the GameData/Mk2Expansion directory.[/QUOTE]
Thanks, I'll check that as well as getting the latest version of this this weekend.
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@iospace; The reactor has an engineer efficiency bonus like the ISRUs and drills, but doesn't require one to be onboard. Does the Alt-F12 debug log say anything when trying to activate the reactor? Also, could I have a full mod list?

@Akira_R; Aerospike uses the following textures:
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[quote name='SuicidalInsanity']@iospace; The reactor has an engineer efficiency bonus like the ISRUs and drills, but doesn't require one to be onboard. Does the Alt-F12 debug log say anything when trying to activate the reactor? Also, could I have a full mod list?[/QUOTE]

The debug log says nothing. I tried without TAC fuel balancer and got the same result.

Modular Flight Integrator
Mk2 Expansion
Interstellar Fuel Switch
KM Gimbal
Modular Fuel Tanks
Precise Node
Kerbal Joint Reinforcement
Docking Port Alignment Indicator
Kerbal Alarm Clock
B9 Procedural Wings
Cross Feed Enabler
Asteroid Day
Community Resource Pack
Kerbal Engineer
TAC Fuel Balancer
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I've made a test copy of KSP 1.05 running the mods you listed, and reproduced the craft you posted a screenshot of, as well as run some additional tests of the reactor in various configs and locations, and I can't get the bug to trigger. I also tested craft that used M2X 1.6.06 reactors and then updated to M2X 1.6.11 to make sure the addition of new modules on the reactors ported properly to see if that could have been the cause; still no bug. I have no idea what could be causing it at this point, and apart from deleting the Mk2 Expansion and reinstalling it to see if that changes anything, I don't know what to suggest.
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Weird. Now one that was working isn't, and it's after I transferred crew over to a connected vessel, restarted the game, then suddenly it won't work again.

Do you want me to send you the craft files over? I have two ways of launching it, piggybacked on an SSTO plane or two boosters strapped to the sides (also SSTO with deorbiting of the boosters possible).
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[quote name='SuicidalInsanity']Yes. Any specific launch instructions that might cause weirdness if not followed?[/QUOTE]

The plane is a challenge to orbit, the rocket is less so. Let me do one final test and I'll send it over with launch instructions.
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I can verify the above. Did a runway test, set thrust to reverse, still moved forward. [s]Another bug is that the blades do not seem to stop spinning once the engine is shut down, and even[/s] at throttle zero (with the engine activated) I'm still getting 0.5 kN of thrust.

Edit: didn't wait long enough for the blades to stop, it seems. I'm starting to figure the blades still going at "full" speed at throttle zero is intended operation. Edited by iospace
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Well, the mod works. I didn't install it correctly. I think I did the same thing when I orriginally got the mod. Everything works, although the turboprop doesn't make sound or move. It produces thrust just fine though. I'm happy now because my Retaliation class Landship is no longer in limbo and I can potentially go back to my career save again!
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@Rodger; Huh. Can confirm that reverse doesn't work. I'll fix the issue next update.

@iospace; Idling Firespitter engines will generate a tiny amount of thrust, presumably because regardless of engine thrust, it's still a spinning propeller.

@Generalstarwars333;If the turboprop doesn't animate or play sound, it seems like Firespitter isn't installed.
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Could you make an extended Mk 2 crewtank please? Something like 8 or even 16 passengers, so we can make bizjets or even regional jets that aren't really floppy.

Edit: I maaaaay have asked for this before. I'm not sure.
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@Kagame: On one hand, a bizjet crewtank would be useful (for part count if nothing else), on the other hand, more custom IVAs. I'll consider it.

@Lrauka: Sounds like the game isn't seeing the IVA. First thing I would do is doublecheck that you have Mk2Expansion/Spaces/AnglerPit/Internal.cfg & internal.mu; those are the config and model file for the SC-TD IVA; without those, no IVA, and no portrait.

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@andreasblom; The high vis cockpit? I'm guessing you're referring to the HV Mk2-1 cockpit? It already has one; all the cockpits that come with the mod have their own custom IVAs. If one isn't appearing in game, I would make sure that everything in the Mk2Expansion/Spaces directory got installed correctly

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On 12/6/2015, 12:32:00, SuicidalInsanity said:

@andreasblom; The high vis cockpit? I'm guessing you're referring to the HV Mk2-1 cockpit? It already has one; all the cockpits that come with the mod have their own custom IVAs. If one isn't appearing in game, I would make sure that everything in the Mk2Expansion/Spaces directory got installed correctly

I had the same issue as Lrauka (and probably andreasblom) - i.e. the game did not recognize the IVA of the cockpit (I only tested SC-TD). I then looked into the internal.cfg for it and renamed the seat module from Seat to InternalSeat (details in spoiler) - after this the game recognized the IVA.



in Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Mk2Expansion\Spaces\AnglerPit\internal.cfg changed

		name = Seat
		seatTransformName = CenterSeat
		portraitCameraName = CockpitCam
		allowCrewHelmet = false


		name = InternalSeat
		seatTransformName = CenterSeat
		portraitCameraName = CockpitCam
		allowCrewHelmet = false


I'm not sure why that fixed the problem - do you have an idea / could you look into it? I can provide logs if they'd be of any help.

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Close - that fix will restore the IVA, but not its textures. The full fix is:


        model = Mk2Expansion/Spaces/AnglerPit/Internal
        texture = Mk2StandardIVA , Squad/Spaces/mk2CockpitStandardInternal/Mk2StandardIVA
        texture = model003 , Mk2Expansion/Spaces/AnglerPit/model003
        texture = model009 , Mk2Expansion/Spaces/AnglerPit/model009
        texture = IVA_Windows , Mk2Expansion/Spaces/AnglerPit/IVA_Windows
        name = InternalSeat
        seatTransformName = CenterSeat
        portraitCameraName = CockpitCam
        allowCrewHelmet = false


Somewhere between the 1.04 version and the 1.05 version the the IVA's internal.cfg got reverted somehow, resulting in the IVA not being recognized.

Edited by SuicidalInsanity
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  • 2 weeks later...

So, this isn't so much a bug but... the mk2 science module is 2 orders of magnitude behind the stock 2-kerbal science lab.  ie, the stock lab, under a certain set of conditions, gives me 10 science per day, whereas the mk2 version gives me 0.10 - rendering the part pretty much unusable.  I can fix it myself in the .cfg, but I thought I'd bring it to your attention so that it can be "officially" fixed.

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On 12/5/2015 at 6:32 PM, SuicidalInsanity said:

@andreasblom; The high vis cockpit? I'm guessing you're referring to the HV Mk2-1 cockpit? It already has one; all the cockpits that come with the mod have their own custom IVAs. If one isn't appearing in game, I would make sure that everything in the Mk2Expansion/Spaces directory got installed correctly

It is fixed

Edited by andreasblom
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@ss8913: I'll look into it, but for convenience, my sanity, and because I still can't get the ISRU drill working the next update won't roll out until KSP 1.1 drops,

On a more general note, looking at just how much the part list for this mod has grown, and keeping in mind the effects of part bloat for people with older computers, I'm considering splitting this mod into a few smaller packs; I'm thinking something like a core pack with general Mk2 parts, and then having something like a deep space pack and an advanced flight pack for the more specialized parts. Is this something that people would like to see, or prefer to keep things as they are?


Edited by SuicidalInsanity
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