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Space Shuttle Pack for ksp 1.0.4 dev thread


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Once consensus is established about the best bits on the front page will you put it all into one download? A proper update that has all the new working features would be nice.

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Just force open gl
Run ksp in open gl mode. It will save quite a bit of memory

What is this open GL you speak of?

Speak noob to me

Edit: ok I looked it up and downloaded my latest driver (352.86).

That was step one.

How do I intialize it to work with KSP?

I have an EVGA GTX 970 SSC if that makes a difference

Edited by iDisOrder
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I've been mucking around with mod, it is wonderful! Thanks for sustaining it. Now, I have delved into the realm of NASA shuttle reports, it seems that the Orbiter was supposed to land at 88 m/s assuming 1 atm. But seeing that orbiter can loop multiple times and is almost feather like, would I change the lift or the drag of the orbiter?

Secondly, It seems that the roll is requiring much more effort and is prone of rolling on top. I do roughly lower my thrust to around 78% as the real shuttles do when passing through the sound barrier, could this be the extreme lifting body lifting the main external fuel tank, when proceeding said roll over?

Lastly there some, how to describe it, "ghost" parts in which in the VAB a part, such as wing, or engine refuses to have any parameters set for, a common fix is to delete the craft.

(P.S. I could muck around with the prices of the parts, tech tree, and all of that career jazz.)

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Thanks for that figure. 88m/s

I am aware of the ghost parts, null reference. its because the wings are 'control' surfaces because they have different dynamincs and worked better. when wings are 'lifting body' like the stock shuttle delta wing they go mad. they were lowered to something like a quarter of the lift of the delta wings and still it acted like a glider. it could also be down to things like the base rotation or node placement of the part or rescaling.

the feather effect is horrible I know. centre of lift, drag, mass and artificial lifting/control is not aligned

the rolling over is a real issue. the wings want to be above the heavy thing. that's the ET or the orbiter body itself.

I can either lower COM inline with wings or add huge torque power, but with lots of torque it will roll over so fast in space its not realistic, unless you disable torque and use rcs instead.

I tweak these stats often and it works better as a shuttle shaped rock with no artificial lift basically.

however -

I have made a one piece shuttle and I am ready to do some tests. simpler calculations and easy to modify, we should be onto something good here.

and for those who like to build up their shuttle every time, don't worry the standard multi piece model will be staying, but will have stats from the one piece carried over, and hope it works

and the ghosting new decoupler is because a lack of collision mesh or node collider, my bad.

and a side note: please don't try to land or reenter with too much oms fuel in the back. it makes a huge dfference.

and I actually haven't done a full trip in this thing yet. but thank you all for testing!

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yeah I may do....

have you had any experience with adding textures to parts in a modeling program?

I can give you the new decoupler and booster to play with and check out.

for some reason its texture is sparkly in game. I haven't had time to test or retexture.

let me know if your keen

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I dont have any modeling experience but i have all the stuff to learn. I have Blender, the Part Tools, Unity, and Photoshop at my disposal. I can help test. I have an empty KSP install just for it.

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Do you have teamspeak 3?

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I have done some major changes. Shifted the CoM more forward, close to where it is real life. And did a lot of work on the Aero with step by step testing. Result: stable launch without any roll/yaw. It flies like a brick! Stallspeed close to where it is RL. So you have to land at around 80m/s. I will send the files to you Mike when I'm finished.

*Edit: Did some more test flying. It is damn hard to land now. When you get your speed under 75m/s you are screwed. So you have to come in very, very steeply. The meatball drifts off a bit as well so it really feels like flying a brick. I personally think its great!

Edited by Jeast
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I dont have any modeling experience but i have all the stuff to learn. I have Blender, the Part Tools, Unity, and Photoshop at my disposal. I can help test. I have an empty KSP install just for it.

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Do you have teamspeak 3?

Blender is nice but I like Maya more. What do you need to update or modify in Blender ?

TS3 I have it, lets have some talk, will be fun :)

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you are the man my friend! part of the dev team!

cant wait to try it

Im doing a little more work decreasing the drag. The orbiter bleeds energy way too fast so you have to land with a 25 degree aoa to keep approach speed. Il send it to you when its fixed.

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