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Space Shuttle Pack for ksp 1.0.4 dev thread


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the rcs on the crewcabin 2 should be working. can someone confirm how the rcs is not working

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ok I will fix the tailfin issue. its unitys collision mesh. I will make it node attach

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good morning :D crew cabin 2 works, crew cabin windows doesnt. cc1 dunno yet, too lazy to assemble. i will try later today.

Edited by Tyren
typos as usual.
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Mike, you can remove my flying instructions at the front page. They are no longer valid with the new aero update.

Maybe you should now fix 1 single download file with al the latest updates (including the tailfin fix and enginemount flap) and strip down the first post to make it clear for everyone.

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If you need someone to go through the config files, setup the thrusts, fuel usage even aero dynamics then ill be free after next wednesday (my second to last GCSE) Just wondering if you need someone to sort out the more boring parts so you can concentate on the texures IVA and body flap. I could take a look at the heat tile textures if you tell me what program to use :P This also goes for the ISS pack and dream chaser

Edit: lol for some reason your shuttle photo didn't load XD, I would be more than happy to have a shot at this

Edited by montyben101
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you can see the texture quality difference between the tiles on that photo

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Lol I see its already taken care of then! Looks amazing!!! (I'll still be happy to test stuff?? I want to help somehow XD)

thank you so much montyben.

your more than welcome to have a play with the files, textures, addons. even figure out what we could add to it.

I plan on adding on to the modeling to give it more detail.

what do you think the shuttle needs the most?

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Hmm, have you looked into adding an airlock yet?? I think the most important atm is textures as these date back to about 2012. Also windows that let you see into the cargobay and the top ones for docking. The robot arm might have to be binned as that would take some serious scripting and stuff. Basically more *immersiveness* (yeah its a lot of things so no rush XD better quality > time taken)

Wait... Have you done canadarm already???? Sorry not keeping up at all, your work speed is amazing.........

Edited by montyben101
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Hmm, have you looked into adding an airlock yet?? I think the most important atm is textures as these date back to about 2012. Also windows that let you see into the cargobay and the top ones for docking. The robot arm might have to be binned as that would take some serious scripting and stuff. Basically more *immersiveness* (yeah its a lot of things so no rush XD better quality > time taken)

Wait... Have you done canadarm already???? Sorry not keeping up at all, your work speed is amazing.........

yes I have recoded the arm... and I made a crew cabin which you can see into the windows from outside

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but you cant see the kerbals yet, this would mean walking them out to the shuttle (using fasas launch tower) and getting them to 'sit in seat' the same you would with that stock external command chair in the game. (just a bit of scripting with the cabin to add 'seats')

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