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Space Shuttle Pack for ksp 1.0.4 dev thread


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Yes and the crew cabin textures dont include the RCS textures or the Nose Textures. All of them are on different dds files. Maybe that is something we can look into. Re do the UVs and textures for your one piece crew cabin so its all on one texture instaed of 3.


Click Here for new and old textures

Just overwrite the old files

Click here for just the new ones

Delete the BoosterPack, CSSCargobay,CSSCrewsection, CSSEngines, CSSTail, and CSSWings folders and drop these in CCS/Parts folder

Some notes with this one i changed the OMS models to the proper ones for Left and Right. but the effects stay when throttled up even if out of fuel. (Mike can you look into that?)

Also I removed the new booster decoupler and the booster with it built in.

Just make sure you back up you CSS folder before using this pack !!

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Oops there is a problem with the cargo bay config file. I will put a link to fixed versions.

I appreciate your help with the fixes but lets not jump the gun and have multiple releases put out. I was rather wanting feedback on the diffetent texture packs and weather we should go for the new set or keep both as switchable

As for the missing textures like for the rcs yes I know they are not added to the cfg or are incorectly entered in. I did ask for people to have a look into it while im at work but not send out a complete new download with a couple things fixed. I will rather fix all issues first. I will download yours and correct mine with it tonight along with everything else

Also with firespitter texture switch have you found a fix for why it dorsnt work for somr people. Including me. I dont want to release it and only some people can testure switch. Rather keep it bd for now to also go with my wheels

I know why the oms has that issue and will fix.

And I have more from DECQ to go in.

animated et flaps and my proper airlock etc

Ran out if time for the last release (4am limit) but posted it for people to test anyway for bugs.

Hoping for a full one tonight.

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Only needed for the New textures download

Cargo Bay Texture Switch Fix

Just Drop in CSS/Parts folder and overwrite the files.

Will have a full release out tonight if people dont mind waiting but thanks heaps for finding fixes at saves me time

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Do you have the latest firespitter plugin?

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And im pretty sure everyone will want the new textures. This thing has needed them for a long time. Also we need to keep the memory footprint as low as possible. If people want all those textures we can make an addon pack for it. What you think about that? Oh and i got the texture switch workng with the cargobay doors also.

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I have everything working with BDTextureSwitch but the crew cabin. It works with FStextureSwitch2 but not BDTextureSwitch.

If i change anything else i will send it to you directly. Can you private message me a contact email for you Mike?

Oh I got the doors working with the Firespitter animation module.

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Do you have the latest firespitter plugin?

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And im pretty sure everyone will want the new textures. This thing has needed them for a long time. Also we need to keep the memory footprint as low as possible. If people want all those textures we can make an addon pack for it. What you think about that? Oh and i got the texture switch workng with the cargobay doors also.

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I have everything working with BDTextureSwitch but the crew cabin. It works with FStextureSwitch2 but not BDTextureSwitch.

If i change anything else i will send it to you directly. Can you private message me a contact email for you Mike?

Oh I got the doors working with the Firespitter animation module.

You got all tthat workking? The man! Yeah wish this was my day job...

Would like yo see how you manipulated the cfg's. I will reinstall a few mods

So are we all agreeing on leaving out the old textures? The new ones are too light in my oppinion. Will you guys be ok with it if a darken them a bit? Im talking about the tiles underneath.

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+1 from me to that. Memory footprint doesnt change that much and it looks better, so ditch dem old textures. :)

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I never liked those worn-out looks anyway, i am a fan of crushing brand new neat and clean ships :) That reminds me of another mod: iirc the kliper or kso looked pretty cooked up after reentry, thatd be an epic feature...

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Thanks buddy.

I still cant fet firwspitter texture switch to work for me so I used bd. Even in my bew install....

That crew cabin had complete retexture textures that changed more than the rcs tiles didn't it?

Im sorry if I didny get your booster switch working. I thaught I did?.... I must of iverlooked it my bad.

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Minf all my typos im doing all this on cellphone.

Do you mean match orientation of body flap with wing flaps?

Also if we can get that cargobay firespittet going it gives the ability to slow down the animation so it opens slower like it should.

Wuyh my new wheels I slowed the anination too. Id did work for that. Also time delay between animations is super high giving the effect you cannot retract them. It works...

Yes exactly. Make sure the orientation of the tailflap is exactly the same (in Unity that is) as the wing control surfaces. My guess is that fixes the problem with the tail flap.

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Does anyone know how SAS was inplemented in the shuttle and where the buttons where? Was every orbital move done by autopilot? It seems to me after reading the manual there werent many controls in the cockpit for actually flying the thing out of the atmosphere. I ask this cause Im trying to find the right place for SAS direction buttons.

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Does anyone know how SAS was inplemented in the shuttle and where the buttons where? Was every orbital move done by autopilot? It seems to me after reading the manual there werent many controls in the cockpit for actually flying the thing out of the atmosphere. I ask this cause Im trying to find the right place for SAS direction buttons.

the shuttle was very automated. The pilot would only steer it in the last minutes during landing before touch down

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Does anyone know how SAS was inplemented in the shuttle and where the buttons where? Was every orbital move done by autopilot? It seems to me after reading the manual there werent many controls in the cockpit for actually flying the thing out of the atmosphere. I ask this cause Im trying to find the right place for SAS direction buttons.

I guess it just doesnt utilize SAS in terms of reaction wheel abuse...so i guess you have to make a magical appearing button or simply let it slip, hittint T hurts no one, even in IVA. :)

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Ok so from yesterdays work, all underside tile textures are darker, the airlock is complete, engine mount now has ET door flaps (I had to combine models) crash damage is lowered to near stock ksp standards (still a bit stronger for now. From something like1600000 to 200) removed old textures. Fixed rcs in cabin (again)

For tonight I will work on the control surfaces, complete canadarm, and the rest of the little things and hopefully release it

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I have the idea to create realistic MFD's for the new IVA. This means that it is not possible anymore to get the docking cam or alignment indicator on the cockpit MFD's. I want to place a kerbal with two MFD's (with docking cam) in front of the backwindows so you can only dock using this kerbal and looking trough the back/up windows. What do you guys think of this?

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