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Rescue Missions to locations other than Kerbin orbit?


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First up I like that the Kerbals are in stranded Mark I modules or cockpits rather than just floating free in the EVA suits. The occasional in an EVA suit would be OK too. I really do enjoy the rescue missions. I restarted my career with 1.0 release. I have just manage my first Mun landing and unlocking tech level 4 so I have a lot more to do in this career.

My question is will there be rescue mission to stranded Kerbals around other planets or moons? There never was in 0.90 but I hope there might be in 1.0?

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Yes, I've already rescued kerbals from around Mun and Minmus.

I assume after I visit Duna, Laythe, etc, that I may be getting rescue missions there as well.

*dreads the Eeloo rescue missions*

I've also rescued a Kerbal from the *surface* of Mun, so I assume an Eve surface rescue is not out of the question.

-Well, I won't be doing it, its out of the question for me :P

If some other space agency tries to take on Eve and fails, I'm not going to risk my program to clean up their mistakes.

I also highly doubt the compensation will be adequate (maybe if I was playing easy or normal)

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Yes, but you only get offered them after you have visited each SoI. I.e. visit Mun, you can get Mun rescues, same for Minimus, pop out of Kerbin orbit, into solar orbit, and you start getting solar orbit rescues. Each new SoI visited should "unlock" rescues (and other contract types) there (possibly subject to tech tree unlocking and rep as well).

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There are also missions to recover their craft, both from orbit and the surface. (craft recovery won't show up until after you have the klaw researched)

Also, eventually the missions stop spawning them in easy parking orbits, so you'll have to deal with inclination changes, eccentricity, and the occasional retrograde orbit.

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Can someone explain how can a public stunt cause a kerbal to be stranded around jool orbit? She got gravity assists and fell to jool anyway. I really love that their orbits arent always stable, and might do a SoI change, and fall. She would be a good astronaut.

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Can someone explain how can a public stunt cause a kerbal to be stranded around jool orbit?

Kerbals make quite spectacular stunts. Or maybe it was top secret military spacecraft and stunt trick was just an official explanation.

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I'd also like to see "rescue" missions that involved something more detailed than "bring X back to Kerbin," such as "our probe is out of power; send someone there to deploy the solar panels" or "our Duna rover's wheels broke; send an engineer to repair them" or "our science satellite has exhausted all of its goo containers and materials bays; send a scientist to reset them."

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Like some others have hinted at kerbal rescue was renamed Recover Assets. So now you still get rescue kerbals but also you might get a mission requiring you to pick up the whole vessel, like a stranded lander on the Mun. You must find a way to bring the disabled vessel back to kerbin.

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I like the idea of the rescue missions, but there are two major problems I see:

- Too many! Even if I already have several in progress, they seem to just keep spawning, and Kerbals are piling up at my Astronaut Complex. I do admit this is a good problem to have.

- Too soon: as soon as I dare to send a tiny probe to Mun, suddenly I find that Jeb's Junkyard or whoever has reverse engineered my technology and stranded someone in a retrograde orbit, and now they expect me to go get him. If the player is "the" Kerbal Space Program, there should be a delay before the rescue contracts start spawning of at least a few days, if not weeks, plus the time required to send someone there (How could you strand someone around Jool two days after I explore Jool?!?).

Oh, and as I've mentioned elsewhere, SQUAD should put in a blurb in the flavor text suggesting that if we decline a rescue, some other agency will take care of it, unless we're supposed to worry that the Kerbal will be stuck there until it dies :C

P.S.: I'm also with the others who would like to see a greater variety in upcoming versions, e.g. "Go and deploy the panels for us". A start could be including a parachute or two on some of the rescuee vessels so we have the option of going there, opening the chutes, and then pushing them down in the ship, or perhaps including a simple tank + engine system so we can go and refuel them instead. If necessary, SQUAD could include a small selection of simple prebuilt ships that would be unavailable to the player (maybe with a game rule setting about it), which would spawn in space the way the current pods do and EVAs did.

Edited by parameciumkid
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If necessary, SQUAD could include a small selection of simple prebuilt ships that would be unavailable to the player (maybe with a game rule setting about it), which would spawn in space the way the current pods do and EVAs did.

You mean like...

Stock ships?


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Seen one for Eve and Duna. I don't have time to go save every kerbal, though.

Now if we could have minor bases of operation at these other locations, it might be viable.

Refueling might be fun. I've done more than one claw refueling maneuver on my own ships.

Edited by BDelacroix
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I'd also like to see "rescue" missions that involved something more detailed than "bring X back to Kerbin," such as "our probe is out of power; send someone there to deploy the solar panels" or "our Duna rover's wheels broke; send an engineer to repair them" or "our science satellite has exhausted all of its goo containers and materials bays; send a scientist to reset them."

This is a great idea. Also gives a good reason to use different crew combinations. Currently I only send engineers up to gain experience. Sure they can fix parachutes, and perform minor repairs, but I rarely find this is critical (because of F5 and F9 mainly... in other words, legal cheating).

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You must find a way to bring the disabled vessel back to kerbin.

Sure, if by "disabled" you mean "missing everything necessary for a vessel to function." :sticktongue:

- - - Updated - - -

(How could you strand someone around Jool two days after I explore Jool?!?).

Stowaways hitchhiking on your ship, obviously!

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I've been getting rescue missions out the wazoo this game. I've gotten several missions to rescue from around the Mun and also one for Minmus. One time I went up with an empty Hitchhiker container and came back with a full one. They're really kind of like getting free money, because without them, I don't know how I'd staff my space program! It's also great to load up the bus using a Hitchhiker and take it to Minmus and back, because all the Kerbals inside get the experience. It almost feels like cheating. I've got two now that are in retrograde Kerbin orbits, but I think I'll wait for at least one more to make it worth my while. Sorry guys!

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I'd also like to see "rescue" missions that involved something more detailed than "bring X back to Kerbin," such as "our probe is out of power; send someone there to deploy the solar panels" or "our Duna rover's wheels broke; send an engineer to repair them" or "our science satellite has exhausted all of its goo containers and materials bays; send a scientist to reset them."

Awesome idea. Perhaps even one that modders could make.

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This is the only quasi relevant rescue thread I could find to discuss this issue, so here goes:

It seems in my present 1.02 career all my rescue contract targets are female Kerbals. Must be the random number generator playing damsel in distress all night :)

Also it seems all the rescue targets are engineers or scientists. Could I hope to keep doing the contracts in the hope of getting a free pilot or two, or are they all sci and eng?

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This is the only quasi relevant rescue thread I could find to discuss this issue, so here goes:

It seems in my present 1.02 career all my rescue contract targets are female Kerbals. Must be the random number generator playing damsel in distress all night :)

Also it seems all the rescue targets are engineers or scientists. Could I hope to keep doing the contracts in the hope of getting a free pilot or two, or are they all sci and eng?

No pilot could return to Kerbin after needing to be rescued. Imagine what Jeb would think of them. They always get home or die trying.

Jeb already hates Engineers and Scientists anyway so they have nothing to lose by being shamed as cowards.

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Could I hope to keep doing the contracts in the hope of getting a free pilot or two, or are they all sci and eng?

I have rescued 8 kerbals. 4 pilots, 3 scientists and 1 engineer. 3 men and 5 women.

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It still takes away a bit the feeling of being the first and top space agency. It is a nice way of recruiting but mayb it should be reduced to be rarer and only finding recruits on Kerbin. It would give meaning to building planes at last.

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I think there should probably be some probability associated with if they join your crew. I mean clearly they are Kerbalnauts for another agency (you didn't launch them up there), maybe they want to return to that agency rather than join yours.

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