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[1.2.2] Phoenix Industries Cargo Resupply System (KIS/MechJeb Compatible) v2.2


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  Dazpoet said:
We're tracking the addition of a .netkan file over at https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/pull/1457 so -ctn- you need do nothing at all to resolve the situation save wait for us to solve our own screwup.

Please tell me where information that this works was located so I can fix it. We do not currently have such a functionality.

Also please put requests for mod metadata fixes into the CKAN thread or, preferably, onto the CKAN githut pages so we can adress them.

Dazpoet: I got that from your quick guide - the way it reads you said that you index Kerbalstuff, and you say that you dont even need the .nkan file in the distro. Did I read that wrong?

As for the rest, I was simply trying to help the author here with getting his stuff into CKAN - CKAN is a great tool and this is a great app.

And I'll post it to the CKAN thread you suggest, but you still have an ancient version in the repository that lists separate versions of 1.25m and 2.5m, and they are 1.2, not the current unified 1.5 version that I referenced above. So CKAN is not working as it should.

- - - Updated - - -

FYI, ctn: I'll post up to CKAN thread and see if I can get this sorted out for you. You just keep making the awesome stuff, I'll try to make sure your best and latest are widely available!

Edited by Murdabenne
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Uh... It already has the extended trunk. ;)

The unpressurized version allows you to store any surface attachable part inside (like USILS supplies, science instruments, ect.

If if you use KIS, the capsule and the pressurized trunk has loads of KIS storage space to throw whatever you need inside it. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has there been any thoughts around making this comparable with the various Life Support Systems out there (My personal fav is still TAC). Right now, you can store some surface radial attach containers, but doesn't seem as eloquent of a solution...

My thought was around the ability int he right click menu to add or remove food, water, O2, and by increasing those you would decrease the available KIS storage space ? I'm not sure if that's even possible. Perhaps KIS type parts for these things, a while back someone did a "food bags" type mod, I wonder if that could be re-purposed into a KIS type part?

Sorry Just thinking out-loud as they say.

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Just a thought, I was looking at the spaceX website, and their pictures of the CRS Dragon have a jettisonable fairing over the docking port. It'd certainly make the top more aerodynamic if the Phoenix had something like that.

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You updating this anytime soon for 1.0.4? If so, then the update (and compatibility) will be done automatically. If its not affected (and I think it is not), then instead of you having to do a rebuild, I can just update CKAN for the app to use a range of ksp_version and set this iun CKAN as compatible with 1.0.2-1.0.4. It won't stop the warning message when KSP starts form the version checker, but it will make this available for CKAN users to install, once again.

Edited by Murdabenne
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the only thing I noted is that the solar array's and the solar covers don't "snap to" when you move them over another part (like the trunk) to radially attach them. Other radially attached parts go "forward front" when you mouse them over another part. (I'm not sure how to describe it in good English).

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I think that shall just require a little revamp in the configuration file.

I wanted to try modeling a new version of the capsule and revamping some parts of the textures.

Stay tuned I guess for a new update.

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As I figured. Being a part mod it should be compatible with any version.

Now that KIS is updated, I'll work on an update for this. Mainly aesthetic - I want to tweak the model for the capsule and clean up some of the coding for various parts to fix things that irk me. May or may not include my 0.625m radial SRB that I've been toying with recently.

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