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The Name Change Thread (WARNING! ONE TIME ONLY!)


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5 hours ago, JustCosmic said:

Am I able to change my name to Trit0n? Originally my discord name was JustCosmic but I changed it to Trit0n and I was wondering if I could do the same with my forum account.

I was able. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
9 hours ago, NARAzriel_JK said:

Hi there! Could you be able to change my name to MYKori_Rosales? When I signed up on the KSP Forums, my name was NARAzriel_JK.

It was touch and go there for a while, but in the end I prevailed. Yes, I was able. 

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  • 1 month later...
53 minutes ago, Pigbear2 said:

Can I get a change to Pegboard? I'm not very active but this one's something of a dead name for me, and I don't like seeing it.


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  • 4 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Random person. said:

can i change my user to bobatesomemayo? i made this account ages ago and i just got back into KSP. 

It is done. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Cryptobux said:

@Vanamonde Not quite on topic - I asked for my account to be deleted about 30hours ago but it hasn't happened yet. Can you take a look?

Forum moderators do not have access to the account delete function. You'd need Private Division staff to do that, and I really couldn't say what their staffing is like at the moment. I'd give you more information if I had it. :(

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Hmm. I'd like my personal details (email) to be removed from  this forum's database. I understand that's a legal right in certain jurisdictions, and probably in the host country of this forum. Who should I contact?

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