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The Name Change Thread (WARNING! ONE TIME ONLY!)


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I think I got the answer I was looking for. Can someone please change this thread from unanswered to answered?


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You probably pickedthe wrong thread, [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25176-Need-your-Own-Thread-Moved-Removed-or-Closed-or-a-Post-Deleted"]this [/URL]is the thread you are looking for. Also, you can change it yourself, just click "Edit" and then "Go advanced". You should be able to change the tag in the top. :)
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2 hours ago, Laythe Dweller said:

Did the people with accounts but no posts or activity get transferred over with the forum migration? Because one of them has the name "Laythe," which I wanted my username to be changed to, but is taken.

All accounts were transferred over. We don't delete old accounts, people sometimes come back to them.

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On 30/11/2015, 08:59:15, - Jeremy - said:

I noticed that the [ ]s in my name got converted into -s in the forum migration ; Is there any chance that could get fixed, or is that not allowed since I already changed my name?

The name before the migration was [ Jeremy ] by the way.

Changed back. I think there's an issue with encoding between this forum and the last, more than one username was affected.

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Err.. what happened is I created a new account with a new email, and I didn't realise I already had an account, can you merge my old account (DylanTheMinerBoy) into this one? Can you keep the name of this account too, I don't want to be lost in the space time continuum like Eeloo,

Yours Planetarily,


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