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Astro's Kopernicus Planets


What would you want in the planet pack?  

186 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you want in the planet pack?

    • more moons
    • more planets
    • "lagrange point" moons/planets
    • rings
    • cubic planetary system
    • more moons around stock planets
    • other, and just post a comment asking for what you wish.

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amarius1, Thomas P might be able to help with fixing this problem - here's the post: Tyrok fix?

Hopefully if we do what he says Tyrok will work again, but I would highly suggest that you look back at the 18th page as well (that would be where I asked for help).

Strange... I don't even know... It's basicaly a config taken straight from Kerbal Universe, with some small path and name tweaks so i don't know what's wrong... ALSO... BARYCENTERS?

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Yeah, he's working on a BaryCenter code for Kopernicus.

I've been screwing with K1407 and K1407b, and their moons.

The rings bug out though (first they vibrate when I timewarp, second they pop out of nowhere once you get close enough, or even better phrased, when you zoom out, they disappear after a certain point).

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I think I might be able to help with the "crashing through the terrain" problem on Tyrok.

I had the same problem with my planet that got solved after I deleted a chunk of PQS code (shown commented out in code below)

name = Tyrok
flightGlobalsIndex = 888
name = Laythe
removeOcean = true
removeAllPQSMods = true

referenceBody = Mysterio
semiMajorAxis = 5600000
inclination = 1
eccentricity = 0.1
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 89
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
epoch = 0
color = 0.75,0.4,0.5,1
description = Insert description.
radius = 24000
geeASL = 0.5
rotationPeriod = 20000
rotates = true
tidallyLocked = false
initialRotation = 0
timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 30000 30000 60000 100000 300000 600000 800000

landedDataValue = 18
flyingLowDataValue = 17
flyingHighDataValue = 17
splashedDataValue = 19
inSpaceLowDataValue = 15.3
inSpaceHighDataValue = 14.6
recoveryValue = 18.2
flyingAltitudeThreshold = 80000
spaceAltitudeThreshold = 1000000
type = Atmospheric
fadeStart = 0
fadeEnd = 0

texture = Astro'sPlanets/MysterioSystem/Moons/Tyrok/Textures/Tyrok_color
normals = Astro'sPlanets/MysterioSystem/Moons/Tyrok/Textures/Tyrok_normal
shininess = 0
specular = 0.0,0.0,0.0,0

rimPower = 2.06
rimBlend = 0.3

0.0 = 0.80,0.20,0.0,2
0.6 = 0.70,0.10,0.0,1.5
1.0 = 0.0196,0.0196,0.0196,1
ambientColor = 0.8, 0.2, 0.0, 1
lightColor = 0.8, 0.2, 0.0, 1
enabled = true
oxygen = false
albedo = 0.17
altitude = 12000.0

key = 0 700
key = 12000 0
pressureCurveIsNormalized = false

temperatureSeaLevel = 375
key = 0 375
key = 12000 0
temperatureCurveIsNormalized = false
temperatureLapseRate = 0.0024
temperatureSunMultCurve = false

adiabaticIndex = 1.20000004768372
gasMassLapseRate = 2.06477390407027
atmosphereMolarMass = 0.014

//maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
//minLevel = 2
// maxLevel = 12
//minDetailDistance = 8

// materialType = AtmosphericOptimized
// Material
// saturation = 1
// contrast = 1.8
// tintColor = 0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000

// powerNear = 0.6
// powerFar = 0.5

// groundTexStart = 0
// groundTexEnd = 1000

// steepPower = 1.25
// steepTexStart = 0
// steepTexEnd = 50000
// steepTex = BUILTIN/terrain_rock00
// steepBumpMap = BUILTIN/RockyGround2
// steepNearTiling = 100
// steepTiling = 60

// lowTex = BUILTIN/RockyGround
// lowBumpMap = BUILTIN/quiet
// lowNearTiling = 2000
// lowMultiFactor = 100
// lowBumpNearTiling = 2000
// lowBumpFarTiling = 4000

// midTex = BUILTIN/RockyGround
// midBumpMap = BUILTIN/SandyGround
// midNearTiling = 4000
// midMultiFactor = 100
// midBumpNearTiling = 4000
// midBumpFarTiling = 4000

// highTex = BUILTIN/RockyGround
// highBumpMap = BUILTIN/quiet
// highNearTiling = 4000
// highMultiFactor = 100
// highBumpNearTiling = 8000
// highBumpFarTiling = 4000

// lowStart = 0
// lowEnd = 0.3
// highStart = 0.8
// highEnd = 1

// globalDensity = 0
// fogColorRamp = BUILTIN/desert_atmogradient
// }

map = Astro'sPlanets/MysterioSystem/Moons/Tyrok/Textures/Tyrok_color.png
blend = 1.0
order = 9999993
modEnabled = True

map = Astro'sPlanets/MysterioSystem/Moons/Tyrok/PluginData/Tyrok_height.png
offset = -5
deformity = 700.0
scaleDeformityByRadius = false
order = 20
enabled = true
seed = 98374
deformity = 500.0
octaves = 8.0
persistence = 0.5
frequency = 4.0
enabled = true
order = 59
offset = -1044
modEnabled = true
order = 100
seed = 4447895
deformity = 500
octaves = 8
persistence = 0.5
frequency = 24
enabled = true
order = 50
noiseType = RiggedMultifractal
deformity = 100
seed = 1238999936
frequency = 25
lacunarity = 1.5
persistance = 0.75
octaves = 10
mode = Low
enabled = True
order = 19
deformity = 500
ridgedAddSeed = 1530393216
ridgedAddFrequency = 12
ridgedAddLacunarity = 2
ridgedAddOctaves = 4
ridgedSubSeed = 1212096256
ridgedSubFrequency = 12
ridgedSubLacunarity = 2
ridgedSubOctaves = 4
ridgedMode = Low
simplexHeightStart = 0
simplexHeightEnd = 9000
simplexSeed = 1909396224
simplexOctaves = 6
simplexPersistence = 0.699999988079071
simplexFrequency = 4
enabled = true
order = 100
blend = 0.7
order = 201
enabled = true
name = AbyPl
altitudeStart = 0.0
altitudeEnd = 0.5
color = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0
lerpToNext = true
name = Beach
altitudeStart = 0.5
altitudeEnd = 0.55
color = 0.164179087,0.164179087,0.164179087,1.0
lerpToNext = true
name = Beach2
altitudeStart = 0.55
altitudeEnd = 1.0
color = 0.373134315,0.373134315,0.373134315,1.0
lerpToNext = false
maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
minLevel = 2
maxLevel = 12
minDetailDistance = 8
oceanColor = 0.7, 0.2, 0, 1.000

colorFromSpace = 0.7, 0.2, 0, 1.000
specColor = 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000
shininess = 0
gloss = 0.7
tiling = 1000
waterTex = BUILTIN/liquidmercury
waterTexScale = 1.0, 1.0
waterTexOffset = 0.0, 0.0
waterTex1 = BUILTIN/liquidmercury
waterTex1Scale = 1.0, 1.0
waterTex1Offset = 0.0, 0.0
bTiling = 800
bumpMap = BUILTIN/quiet
bumpMapScale = 1.0, 1.0
bumpMapOffset = 0.0, 0.0
displacement = 0.01
dispFreq = 13.97
mix = 0.4032745
oceanOpacity = 0.3
falloffPower = 3
falloffExp = 0.05
fogColor = 0.5, 0.3, 0, 1.000
heightFallOff = 0.2
globalDensity = -1.5E-05
atmosphereDepth = 5000
fogColorRampScale = 1.0, 1.0
fogColorRampOffset = 0.0, 0.0
fadeStart = 20000
fadeEnd = 60000
planetOpacity = 1
color = 0.05, 0.5, 0.05, 1.000
mainTextureOffset = 0.0, 0.0
mainTextureScale = 1.0, 1.0
passCount = 5
renderQueue = 2000
hideFlags = None

colorFromSpace = 0.7, 0.2, 0, 1.000
specColor = 0.849, 0.849, 0.849, 1.000
shininess = 1
gloss = 0.3336538
tiling = 1000
waterTex = BUILTIN/liquidmercury
waterTexScale = 1.0, 1.0
waterTexOffset = 0.0, 0.0
waterTex1 = BUILTIN/liquidmercury
waterTex1Scale = 1.0, 1.0
waterTex1Offset = 0.0, 0.0
fadeStart = 20000
fadeEnd = 60000
planetOpacity = 1
color = 0.7, 0.2, 0, 1.000
mainTextureOffset = 0.0, 0.0
mainTextureScale = 1.0, 1.0
passCount = 5
renderQueue = 2000
hideFlags = None

key = 1000 0
key = 500 5
key = 250 25
key = 0 100

globalDensity = -0.00001
heightFalloff = 6.75
atmosphereDepth = 150000
DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = true
cameraAlt = 0
cameraAtmosAlt = 0
heightDensAtViewer = 0
enabled = true
order = 100

enabled = true
order = 100

generateMap = true
deformity = 0
maxHeight = 0.5
minHeight = 0
enabled = true
order = 1000

I hope that helps! I tried to test it out, but when I try to add your planet there is just empty space after you load your game.. no buildings, no KSC, no Kerbin, just the Sun and the 2 kerbin moons floating around in space?

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I'll attempt to fix it today.

Anyway, how's the development of Valklipper Mr.HappyFace (your planet's going to be named that according to the spreadsheet - right)?

- - - Updated - - -

It kinda works - the only problem is that the ship teleports elsewhere when I exit to the Space center and re-load the ship and then the system disappears n map view.

Are you using the Kopernicus 0.1 beta version Mr.Chumley?

- - - Updated - - -

Ok, Tyrok doesn't work still - it still disappears. I tried to land on it and as I hit a certain altitude (about 6km) Tyrok began to "disintegrate."

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Tried everything I know about PQS and nothing works for Tyrok.

What could be the potential problem?

Do you think we should check out Tekto from OPM - after all maybe that will help us.

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Yes. Yes it is. Would download for planet with rings on steroids, but my game is laggy enough. Anyone have a picture of the planet with the huge rings? Also, do I need Better Time Warp? CustomAsteroids hates it. And could someone make a DistantObjectEnchancement and/or PlanetShine config?

Edited by TheJewelOfJool
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Better Time Warp is optional - which may turn into a requirement since KAC can only go so far and you would spend a lot of time traveling to Sirona, let alone the two stars and Kinern.

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I have been trying to solve some issues on my end, however, we may need to release the pack before we add the binary planets.

Sigma Binaries has been bugging out for me today by screwing up the Exoplanet systems and the Yof-Sawob system.

I have fixed the problem up, however, that means removing the SigmaBinaries mod entirely.

I am going to test out Yof and Sawob again without SigmaBinaries installed (I had to remove Yof and Sawob because I had no idea as what was occurring).

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I've been testing the Kopernicus Binary feature lately and it seems to be a lot simpler and better.

It doesn't glitch out the mass system in the game - yet.

I'm trying it out on a replica of a planetary system that has two stars - PSR B1620-26, which also has a planet around it (and I found out that I can make 600m radius stars last night!).

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Hi there guys, I wanted to apologize for the problems SigmaBinary may have caused and at the same time thank you for taking the time to report those problems so I could improve my mod.

It's still in a developmental phase so your help reporting bugs was (and still is) highly apreciated.

at the same time, good luck with your mod. Yog and Sawob look very cool!

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@Sigma, not a problem, we have some issues to sort out as well.

@Mr.HappyFace, how's Valkliper?

I've managed to get my hands on a cube heightmap for the cube planets.

Also, any luck with Tyrok?

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yeah no problems, I've seen you were thinking to drop SigmaBinary compatibility so if you don't intend to use it don't bother with it.

I really posted here just to give you the chance of trying it if you were interested :)

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3 things:

Valklipper will be done as soon as the version of Kopernicus with support for external plugins is released. I still have to do the moon though, but I have a good idea

What's the timeline for releasing? When should I try to finish the planets I've been making?

#3 coming as soon as I edit this comment...

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I might remake new kerbol in Kopernicus sometime in the future, but probably not any time soon.

We should reuse the New Jool texture (yellow gas giant), and maybe the heightmaps, but the rest probably wouldn't be that useful here.

As for licensing, you don't really get a licence, you just include one in the download and the forum thread. I think the planets' configs and textures should be under CC, and the plugin should be under LGPL.

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