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BURAN Shuttle - Release


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trying to make the pretty brick fly is fun though, even if i cant land it like a plane i think it would be interesting to play with

I think is too early to talk about the press release because there are obvious problems that need to be corrected.

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I think he was referring to the Russian Federation to distinguish the difference between it and the USSR. Far as i understand the Russian Federation never took ownership of the Buran it died when the USSR dissolved.

Yeah, that is EXACTLY who I meant!

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While not heard of Dragon, I began aerodynamics "Brick", he began to fly better, as corrected Docking port, I think a few more fixes and released a beta test, but first, to improve aerodynamics.

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As the NASA shuttle flew like a brick it was because the wing span was narrowed so it could fit in the former Saturn V VAB (Thanks Nixon). Russia however did not have that limitation and was able to have a slightly wider wingspan. This is why they could fly it with turbofans. It did not fly like a brick as much as the NASA one did. The eventual goal was to have turbo fans on the Buran so it could transport itself to any runway in the world. It could ultimately act like a plane if it wanted too. Another amazing victory of Russian engineering.


The NASA shuttle could not obtain lift off from a runway which is why its areo test was done on the back of a 747.


Also this was a concept art of the final design of the intagrated turbofan engines

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As the NASA shuttle flew like a brick it was because the wing span was narrowed so it could fit in the former Saturn V VAB (Thanks Nixon).

I was under the impression that the shuttle wingspan was actually wider than NASA originally wanted because the the Air Force wanted it to have a large cross-range capability?

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I was under the impression that the shuttle wingspan was actually wider than NASA originally wanted because the the Air Force wanted it to have a large cross-range capability?

Thats what they wanted but Nixon did not want to front the cost for a wider VAB so they settled for less due to cost. The Shuttle VAB is the same building that launched the apollo's it was just modified but the width of the building did not change. The reason for the shuttle program was to cut costs as a reusable ship (it dident turn out that way) but the NASA shuttle was limited on its wingspan. Like i showed in the pictures above the Buran could fly with turbofans and eventually was planned to have them. The NASA shuttle was a glider nothing more.

On youtube watch the space shuttle documentary narrated by willam shatner and you will see the stages of them building the shuttle and the limitations. Originally the NASA shuttle wanted turbofans that would come out of the OMS pods but once again... $$$

Russia went all out and improved on the shuttle design. The USSR always wanted to one up the US and with the shuttle they did.

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Thats what they wanted but Nixon did not want to front the cost for a wider VAB so they settled for less due to cost. The Shuttle VAB is the same building that launched the apollo's it was just modified but the width of the building did not change. The reason for the shuttle program was to cut costs as a reusable ship (it dident turn out that way) but the NASA shuttle was limited on its wingspan. Like i showed in the pictures above the Buran could fly with turbofans and eventually was planned to have them. The NASA shuttle was a glider nothing more.

On youtube watch the space shuttle documentary narrated by willam shatner and you will see the stages of them building the shuttle and the limitations. Originally the NASA shuttle wanted turbofans that would come out of the OMS pods but once again... $$$

Russia went all out and improved on the shuttle design. The USSR always wanted to one up the US and with the shuttle they did.

Ah, by the looks of things the Air Force actually had more of an influence on the use of delta wings itself, as opposed to the width of these wings.

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The Polyus was an orbital weapon, although it did not work in real life, hope that answers your question.

I know why he wanted. But I do not know what it will need in the game.

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So I rested for a while but had to do a little work on the Buran. 1. The unit will be available soon for the payload of scientific instruments.

2. Light in the fuselage depends on your preference, 6 lights switched randomly as you like. But while eating electricity, so that the need to save electricity.





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DECQ, my one request to you:

Take your time and do it right! I hope this will be ready by the time i get my laptop back in a few months (SHOULD be enough time)... looks great so far!

I also think about it. It is not necessary to hurry.

- - - Updated - - -

controllers are will?

Do not understand the question, you're talking about.???

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One question, is it possible to make your Buran work together with the Shuttle mod? Like, for example, having interchangeable external tank attachment, payloads, docking...

another thing that I noticed from the Shuttle mod that could work with your Buran, since it is a historical mod and not a stockalike, is having the structure (cockpit, bay, engine mount, wings and tail) one piece, and having the engines, control surfaces, payloads and docking adapter as separate parts

but these are just ideas, rest assured that I sure am waiting in line to try your Buran as soon as you release it even if you release it pink :P

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