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Sukhoi-50 5th generation fighter.

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With all the control surfaces of the real SU-50 this replica is capable of manoeuvring fast, while remaining stable. An integrated dual deck body allows for a detailed and clean look that replicates all the SU-50's defining features with less than 100 parts. This replica matches the SU-50 almost perfectly in terms of shape, capturing and recreating the swept wings and diffused cockpit.



if any of this interests you then [url=https://www.dropbox.com/s/odcpcgh1wug8ezh/SU%2050.craft?dl=0]download here

Edited by landfish2
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Wow. Beautiful, just beautiful. How did you do those engines?

the engines and turbine assembly is essentially a long tube with intakes up front, covered by structural wings. They end in small ore tanks followed by clipped in turbojets. The whole thing is rotated slightly so that it comes out of the fuselage like in the real plane and a tail section type A is clipped in at the top to make the joint of engine and fuselage look more like the real SU-50

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