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Is KSP too expensive?


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I bought the game for 20 dollars in a steam sale. I saw it today for 39.99. I know this isn't my place to judge, but I think that's a bit much. Don't get me wrong, I love the game and have logged hundreds of hours on it, but I see it as a bit of a barrier to entry. I've recommended KSP several people about it and every one of them said it was too expensive. I would love to hear your opinions on this.


EDIT: think of whether it's a turn off to new players. Is $40 too steep for a game they might not like?

Edited by SmallFatFetus
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800 hours / $40 = 20 hours of entertainment per dollar

800 hours / $20 = 40 hours of entertainment per dollar

(800+ being the number of hours I've logged on KSP)

I cannot think of another activity that can come even close.

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I bought the game for 20 dollars in a steam sale. I saw it today for 39.99. I know this isn't my place to judge, but I think that's a bit much. Don't get me wrong, I love the game and have logged hundreds of hours on it, but I see it as a bit of a barrier to entry. I've recommended KSP several people about it and every one of them said it was too expensive. I would love to hear your opinions on this.


Honestly the problem I have convincing people is that the demo does a p*ss poor job of convincing people the game is worth that. As someone who's logged over 1200 hours, I assure you it most certainly is and everyone I know who does buy in agrees, but proving that to them before they make the investment has actually required me to do some 'questionable' things which I will not state here.

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$40 for something you love and that you've spent hundreds of hours on sounds like a steal to me. As hobbies go, that's pretty darn cheap. It's also a comparatively rare beast - a computer game where what you see is what you get. No DRM, no in-game purchases, no microtransactions, advertising or any other wretched attempt to nag you into spending more money.

If spending $40 on a computer game isn't in someone's discretionary spending budget, I can completely understand and sympathise with that. Do your research, play the demo, watch some YouTube videos and make an informed purchase (or not). But I don't think $40 is an unreasonable price.

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$40 seems a bit high to me considering that so many things still need to be polished. If things improve at the pace I'm expecting, $40 might be a reasonable price in a year. But then, that's what sales are for. Speaking of which, when is the Steam Summer Sale?

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I would pay $40 for this game without thinking twice (had I not already owned it) based JUST on the demo. I get far less entertainment value out of AAA $60 titles than I do from KSP.

That said, the question really is this: Would Squad get more GROSS Dollars for KSP at $20, $30 or at $40?

At $20:

6 sales = $120

At $30

4 sales = $120

At $40

3 sales = $120

At $20, would SQUAD more than double their sales volume, compared to $40?

At $30, would sales increase by more than 33%, compared to $40?

At $40, would sales volume exceed dollar losses at lower price-points?

A Steam study from last year ( or was it 2013?) found that games that sold at lower price-points more than make up for it in total volume, increasing Gross Income (often times drastically!) Based on this finding, I might be inclined to say "yes!" it might be "over-priced."

Really I think it's inaccurate to say that it's over or under-priced, to me KSP is definitely worth a $40 price-tag. Again it comes down to total sales income and the study shows that games that discount themselves heavily receive more gross sales income.

Edited by EtherDragon
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I dont buy games full price if I can at all avoid it. For steam that means throwing it on my wishlist and waiting for an inevitable sale.

While I am glad they arent going for the full 60$ that alot of games charge, I think 40 is a bit high.

I could see 30 for the full release, but its their call. They have already made millions off KSP so something is working lol.

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I wouldn't buy KSP 1.0.x

I fell in love with the 0.18 demo, and I absolutely adore what it has become, but I know I would have passed it by

$40 is too much, but the sale price is fine. If it was priced at $20 I'd only pay $10 in a sale - so I think the price is right.

OF course, having bought a store copy and a steam copy I have spent more than $40, so you must treat my testimony as unreliable.

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I just got back from the Magic Kingdom. The last evening we were there I spent 60$ buying hot dogs and lemonade for 5 people right before the park closed.

KSP is cheap. Cheap cheap.

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Knowing what I do, $40 for KSP is quite generous. (would still buy on sale)

Of all I knew was that it was an indy title with good reviews, $40 seems too high.

I think the right answer is to update the demo to a current version, but lock it to just Kerbin, Kerbol, the mun, (no other planetary bodies) and the level 1 research tiers. Should be relatively easy to throw together, give a taste of the game, but leave them wanting more. Not sure how you manage it so people don't just mod it to be like stock.

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$40 is a reasonable price.

To many games are trying to charge $60 or more which is too much.

Sadly in a world where free to play is now the standard (not really free though) too many people just don't want to pay, and well the result is a lot of the games coming out these days are well junk.

KSP is one one of the good games out there and yes I would pay $40 for it.

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I saw it today for 39.99.

Than we must be lucky because as late as after I joined the forums, Squad was thinking about making the game $60 at launch.

Oh yeah, and don't forget how people play for thousands of hours. It also simultaneously gives away lots of fun every hour!

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Honestly, considering the value in the game and the breadth of mods, $40 is too cheap.

It has more content and potential game time than nearly any AAA title out there. Probably should be priced at $60 to be honest. Plus don't forget that most games release, get a patch or two and then that is it. Anymore content or changes costs money.

In any case, I'd think it best for them to have the regular price at $40 and do 50% sales instead of just pricing at $20. People like sales.

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$40 for something you love and that you've spent hundreds of hours on sounds like a steal to me. As hobbies go, that's pretty darn cheap. It's also a comparatively rare beast - a computer game where what you see is what you get. No DRM, no in-game purchases, no microtransactions, advertising or any other wretched attempt to nag you into spending more money.

Agreed. It's a one-time, 40 dollar payment. Also, most games nowadays are upwards of 60 dollars so KSP is a decent price.

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A Steam study from last year ( or was it 2013?) found that games that sold at lower price-points more than make up for it in total volume, increasing Gross Income (often times drastically!) Based on this finding, I might be inclined to say "yes!" it might be "over-priced."

It depends greatly on the type of game and the target demographic. Something like Minecraft that appeals to a huge market, or casual games for mobile, do profit greatly from lower prices. However, KSP is much more of a niche game... I think the people interested in it aren't too concerned with the price, and lowering the price probably wouldn't make it appeal to vastly larger demographics.

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