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Best and worst ever games


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Oh dear.... I tried so hard to like that game. I really did. I loved Morrowind and Daggerfall and gave O a good go but I just couldn't like it one bit. Stripped down to below minimum. The number of skills were cut down to a Mario Bro's level, the variations of genuine characters went from whatever you want to be (in Daggerfall) to fighter, thief or mage? The leveling system is attrocious where it becomes close to utterly pointless to level up at all. Magic is crippled to a backyard amateur illusion talent competition thing. All in all a bloated beast that pretty much killed my interests in TES after Morrowind.

That is about 10 times the thought I put into it. For me it was more, "Okay I got this whole thing figured out and... wow it's boring."

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Best: Warcraft II, which got me into the "modern" (Win95+) age of PC gaming, superseded by Starcraft. I also hugely enjoyed Star Wars Galaxies, until SOE completely destroyed the game (and everything I'd accomplished) with their "New Game Experience."

Worst: SWG after the "New Game Experience."

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Best: AI War - Fleet Command, Final Fantasy 7, FTL, Master of Orion 2, Neuromancer, Reach for the Stars (original), Alpha Centauri, X3 - Terran Conflict, Uplink, Chrono Trigger, Europa Universalis IV (despite the bugs), Starcraft 2, Total Annihilation, Space Empires IV, Star Control 2&3 (yeah I'm weird like that), OpenTTD, Pirates!

Worst: First rule of worst games, I don't talk about worst games

Edited by cybersol
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Best: Future Elite: Dangerous (The game is "released", but it's incomplete but the developer is aware of it hired even more workers to progress faster than in the beta stages.!

Worst: X3: Albion Prelude

The game is breathtaking, yet slows down to 2 FPS when opening any sort of menu because the developers could not be bothered to make it work with recent AMD drivers.

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I played so many good/bad games that this will be hard to pick (I will exclude flight simulators because I love em all and those are not games).


-Mass Effect 1/2: my best sf RPG experience so far - I just love the characters and I already have multiple playthroughs after me. I dont think I will ever get bored with those games.

-Alien: Isolation: it's a truly a piece of art among the games, a great gaming tribute to one of the best SF horror movies in a history.

-Fallout: New Vegas: same as Mass Effect I have hundreds of hours put into it and it just never gets boring. And with mods it's getting better and better.

-DooM 3: its not getting old, it plays absolutely perfect, it's a hard old school FPs that I can play over and over again.

-Dead Space: One of the best horror/action games I've played. The sound, monsters and level design is spot on and creates very unique spooky atmosphere through the entire game. Dead Space 1 is still the best game in the serie.

-EVE Online: Its my second life. Not much to add - best mmo of all time.

-Dark Souls: Very dark, very difficult and very challenging game. But really amazing in every aspect. It's a experience.

Worst/most disappointing (those may be controversial, but that's how I feel about them):

-Dragon Age Inquisition: painful to play, really boring, not much to combat apart from spamming buttons all the time, and none of the characters appealed to me in any way. Waist of money for me.

-Battlefield 4: paid dlc simulator, no tactics, run shoot/die call of duty style - horrid experience.

-Wolfenstein New Order: is so full of useless cut-scenes, scripted events, and quick time events its not even Call of duty level of awful. Its painful and distracts you from actually fun and well made shooting fragments

(dual wielding machine guns is awesome). There is nothing "old school" about it, it was awful experience.

-Tom Raider: Its a good game if you can enjoy lots of quick time events and scripted sequences. I can't and couldn't stand it. It's like interactive movie with some easy puzzle elements.

Edited by mordin86
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Civilization IV & V - Just extremely addictive & very well made games (after expansion packs, anyway).

RollerCoaster Tycoon - Who doesn't want to spend hours designing a roller coaster?

Gran Turismo 2 - I like racing.

GTA Vice City & San Andreas - Haven't aged all that well but absolutely mind-blowing for their time. Great sense of humour.

Final Fantasy VII & Crisis Core - Loved the stories & materia system was very interesting.

Metal Gear Solid 1-4 - Great mix of humour, good characters, terrible stories & compelling gameplay.

Driver: San Francisco - The most fun handling cars I've ever driven in a video game. Also very interesting "shift" mechanic.

Worms (2D versions) - Mayhem.

Worst (or most disappointing)

Red Dead Redemption - Boring, buggy mess with extremely unlikable characters and almost no variation in gameplay.

GTA IV - More disappointing than bad. A graphically impressive & mechanically solid game with nothing to do other than stare at grey-brown walls. No fun after San Andreas.

Final Fantasy VIII - Took the emo edge too far with some pretty whiny characters and the game mechanics were just awful. You actually get punished for levelling up.

Any FPS on a console - Anyone who can aim accurately with a stick is a witch.

Thankfully I tend not to buy that many poor games.

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Kerbal Space Program - Kinda obvious, but whatever, it has great gameplay and I love the creativity it allows with both mods and vanilla gameplay

Fire Emblem Awakening - Probably my favorite non-PC game, it has one of the best stories in a game I've seen from experience and grasps your attention with it's addictive story line

Spore - It's been years since I last played it, but I will always remember it as being rather atmospheric and very big in scale, then again, it may be nostalgia blindness!

Team Fortress 2 - Great gameplay and a good community, what else must can you ask for?

Garry's Mod - The amount of addons, customization and hours to be had is amazing! I already logged 800 hours in the amount of time it took me to get to 500 hours in TF2!

Starbound - Yes, it's lack of updates has been controversial, but I still remain close to it and stick to it's nice atmosphere, good game play, and nice sense of progression.

Unturned - Most likely one of the best F2P games you can get on PC at the moment, because it is ACTUALLY FREE (No microtransactions, just one 5 dollar "Gold Membership" and that's it!), plays well and rather remarkably is all developed by a 16 year old!

Worst/Least Favorites:

Ace of Spades - Very disappointing with it's lack of content for price, balancing issues and lacking community, just a bore, really.

Roblox - It's been years since I played this game, but unlike Spore, I want to avoid it like the plague! Simply because it has the worst community of any game EVER, as it is full of 5 year olds, idiots and a few power-abusing "adults". This combined with the incompetent developers, hostility and crooked "nationalism" of groups (Which treat themselves like giant nations when they are run by 5 year olds), the entirety of the "membership" system (Which reeks of P2P) and the general constant spiral the game has gone in since 2010! By far the worst game I ever played!

Bad Rats - This game is bad, but atleast it is laughably bad! It has awful gameplay, PS1-style graphics/visuals and a strange story. But at least the game and community are nonsensical and don't really treat themselves seriously! Sure you have to buy it, but on a steam sale it can go down to about 20 cents (Which is what I bought it for), but I still wouldn't buy it, except as a joke.

Turbo Dismount - For me, it really is kind of below average, as it also lies in the same demeanor as Goat Simulator to me. It is quite fun and humorous for a couple hours, but after that is becomes kinda boring and repetitive.

Luckily, those are really the only games I have personal gripes with (THAT I HAVE OWNED!).

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Oh man, MoO3 was the first game where I religiously followed the forums right up to release date. I wanted to like that game so badly, but finally had to admit that it was an unplayable mess.

I was just about to write the exact same thing. Also the first time I followed a game's development on forums...

So much hype, so many promises, and than... that...

Best games? The Elite series, X-wing series, Descent: Freespace, Civilization, original alpha centauri, MOO 1&2, KSP of course.

Worst? MOO3 for the disappointment, Sword of the Stars II as well...

Edited by Awaras
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Well I actually forgot about THE worst piece of entertaining software I have played:

Guise of the Wolf - don`t ask me why I bought it. Broken, illogical mess of a "game".

Just look at TB video: (btw - its funny to watch, but when you actually playing the game - you hate life :( )

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Best: KSP, Seed of Andromeda, Space Engine, and Outerra, Euro Truck Simulator, and FNaF 1-3 (don't judge, okay?).

Worst: Jetfighter 2015, Roblox, SimCity (5), and Minecraft (I only find it to be enjoyable with friends. Singleplayer is such a bore!).

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***This list is not exhaustive, just some off the top of my head***


BF2 (The ranking system was much better and realistic compared to the abomination they've implemented now ) PS4

BF Hardline ( It's about time they departed from the militaristic side of the field )

Diablo 3 ( Just started playing this a few months ago. Reminds me of WoW but not as involved and a bit more fast paced. If anyone else plays, contact for a party ^.^) PS4

The Last of Us ( Vanilla story plus the side story. Very good game ) PS4

L.A. Noire ( Very fun detective game although, I felt they could've added a co-op campaign to add some flavor to it ) PS4

Assassins Creed: Black Flag ( Love the Pirate stuff. It's the first one I played from the AS title )

Vintage Console:

Toe Jam & Earl ( Find those rocket pieces, fix up the rocket and get off planet funkatron! Loved it ) Sega

Golden Eye ( Do I need to explain....) N64

Road Rash ( Kick a rival biker into oncoming traffic? Yes, please ) Sega

Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time ( Epic ) N64


MSFS ( Only with realistic mods and payware aircraft that are modeled after real aircraft systems and flight procedures )

WW2 Online ( Love war sims... or sims period.... love the WW2 era.... what it lacks in graphical quality it makes up for in depth and realistic war strategy )

Silent Hunter ( Haven't played beyond SH3 but, movies like U-571 and Das Boot always make me want to play and sink a few ships )

Total War series ( Empire, Rome, Medieval... love'em all. Especially Empire with Darth Mod for realistic sound, graphics and battlefield ambiance )

Star Trek Online ( Major Trek fan so this has to be added )

Star Wars The Old Republic ( Now, I know the new Battlefront is coming soon but, that is all about combat. SWTOR adds story line value )

Hope my list added some goodies not yet mentioned !


Deus Ex

Deus Ex


Deus Ex

Edited by The D Train
Missed the second part
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