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What top 10 (or less) mods couldn't you do without?


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Kerbal Flight Data

Kerbal Flight Indicators

Pilot Assistant

Dynamic Deflection

Kerbal Alarm Clock

RCS Build Aid

Kerbal Engineer Redux and/or Mechjeb

Apart from FAR/DynamicDeflection/PilotAssistant (which are inter-related; the more realistic aero of FAR is what makes PA's PID tuner necessary), all of those fall into the "why the hell isn't this stock already?" category.

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1. TAC Life Support

Adds realism, makes me plan my missions more carefully.

2. Remote Tech

The obvious counterpart to TAC: When traveling with Kerbals gets harder, you gotta make sure proves don't get OP.


Obviously also paired with TAC, there is no way not to love all the logistics it provides for your colony.

4. Active Texture Management

This would undoubtedly be first up to 0.9. Now, if won't work for me no matter what I do.

5. Interstellar

I live and breath for this mod, but it is one of the things I cannot play with; 1.0 is already hitting my coal powered PC's limits, and with the aforementioned ATM problem, I dare not approach this beast.

6. Near Future Technologies

Simply put, the next best thing to Interstellar.

7. Chatterer

At least, it would if it had ever worked for me.

8. Raster Prop Monitor

Once again, up to 0.90.

Actually, you know what? I will stop listing mods before I decide to downgrade to 0.25.

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My mod list has actually shrunk with 1.0! Here's the ones I still run:

Kerbal Engineer Redux (beats calculating TWR and dV by hand!)

Kerbal Alarm Clock (again, to avoid manually calculating something; in this case, transfer windows)

TAC Life Support (just for the added challenge)

Kerbal Attachment System (the KLAW is nice, but winches are even better)

Environmental Visual Enhancements (only for the clouds, and only when it actually works... which is sporradic at best between versions lately; why are there literally zero other mods that add clouds?)

Honorable mentions that got dropped off the list due to 1.0 improvements and added features:

Ferram Aerospace Research

Deadly Re-entry



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I actually run quite a few more mods than I've listed, but these are the ones I'd not be able to live without.

EVE (with AVP Interstellar v2)


Universe Replacer (does a much better job of the skybox than Texture Replacer)

Surface Lights


Near Future Technologies (though admittedly I trim the excess and leave what I want from it)

Persistent Rotation

Porkjet's Habitat Pack

My own forks of a couple of older mods (the Leucome Fusion Engines that I've modified, along with a powerful but balanced version of the ion engine from KSPX)

The x64 'hack' is also something I'm running (with a spectacular improvement over the official versions we had prior to 1.0), necessitated by AVP Interstellar and its hunger from RAM.

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  Zzabur said:
Nobody can use more than 4gb (except on linux 64), i am also playing win7 +8Gb and can support a bunch of mods without any issues.

.. that's not strictly true, you just have to know how ;) I'm playing version 1.0.3 in 64 bit on windows. It's a bit buggy though but at least I can use ALL of the graphics mods at once including GEMFX :) Google KSP 64bit workaround... but expect bugs and no mod support!

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  Mulbin said:
I'm playing version 1.0.3 in 64 bit on windows.

Dude, don't tease versions that aren't up for the general player... you got me to do a pretty hopeless google search just on the basis of that post, and I should be doing work-related stuff. :P

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1. Kerbal Engineer Redux (Essential data)

2. Editor Extensions (More flexibility/precision in assembly)

3. RCS Build Aid (For dry CoM and torque indicators)

4. Docking Port Alignment Indicator (Because eyeballing gets old)

5. Enhanced Navball (Reposition and resize? Yes, please)

6. Transfer Window Planner (Porkchops are delicious)

7. Claw's Stock Bugfixes (How are these not stock?)

8. Intake Build Aid (Automates a tedious chore on airbreathers)

9. Environmental Visual Enhancements (Because pretty)

10. Chatterer (It seems silly but after using it the game feels lifeless without it)

MechJeb has been on my essential list for a long time but I've started playing without it, mostly because I'm trying to improve my piloting skill and it updates so frequently that I spend too much time managing it. I miss SmartASS dearly though, stock SAS other than stability assist seems designed to encourage manual piloting.

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  Rune said:
Dude, don't tease versions that aren't up for the general player... you got me to do a pretty hopeless google search just on the basis of that post, and I should be doing work-related stuff. :P

You searched for the wrong thing! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/117224-Windows-64-bit-community-workaround

If you're not running stuff that really needs it though (like gemfx) then you might be better off running 32bit in opengl

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  Mulbin said:
You searched for the wrong thing! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/117224-Windows-64-bit-community-workaround

If you're not running stuff that really needs it though (like gemfx) then you might be better off running 32bit in opengl

I think he was referring to you saying you're running KSP 1.0.3, which is still in experimentals and not publicly released.

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Environmental Visual Enhancement - The most important ksp mod

Distant Object Enhancement - Lovely little visual mod, big visual impact

Planet Shine - Same

TAC life support - Great for the added challenge

Kerbal Inventory System - Revolutionises EVA's and construction

Kerbal Alarm Clock - Helps keep track of multiple missions and mission planning

Tweak Scale - Opens up huge flexibility in building craft

Chatterer - Great for game immersion

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  Red Iron Crown said:
I think he was referring to you saying you're running KSP 1.0.3, which is still in experimentals and not publicly released.

Oh lol... typo! I wish I was playing 1.03 ;)

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  • 9 months later...

1) EVE - KSP is absolutely beautiful with this, keeps me inspired and keep playing.  There is nothing like releasing probes into a thunderstorm on Eve or watching Kerbin fade into a distance and thinking for a second that it's Earth.

2) Scatterer - The effects of this on the horizon and water cannot be understated.  Water actually looks like water, and distant mountains actually look distant and not like a painting.  

3) Distant Object Enhancement: Makes space seem much more realistic by making the skybox dark when the sun is out and makes it so you can see your ships in orbit as they fly past.  

4) Mechjeb: Keeps me interested by accomplishing the tedious work like entering orbit with a design used several dozen times successfully in the later-game periods of career mode.  

5) KSPRC: Built off EVE, makes the game feel and look so much more realistic.  

6) Chatterer: The game feels lifeless and dead without it. The voices of Kerbals serve to remind me I'm not totally alone in the void.

Edited by Butterbar
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Old thread, but it shows how KSP mods have been pretty constant. One that's pretty much gone is VOID - it was great, but KER does its job better now.

Personally, though, well I just flew an ion ship to Minmus bone stock for the Reddit challenge. So there's no mod I can't do without. But Precise Node comes very close - I would not enjoy planning an interplanetary mission without it. FAR I consider virtually essential for planes, but I can tolerate stock aero for rocket launches.

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KAC, KER and Precise Node are stock for me. I don't play without them.  I usually install Transfer Window Planner and NavBall Docking Alignment Indicator too.

Once done with info/nav pluggins, Remotetech paired with one life suport (TAC or USI) mod is my next option. And since ISRU was added, KAS/KIS goes next.

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  On 3/18/2016 at 1:14 AM, DoToH said:

KAC, KER and Precise Node are stock for me. I don't play without them.  I usually install Transfer Window Planner and NavBall Docking Alignment Indicator too.


This! Plus Editor Extensions and No Offset Limits. I wish those two plus Precise Node and some KER-like readout feature would become stock.

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