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[1.12.x] DeepFreeze (v0.31.0) 12th Sep 2021


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It's out.. V0.16.0.0 is up. Enjoy!

Stacks of changes and new features.

Prepare for the new IVA internals.

Unfortunately, save game breaking...

But all the major code is now in place. So future updates should not be.

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Something I wonder about the IVA...where would the point(s) of view be? If it is from the kerbals inside the cyro pod...that means they are not in cyrosleep, they are just frozen and is completely aware of their surrounding...forever staring out without being able to move or talk or eat... That is a creepy thought.

Download version and find out!:wink:

Edited by JPLRepo
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Download version and find out!:wink:

I will wait a bit for proper TACLS support, but I will surely use this once it does.

Question though, can the frozen kerbal gain xp? Not sure if it make sense to gain experience when you are a popsicle stick and not doing anything.

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I will wait a bit for proper TACLS support, but I will surely use this once it does.

Question though, can the frozen kerbal gain xp? Not sure if it make sense to gain experience when you are a popsicle stick and not doing anything.

Considering the fact that the kerbal has actually been removed from the vessel and is in the state of "Dead", I'm going to guess that he/she could NOT earn any exp during the cryo phase. Upon thawing, xp would accrue normally from that point, as the state changes to "Assigned".

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Considering the fact that the kerbal has actually been removed from the vessel and is in the state of "Dead", I'm going to guess that he/she could NOT earn any exp during the cryo phase. Upon thawing, xp would accrue normally from that point, as the state changes to "Assigned".

Well, that does make sense, since when in cryo, they aren't doing anything to earn xp

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Nice mod! Can you submit a metadata file to CKAN https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/wiki/Adding-a-mod-to-the-CKAN ?

I did, but there is some issue with the CKAN tracking bot. Please stand-by. I'm hoping the CKAN guys will sort it out.

- - - Updated - - -

Well, that does make sense, since when in cryo, they aren't doing anything to earn xp

I'd go with Papa_Joe on that. But haven't gotten around to actually testing it to see what happens yet.

As for TACLS you can use my work-around forked version in the OP. It is the same as the current version of TACLS just with DeepFreeze issue fixed. So when he updates, it should be the same as if you were using the real version of TACLS with regard to any update issues. Again, totally up to you.

TaranisElsu has responded to my request saying he will look at it, but no indication when that will be. He is working on a new version from what I understand so probably he won't update TACLS until then.

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So KSP 1.0.3 is out.. Not able to test DeepFreeze with it as I am at work. But all the HEAT changes and new radiatiors changes the Heat function I just added to this mod a lot. In particular KSP now has internal and external heat (I was simulating internal heat myself).. So I recommend NOT using the Heating system in DeepFreeze (turn it off in the settings menu) until I can make all the necessary changes for the new version.

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Can someone create a plugin for this to interface with the Endurance mod, that way we can have cryogenics like in the movie?

Endurance is one very nice looking mod. with the new mod interface in DeepFreeze, I would think it "might" be possible...

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Endurance is one very nice looking mod. with the new mod interface in DeepFreeze, I would think it "might" be possible...

I'm trying to understand what you are suggesting. Are you suggesting a new freezer part that looks like the Endurance mod modules? That's a lot of work. Right now the plans for this mod are to finish the planned modules with a 4-6 crew freezer and a single crew freezer and new today to expand the temperature feature to fit with the new 1.0.3 temperature changes. If you are suggesting an adaptor for endurance to a stock part size that's something probably easier but I think wouldn't fit with the look of that mod. I'll have to discuss this with MerlinsMaster and the authors of endurance mod but even if we did, it would be after all the plans specified above.

- - - Updated - - -

Oh and the current version of this mod works fine in 1.0.3 but you will get a warning about version not supported on startup if using KSP-AVC. I will do a new version in the next few hours as I was already working on one to fix integration with Ship Manifest.

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Updated Version published to support KSP 1.0.3

Other changes are only for the DeepFreeze API for other modders to integration into Deepfreeze.

This change will not break save games from

NB: If you are using my TACLS workaround you must re-download and re-apply my workaround as it uses the DeepFreeze API.

See the changelog and install instructions for details.

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Updated Version published to support KSP 1.0.3

Other changes are only for the DeepFreeze API for other modders to integration into Deepfreeze.

This change will not break save games from

NB: If you are using my TACLS workaround you must re-download and re-apply my workaround as it uses the DeepFreeze API.

See the changelog and install instructions for details.

Thanks JPLRepo!

If you are using ShipManifest, download the latest version, to again allow freezing and thawing from Roster Window.

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Thanks JPLRepo!

If you are using ShipManifest, download the latest version, to again allow freezing and thawing from Roster Window.

Awesome work Papa_Joe.

For everyone:- The latest versions Ship Manifest and Roster Manager work extremely well now with the latest version of DeepFreeze.

Have identified one small issue: If you are using SM and have override stock xfer on in SM if you try to do a stock Xfer to a DeepFreeze Freezer part that is full of Frozen Kerbals the crewmember you are trying to xfer in will get shoved into a closet. Papa_Joe and I will investigate this issue. All other Xfers work fine in all other scenarios of the freezer being partly full, or only some of the crew are frozen.

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This is a minor point, but I wonder if a three-kerbal freezer unit might be a good idea.

It does seem to fit with the biggest stock capsule, and with three character classes it's probably closer to the usual crew size.

Work has begun on a hitchhiker sized 4-crew sized freezer.

And plans are to also have a 1-crew sized freezer.

At this stage.

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I'm trying to understand what you are suggesting. Are you suggesting a new freezer part that looks like the Endurance mod modules? That's a lot of work. Right now the plans for this mod are to finish the planned modules with a 4-6 crew freezer and a single crew freezer and new today to expand the temperature feature to fit with the new 1.0.3 temperature changes. If you are suggesting an adaptor for endurance to a stock part size that's something probably easier but I think wouldn't fit with the look of that mod. I'll have to discuss this with MerlinsMaster and the authors of endurance mod but even if we did, it would be after all the plans specified above.

- - - Updated - - -

Oh and the current version of this mod works fine in 1.0.3 but you will get a warning about version not supported on startup if using KSP-AVC. I will do a new version in the next few hours as I was already working on one to fix integration with Ship Manifest.

My thought process was that the mod author could create the part, and then leverage your mod API to add the necessary module to enable freezing/thawing. Theoretically, that would be all that was needed. Now of course I don't fully understand the IVA implications, but even then that would be the responsibility of the mod author...


Awesome work Papa_Joe.

For everyone:- The latest versions Ship Manifest and Roster Manager work extremely well now with the latest version of DeepFreeze.

Have identified one small issue: If you are using SM and have override stock xfer on in SM if you try to do a stock Xfer to a DeepFreeze Freezer part that is full of Frozen Kerbals the crewmember you are trying to xfer in will get shoved into a closet. Papa_Joe and I will investigate this issue. All other Xfers work fine in all other scenarios of the freezer being partly full, or only some of the crew are frozen.

We have identified the cause of the issue and I've passed code revisions to correct it to JPLRepo for evaluation. This should be solved very soon.

Edited by Papa_Joe
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V0.16.0.3 released. This is NOT save game breaking if upgrading from and up.

Added more heating parameters to settings. The whole heating settings needs further tweaking with the 1.0.3 heating changes that occurred.

Have incorporated Ship Manifest interface changes and fixed crew transfer bug if freezer part is full. Now crew transfers should be completely bug free.

Big fix to electric charge and heating calculations when you leave and return to a vessel. This needs further expansion to handle EC and Heat when vessel is not active vessel with suitable warnings. But that is a fair bit of work to come.

Edited by JPLRepo
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Looks very promising. Going to try it out now.

A few suggestions: Have some triggers that initiate thawing of at least one Kerbal, like change of SoI or a set timer. Maybe some form of kOS integration, so no RT connection is required? I definitly like the RT integration.

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Xfer to a DeepFreeze Freezer part that is full of Frozen Kerbals the crewmember you are trying to xfer in will get shoved into a closet.

hmmm... that's actually a pretty Kerbal thing to do... Hey Bobrell Kerman, no freeze chamber available, but you do fit into the broom closet over there, here's some snacks, (sound of door closing) have a nice flight!

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I am downloading and installing this mod immediately because it is giving me intense 2001: A Space Odyssey flashbacks. The only thing that could make this more epic would be if you collaborated with the MechJeb developers such that, on arrival in the Jool system, MechJeb seizes control of the ship and kills the frozen crew by shutting off their life support. The only way to regain control is for Jeb to disconnect MechJeb's nervous center in an epic spacewalk, while it hauntingly pleads for him to stop.

No? Okay, I can dream :) Great mod seriously.

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I am downloading and installing this mod immediately because it is giving me intense 2001: A Space Odyssey flashbacks. The only thing that could make this more epic would be if you collaborated with the MechJeb developers such that, on arrival in the Jool system, MechJeb seizes control of the ship and kills the frozen crew by shutting off their life support. The only way to regain control is for Jeb to disconnect MechJeb's nervous center in an epic spacewalk, while it hauntingly pleads for him to stop.

No? Okay, I can dream :) Great mod seriously.

yes...Yes...YES!!! You just gave me an even better idea than the interstellar one! How about adding your idea, but only making it apply if the ship is a Joolian Discovery (a 2001 mod by NecroBones).

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Work has begun on a hitchhiker sized 4-crew sized freezer.

And plans are to also have a 1-crew sized freezer.

At this stage.

i Just wondering... maby somethink Mk2? (yes i love spaceplanes ) but 1.5 will be cool (fiting into Mk2 Cargobay)

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