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Can't play games after KSP


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Have you guys heard of the game called No Man's Sky?

There's this little bit of gameplay from the recent E3:

A few years ago, before I ever played KSP, this game would have really excited me. Now, any kind of space game like this I can't even look at, it does nothing for me, I have zero interest in them now. If you'd allow me to be so crude, it's like my gaming member has become impotent. And it's not just space games, either!

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Other than playing less other games because I'm playing more KSP, no not really. I'm currently playing about 6 games on a fairly regular basis and while KSP is on the top of the list, it's not the only thing on the list.

It's no even the game I've been playing the longest. That prize goes to FTL.

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I am excited for no mans sky. I am more excited for the HD Resident Evil:0 because after that Capcom almost HAS to remake RE:2, my favorite game of all time.

I try not to get locked into one game. The truly great ones keep me coming back.

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I'[m excited for this. along with SC and when I finally get around to buying ED

I would not buy SC until it's finished as the project is kind of dying right now, the developers are focusing way too much on useless graphics, and they already are past their own deadlines by a year with no way of catching up.

Frontier has money problems, but they are clinging on to contracts to keep on developing ED with fast speed.

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No Man's Sky does look really good. It's definitely the best mix of KSP and Space Engine available. :) However, KSP hasn't made me turn away other games; heck, I'm playing more because of it! If it weren't for KSP, I would have never fallen in love with Space Engine and Seed of Andromeda, my two favorite games ever.

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I'm surprised Elite: Dangerous hasn't been mentioned... given the amount of actual data that the developers have gotten into the game to make it as accurate a rendition of the Milky Way galaxy as possible. While the game in its current state is still a bit bland, the Devs are consistently adding new content and gameplay mechanics to make things interesting.

Still... my hours in Kerbal simply dwarf my flight hours in Elite.

Oh just for giggles, here's someone familiar that I found in Elite...


He's lucky he didn't have a bounty on his head... ;)

EDIT: Apparently megatiger78 did mention Elite Dangerous, I just didn't notice he used acronyms.

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I would not buy SC until it's finished as the project is kind of dying right now, the developers are focusing way too much on useless graphics, and they already are past their own deadlines by a year with no way of catching up.

SimCity? Did that not already flop over and die?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hm, I'm starting to feel kind of like the OP myself now. I completely lose all suspension of disbelief whenever I play or see a space game where spaceships land by burning anti-radially at the planet, or just "swim" in space, or when you see a spacecraft above a planet and there is absolutely no motion across the planet's surface.

Case in point - was playing HomeWorld over the weekend and couldn't shake the feeling that none of this is right, even though as far as space games go, HomeWorld is probably one of the best.

On the other hand, that's just space related games, of which there are actually quite few compared to other types of games. Myself I'm currently enjoying UnEpic that I nabbed during Steam's recent sale.

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