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The community is dying!


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Then make new threads. And not alarmist ones about how the community is dying.

Participate, and the community will grow.

(Says a guy with more posts than almost anybody else on the board, and like 3 dozen started threads. But I'm not the one complaining that the board is dying)

Edited by 5thHorseman
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  katateochi said:
I do know of a couple long time players who are getting pretty fed up with the game's performance (not so much the bugs, the actual capability of the game). I'm one of them. But frustrated or not, we're still hanging out in the forums and still playing,.... we're just a bit more irascible.

For me the biggest barrier to long term commitment is the memory limits of the current release. There are some fantastic mods that add new creative and fun aspects to the game. They will unfortunately never be used much due to the windows memory limit. I so feel sorry for mod makers that want to provide detailed textures in the game. If it does not work in half resolution and open-gl it is a waste of time.

Edited by nobodyhasthis
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  nobodyhasthis said:
For me the biggest barrier to long term commitment is the memory limits of the current release. There are some fantastic mods that add new creative and fun aspects to the game. They will unfortunately never be used much due to the windows memory limit. I so feel sorry for mod makers that want to provide detailed textures in the game. If it does work in half resolution and open-gl it is a waste of time.

Ya. I have to choose between running my standard battery of mods, or Astronomer's Visual (with ATM). Both cant coexist without forcing x64.

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  nobodyhasthis said:
In other news. The summer sale is on at steam. With discounts on lots of games. That means there is a big non-kerbal distraction happening on steam. Even Scott Manley has been showing off the classic Homeworld game recently. Hey you just got that one it too when I was editing my post. It can't just be me that sees this happening.


Have you tried mixing Station Science and Infernal robotics?

The docking ports now need a large scale logistics problem to solve to make them more interesting. Station science provides this through multi part heavy sections that must be docked together in orbit. The logistics support also provides the only real excuse for Space Shuttle development. Add in some hinges from Infernal robotic and you have a new direction to the game.

Mods like infernal robotics are great, but sadly there is always that issue with updates breaking the mods and not being able to share your craft files.

Also thanks to memory issues it will also make make KSP more unstable which is something that has gotten worse over the last versions.

I really look forward to a day when I can actually stop worrying about the 32bit limitations or having the mods break on me.

This is why I have been so vocal about them releasing the game soon being such a bad stategy. I had expected than once we reached 1.0 these issues would no longer be a thing since by then it should be more or less finished enough to not break mods or savegames with every damn update.

I have come across mods that were discotinued as well so that they were permanently broken after a update.

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  5thHorseman said:
(Says a guy with more posts than almost anybody else on the board, and like a dozen started threads. But I'm not the one complaining that the board is dying)

lol, wow! your join date is a year after mine and you've got over 3 times as many threads as me. Good going Sir!

  nobodyhasthis said:
For me the biggest barrier to long term commitment is the memory limits of the current release. There are some fantastic mods that add new creative and fun aspects to the game. They will unfortunately never be used much due to the windows memory limit. I so feel sorry for mod makers that want to provide detailed textures in the game. If it does work in half resolution and open-gl it a waste of time.

My issues are mostly with the Garbage Collector and a stutter in output it causes (see this thread of woe) and also since 1.0 my other big issue is that part-count related performance has taken a big hit (maybe related, not sure, but I do know it's nothing to do with graphics settings). But I can't build anything over 300 parts without the game going to total slide show whereas before I could build things with over twice as many parts and still get reasonable FPS (ie >15 for stupidly big things).

I'm just hoping the U5 upgrade helps with the part-count performance issue and that the devs really look into how assets are being loaded/unloaded to solve the stutter issue.

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And that is the other problem.. Instead of getting improved performance like we were promised it has just been going downhill, which leads to even more limitations to how big you can build.

I also wish we could just turn of physics on certain crafts. Why can I not for example toggle my surface stations to be physics free? Once you have a solid base on ground it is not like physics will do much anyways. If i could toggle the physics, I could build something wastly bigger without without having the frame rates turn into 1 digit numbers.

Hopefully unity5 will really make a difference with at least one of these issues, but I hope they also add something that let us toggle the physics.

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Very easy was to kill your community for a game: Hype up the release of the game and fail to deliver. Squad failed to deliver the game they promised and now after weeks of waiting instead of getting the fixes we wanted, we got an announcement for something we didn't need. Squad is failing hard on their PR, and I (as well as most of the community) feel it is because they are getting ready to sell out.

That said, I still enjoy KSP and look forward to what is to come. I just don't expect this community to ever be the same. The Hype train derailed. I hope there are still a few creative member to left to help bounce ideas off of and get inspiration from.

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  DuoDex said:
I think the best response to the claim that 'the community is dying!' Is that in a little over two hours (at time of posting), this thread has received over thirty-three replies. So there ;)

I guess that is a good point hehe

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  boxman said:
And that is the other problem.. Instead of getting improved performance like we were promised it has just been going downhill, which leads to even more limitations to how big you can build.

I also wish we could just turn of physics on certain crafts. Why can I not for example toggle my surface stations to be physics free? Once you have a solid base on ground it is not like physics will do much anyways. If i could toggle the physics, I could build something wastly bigger without without having the frame rates turn into 1 digit numbers.

Hopefully unity5 will really make a difference with at least one of these issues, but I hope they also add something that let us toggle the physics.

In theory this should be possible now. In my game loading a ship or station is done under joint reinforcement. It is just a theory but that could provide such an option to turn off physics in future release.

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  Plume & Akakak said:
You guys are incorrigible : D.

It's already about bugs, issues and insufficiencies. For the sake of entertainment, stop enjoying your frustrations.

I just want to enjoy the game like I once used to. And it is kinda related to the topic anyways.

They need to do better when it comes to keeping old time KSP players around and fixing the performance issues/bugs and giving us more possibilities to be creative would do just that.

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I have no idea how popular the community was, because I've only been here for a few months, but it was insanely active just before and a little after 1.0 was released, and I have noticed it dying down a little bit, but that's because the hype for 1.0 also died down because there's nothing to hype anymore. :P

The community will die out completely when there's nothing new to discuss, whether it be updates, in-game achievements, craft sharing, and mods. With a game like KSP, I don't see that happening any time soon, there's just too much to do.

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  Talavar said:
This is the first time I've ever visited the site and seen less than 1000 people in general forum.. total 133. Give us something interesting and new Squad!

Talavar has 3 syllables.

Talavar's join date is 2013 = 2+1 and 0+3.

The OP is missing 'the' before 'general forum'. 'The' has 3 letters.

133 = 100 + 11*3. 100 + 11 = 111 = 1+1+1 = 3.

155 characters in the OP, 96 lowercase letters. 155 + 133 people on the forum = 288. 288/96 = 3.

Half-life 3 confirmed!

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  boxman said:
And that is the other problem.. Instead of getting improved performance like we were promised it has just been going downhill, which leads to even more limitations to how big you can build.

I also wish we could just turn of physics on certain crafts. Why can I not for example toggle my surface stations to be physics free? Once you have a solid base on ground it is not like physics will do much anyways. If i could toggle the physics, I could build something wastly bigger without without having the frame rates turn into 1 digit numbers.

Hopefully unity5 will really make a difference with at least one of these issues, but I hope they also add something that let us toggle the physics.

I agree. something that is parked, be that a ground base or a station/craft left in orbit is only physically affected if it's engines are fired up, it's rotated or something crashes (or docks) into it. The level of physics simulation on "parked" craft should be dynamically scalled. I think this is a case of KSP forgetting that it's a game and instead trying to be a physics simulator. Games fake it! So much of game design is about faking the real world, not actually trying to replicate it as it is, because that is just too computationally costly. I don't think KSP fakes it enough.

  Captain Sierra said:
Oh THIS dreaded issue.

This was the reason I took my second hiatus from the game.

yeaaap, it's pushed me away a few times but (like a sucker) I keep coming back.

(It would actually be very helpful if folk would come and add their experiences of this issue to this thread. We need some data from people who don't suffer it as well as from those who do. I suspect that everyone who has a suitably large space program will suffer from it, but if you don't we'd like to know machine specs, info about your ingame settings, graphics settings and if possible get readings of GC performance.)

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  katateochi said:
I suspect that everyone who has a suitably large space program will suffer from it, but if you don't we'd like to know machine specs, info about your ingame settings, graphics settings and if possible get readings of GC performance.)

Let me build a sufficiently large space program. Got 12 flights in my main save but can't progress on my Mun mining base due to the kraken staring at the work site hungrily. This is on my new, beefy, desktop and I havent gotten the stutter yet.

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