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Whispers of the Kraken (Epilogue: Revelations of the Kraken)


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16 hours ago, lodger said:

Moar? :wink:

Soon™. Writing is nearly done, then the chore of editing. Which will be significant.

On the audience participation end of things, tho, I could use some bad jokes. Like, really, really bad jokes. (Bad, not crude.)

Like in the format:

What do you get if you drop a piano down a mineshaft?


A flat minor.


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What's got four legs and flies?
- The town garbage truck.

What's brown and sticky?
- A stick!

What's blue and white and retains its cool in the desert?
- A fridge in a denim jacket.

How does an elephant hide in a cherry tree?
- Paints its toenails red and lies upside down on a branch.

How does an elephant get up a tree?
- It sits on an acorn and waits for it to grow.

How does that elephant get down from the tree?
- It sits on a leaf and waits till the Fall.

What's brown and white, wears a thong and swings through the trees?
- Tarzan the Fridge.

What's black and white and dangerous?
- A magpie with an automatic rifle.

What's black and extremely dangerous?
- A raven with a grenade launcher.

I had a pet newt once. I called him Tiny. Why? Because he was minute.


I'll be here all day folks - I recommend the fish and don't forget to tip your server!

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A couple more then. If you want a visual gag, have your comedian appear waving a hacksaw. "Listen up people - this is not a drill!"

What do you call a spider with no legs?
- A currant.

What do you call a sheep with no legs?
-  A cloud!

What do you call a frog with no legs?
- A lime!
Alternative punchline provided by my wee nephew:  A silly no-legged frog!


Yeah, you found one of my life skills...

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What do you call a car that is out of gas?

A stationary wagon.

What do you call that same car when its selling goods?

A stationary store.

What do you call a window with no glass?

A hole.

What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back?

A stick. 

does this fit the bill?


Edited by Alpha 360
"Kouston, we have several problems, but that doesn't matter so we want to continue on with the mission."
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What do you call a cheeseburger without the cheese?

A burger.


What kind of fruit/vegetable is round and pink and juicy?

A tomato painted pink.


What do rockets and wooden houses have in common?

They both go up in flames.


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14 hours ago, Ten Key said:

Can confirm, the word count is rolling ever upward. :)

So the story didn't end when Vlad ate the Kraken? Phew...

On 4/4/2017 at 9:29 AM, KSK said:

What do you call a spider with no legs?
- A currant.

What do you call a black widow spider with no legs?
- A blackcurrant.

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'Tis... grinding. Ended up being one of those chapters @KSK and others have mentioned, that seems simple on the surface but then gets all... oniony... with layers.

But I did get to use azidoazide azide in a sentence. :D Oh, and hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane.

Im hopeful there'll be something this weekend. Maybe. 

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1 hour ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

'Tis... grinding. Ended up being one of those chapters @KSK and others have mentioned, that seems simple on the surface but then gets all... oniony... with layers.

But I did get to use azidoazide azide in a sentence. :D Oh, and hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane.

Im hopeful there'll be something this weekend. Maybe. 

I remember enough chemistry to think that an azidozide is probably going to be bad news. Especially if you look at it funny or sneeze within a 10m radius of the stuff. The other one I had to look up and found this article by the ever dependable Derek Lowe:

"So that means that someone, somewhere, has perversely made a poly-N-nitro cage compound, as if they’d been dared to cram the most bond energy into the smallest space. That, as it happens, is exactly the case. Hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane, or CL-20, was developed as a highly energetic, compact, and efficient explosive. What makes it unusual is not that it blows up – go find me a small hexa-N-nitro compound that doesn’t – but that it doesn’t actually blow up immediately, early, and often. No, making things that go off when someone down the hall curses at the coffee machine, that’s no problem. Making something like this that can actually be handled and stored is a real accomplishment.

Not that it’s what you’d call a perfect compound in that regard – despite a lot of effort, it’s still not quite ready to be hauled around in trucks. There’s a recent report of a method to make a more stable form of it, by mixing it with TNT. Yes, this is an example of something that becomes less explosive as a one-to-one cocrystal with TNT. Although, as the authors point out, if you heat those crystals up the two components separate out, and you’re left with crystals of pure CL-20 soaking in liquid TNT, a situation that will heighten your awareness of the fleeting nature of life."

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7 hours ago, KSK said:

a situation that will heighten your awareness of the fleeting nature of life

My awareness is heightened just by reading about such matters! "Things I Won't Work With" is brilliant at showing you that behind the chemical compound is a development process, and running that process are people whose thoughts on being asked to stabilize a compound go "let's mix it with TNT".

I suspect they're about a metre tall, and green, and this is the reason they have no eyebrows.

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10 hours ago, KSK said:

That, as it happens, is exactly the case. Hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane, or CL-20, was developed as a highly energetic, compact, and efficient explosive.

You know what? When I was reading through that draft, I figured you'd just smashed random chemical sounding things together and fired for effect. Never mind the actual compound. . .that word looks like it's going to erupt into a rapidly expanding cloud of vowels and consonants at any given moment. :confused:

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Oh ye gods and little fishes. @CatastrophicFailure - if you need something even more completely insane for story writing purposes, then I give you... (very, very, carefully)...


And more Derek Lowe gems.

"Try this paper out, from the Matzger group at Michigan. It’s on the delightful hexanitroisowurtzitane compound (CL-20) that I wrote about here. Now, if you complain that this one doesn’t have enough nitro groups in it then there’s something wrong with you, but apparently there are still those who look at this structure and say “Dang, not explosive enough”. Recall that this is the compound whose cocrystal with TNT is actually less dangerousthan the pure starting material itself, and yeah, I know that sounds like the guy at the pet store packing a starved Komodo dragon into the carrier with your new dog, just to calm him down some. But there it is."

"The experimental section of the paper is worth a read, and again, you can tell that Matzger’s group has good technique because everyone made it intact to the writing of the manuscript. There are pictures of the crystals themselves, which are very nice, until you realize that they’re plotting to blow you into the ceiling crawl space at the first opportunity. It says that “no unplanned detonations were encountered” during the work, which is a nice distinction."

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12 hours ago, Ten Key said:

You know what? When I was reading through that draft, I figured you'd just smashed random chemical sounding things together and fired for effect. Never mind the actual compound. . .that word looks like it's going to erupt into a rapidly expanding cloud of vowels and consonants at any given moment. :confused:

My biggest takeaway is that I can now pronounce hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane. :D It's kinda fun, has a natural rhythm to it. All I need is for someone to drop me a beat.

. . .

On second thought, probably not a good idea to drop anything around hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane. :0.0:


12 hours ago, KSK said:

And more Derek Lowe gems.

I believe that's where I learned about it in the first place. Speaking of which...


This is an explosive, meant for munitions and destruction, but there are all kinds of studies on its effects on earthworms, fish, soil microorganisms, and so on.


Hmmmmmmm..... :o

Wait, naw. evilest.gif


11 hours ago, vsully said:


Does Val blow up the Kraken with that hexano-something stuff or does she tell the Kraken to say it three times fast and its brain implodes?

You'll have to... sigh... wait and see. :rolleyes:

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51 minutes ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

"This is an explosive, meant for munitions and destruction, but there are all kinds of studies on its effects on earthworms, fish, soil microorganisms, and so on."

How about rats? Or squirrels?


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