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Say Hello to the White Bar Group!

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EVA Report from the surface of Jool

You are surprised that there is something to stand on, but then you forget about that while thinking about the limeade-air.

You compress some of the air into a container.

Edited by FireFaced
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Well, the fact is, I didn't make this as a protest, more as a joke. :)

I also like jokes, so that works out well then :P Oh and I am not arrogant. I'm obnoxious. I find the distinction important. Or not. Depends on what day it is.

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I now formally tender my resignation from this proud organisation as it's Tuesday and that's bored and fickle day. Might join you again some time. Probably on a Saturday which is nostalgic day.

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I now formally tender my resignation from this proud organisation as it's Tuesday and that's bored and fickle day. Might join you again some time. Probably on a Saturday which is nostalgic day.

Lol. *shreds resignation papers*

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This might be a stupid question, but what does it mean?

I've recently began to see it on a number of users, and I haven't seen anything explaining why.

It's when users decide that they want to hide their reputation from other users. It's mainly a joke.

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