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ResearchBodies [OLD THREAD]


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Dev Status:

Version 1.5 will be available both on KerbalStuff and CurseForge (requested by sidfu)

Some problem need to be fixed and I don't have enough time to take a look at it, so the next version won't be out today (maybe tomorrow?)


[TABLE=class: grid, width: 700]


[TD]Current presets





[TD]Hard [/TD]



[TD]Available Bodies[/TD]

[TD]Sun, Kerbin, Mun, Minmus, Eve, Duna, Jool, Laythe, Vall, Tylo[/TD]

[TD]Sun, Kerbin, Mun, Minmus, Eve, Duna[/TD]

[TD]Sun, Kerbin, Mun, Minmus[/TD]

[TD]Sun, Kerbin, Mun[/TD]



[TD]Research plan start cost[/TD]











[TD]Research plan stop refunding[/TD]











[TD]Research progression cost[/TD]











[TD]Science reward when body's researched[/TD]











Edited by simon56modder
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  • 2 weeks later...
  simon56modder said:
  dronkit said:
Hey! What about CKAN integration?

great mod BTW!

I don't know, I'll see. (atm I'm only trying to find the time to fix last problems for update 1.5)

Thanks !

I second the CKAN request.

  JPLRepo said:
  simon56modder said:
Hi ! I'm sorry I didn't answer you before, I didn't see your post...

When I first thought to a compatibility I thought I'll contact you in the future :)

Your ideas are great, bu I think you'll need a bit of API for this which is clearly not nicely implemented for the moment.

There is a Database class in the mod that loads config from cfg and planet packs cfgs, from here you can get a list of celestial bodies that are 'ignored', so these bodies have no further config.

All saved data is in a cfg stored in the savegame folder.

But since I'm reordering and remaking the process I think it would be nice to wait for the next update before I give you more details.

No Problem on before.

I think you should write an API that other mods can use and reference (rather than digging into config files/nodes) as it is better design to loosely couple through defined API's.

I'd rather not tightly couple TST to this mod by referencing internal database structures/classes and config files.

Consider in your reordering and remaking process how you want your mod to work with other mods like TST and include these design elements in an API.

As I said, I think it would be best if you provide an API that provides access to your database, what bodies are discovered or not discovered.

What are the pre-conditions for discovering a body, if any.

Do Bodies have various states of discovery that say a telescope can upgrade. Such as , newly found, mapped, etc..

Do you intend to have a contract system/progression? Does this need to interact with other mods through the API?

Etc, etc.

PM me when you wish to discuss further, or if you wish to discuss any details, design ideas/considerations, example for an API (I have a couple) etc. :wink:

I see that you've discussed designing an API to make inter-mod compatibility easier with Tarsier telescopes. What about with CactEye? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/105660-0-90-CactEye-2-Orbital-Telescope-BETA-4

Also, with the Outer Planets Mod, there are a lot of individual planet-packs available, such that it would be very difficult to predict exactly which planets even exist in any given career start. In fact, the planet Kerbin even starts off as a moon of a new gas giant planet called Sonnah, and Sonnah has 3-4 other moons beyond Kerbin, I think. I see above that you envision difficulty presets with respect to what bodies are pre-discovered at career start. Since OPM takes advantage of recent (KSP v1.0.2, I believe, though I could be mistaken) changes in the stock game that allows for greater moddability for planets, my own suggestion is that you design some sort of logic in your own mod that allows the mod to "scan" and detect what planets are defined in the career save. After that, I see two possible programming choices. First, I can imagine that your mod can try to "intelligently determine" which bodies are likely to be pre-discovered (for example: the sun, Sonnah, and perhaps a randomly chosen other Sonnah-moon). Note that in this other mod I'm describing, Minmus is an inner planet, Mun is another moon of Sonnah. Sonnah itself, of course, is at roughly the orbit of Jupiter / Jool, and with the planetpacks I'm running I count at least half a dozen inner planets and 4-6 other outer planets, and most of those have at least one or two moons, some of them many more than that. A very lively system! (I'm not entirely sure which planets come with which planetpack, as I just selected all available planetpacks on CKAN and installed from there. For the career save that I'm preparing to start, I'd actually prefer to go in blind and discover it through gameplay rather than through forum posts, hence my desire to use your mod here! :) )

My other idea for this scenario is that your mod simply provide some kind of career-start configuration panel that allows the player to manually select which bodies / worlds are pre-discovered. Perhaps allot a "budget," where selecting more costs more, or perhaps assigning different "costs" to certain worlds based on how your mod detects the world as being a planet or a moon, or near / far from Kerbin. You might even be able to peg it against career difficulty settings, such as quickload / revert options, starting funds, etc.

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  Z3R0_0NL1N3 said:
Is it possible to make planets invisible in the map view until they're discovered by using the telescope?

I've already tried to find a way to do that, but I think it's a bit more complicated. But this would mean that you have to point randomly with the telescope in the sky, and that you spend hours and hours trying to find something... in nothing.

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  simon56modder said:
I've already tried to find a way to do that, but I think it's a bit more complicated. But this would mean that you have to point randomly with the telescope in the sky, and that you spend hours and hours trying to find something... in nothing.

Well, you could point it at the planets as they appear in the sky, if you know any Kerbal astronomy. Alternatively, you can leave them visible in the map view, but with the question marks the asteroids have, and only visible when they're at a certain point in their orbits. Take a look at Asteroid Day for an example of the latter.

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I have a question...

I have installed this just now alongside the latest OuterPlanets and DistantObjects mods. I deliberately deleted all my saved games, and started a new career game. When I go to the tracking centre I can see all of the *stock* KSP planets (apart from Jools moons) immediately. The OuterPlanets mod planets are all hidden to begin with as one would expect.

Is this what is meant to happen? The KottabosGames youtube video just shows Kerbin and not much else.

Did I install it wrong? Or is this some ironic conflict with DistantObjects undoing all the hard work done by the ResearchBodies mod?

This isn't a major problem really but I wanted to see less stuff to begin with, as suggested by the Kottabos video.

Edited by wossname
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  wossname said:
I have a question...

I have installed this just now alongside the latest OuterPlanets and DistantObjects mods. I deliberately deleted all my saved games, and started a new career game. When I go to the tracking centre I can see all of the *stock* KSP planets (apart from Jools moons) immediately. The OuterPlanets mod planets are all hidden to begin with as one would expect.

Is this what is meant to happen? The KottabosGames youtube video just shows Kerbin and not much else.

Did I install it wrong? Or is this some ironic conflict with DistantObjects undoing all the hard work done by the ResearchBodies mod?

This isn't a major problem really but I wanted to see less stuff to begin with, as suggested by the Kottabos video.

This is due to the OuterPlanets mod. CaptRobau decided to make most of the stock planets visible. To remove that you have to find the ResearchBodies config file in the OPM and remove the lines that say to ignore the planets you want! Tell me if you have troubles ;)

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  simon56modder said:
This is due to the OuterPlanets mod. CaptRobau decided to make most of the stock planets visible. To remove that you have to find the ResearchBodies config file in the OPM and remove the lines that say to ignore the planets you want! Tell me if you have troubles ;)

Ahh. Thank you for this, I never would have thought to look in there. It's pretty cool that the mods can communicate with and configure eachother.

It seems to be working the way I would expect now, thank you for your suggestion.

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Development status:

There are now sliders for science/funds values on the start settings panel.

All the previous problems about it have been fixed.

You can now attach parts to the surface of the telescope, and it now costs 12,000 funds instead of 5,000 and I increased the range of the telescope to 100 millions km instead of 75. (but it kept its 75M name ;) )

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This is rapidly becoming my favourite realism mod. Combined with OuterPlanets this is a really fantastic way to revitalise KSP. I was getting bored with the stock solar system and wanted new stuff to do. This gives me the logical exploration structure that I didn't know I needed.

Terrific work, simon56modder! :)

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Update 1.5

  • [*=left]Added difficulty selection panel on game save start.
    [*=left]Contracts relating about non-discovered bodies are destroyed.
    [*=left]Added Spanish locale (mainly made by user Fitiales)
    [*=left]Now on KerbalStuff.
    [*=left]Tweaks on telescope stats (cost, MonoProp, max temp, srf attach)
    I published this version pretty quickly and most likely there will be a 1.5.1 version. Please report bugs!


Source code included





THE DIFFICULTY PANEL ON OLD GAME SAVES if you started it once or more with ResearchBodies v1.4 or older.

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PLANET PACKS MAKER that want to create a compatibility, please pay attention.

The IGNORE list is still working but you should take a look at the IGNORELEVELS list in the database.cfg file and do the same for your cfg.

The PRIORITY list is completely useless now. Also don't forget to add Kerbalish discovery texts ;) (see ONDISCOVERY list)

Edited by simon56modder
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It would be nice to have the research cost associated with the body you are discovering. For example, discovering Minmus would be relatively low cost whereas discovering one of the outer planets would cost considerably more to research. Just an idea, I don't know how hard it would be to implement. Great mod though, really adds to realism.

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  theersink said:
It would be nice to have the research cost associated with the body you are discovering. For example, discovering Minmus would be relatively low cost whereas discovering one of the outer planets would cost considerably more to research. Just an idea, I don't know how hard it would be to implement. Great mod though, really adds to realism.

Agreed on the greatness of the mod. If research cost were tied to "difficulty," I hope it would scale. Kopernicus allows not only for modded planet packs, but also the repositioning of Kerbin itself. In my career, Kerbin starts as a moon of a gas giant that is two planets further out than Jool -- this planet is roughly an analog to Uranus, I think. I'd hope that any cost-scaling would be able to reflect new readings, since Minmus is now way down near Moho, I think.

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  MisterFister said:
Agreed on the greatness of the mod. If research cost were tied to "difficulty," I hope it would scale. Kopernicus allows not only for modded planet packs, but also the repositioning of Kerbin itself. In my career, Kerbin starts as a moon of a gas giant that is two planets further out than Jool -- this planet is roughly an analog to Uranus, I think. I'd hope that any cost-scaling would be able to reflect new readings, since Minmus is now way down near Moho, I think.

Are you talking about New Horizons pack ?

Anyway both of you (theersink and MisterFister) are right I could just add a multiplier that changes depending on the body you've just found. That is a great idea I take under consideration. Thanks ;)

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I'm enjoying this so far, and wanted to try and integrate it with the HullCam VDS mod. The two telescopes in that mod should now be able to discover bodies, and let you continue to use them as actual cameras.

name = ModuleTrackBodies
difficulty = 4
minAltitude = 200000
maxTrackDistance = 60,000,000,000//see out to Jool
electricChargeRequest = 6
landed = false
viewAngle = 20
scienceReward = 6

@PART[Pictozoom 2000]:FOR[ResearchBodies]:NEEDS[HullCamera]{
name = ModuleTrackBodies
difficulty = 4
minAltitude = 200000
maxTrackDistance = 200,000,000,000//see beyond Eeloo.
//Can this see exoplanets in other mods?
electricChargeRequest = 6
landed = false
viewAngle = 20
scienceReward = 6

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