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Jeb or Val?


Jeb or Val?  

114 members have voted

  1. 1. Jeb or Val?

    • Jeb! Explosions! Males! Veterans!
    • Valentina, with girl power and a bad-s flag too.

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Valentina, because I accidentally killed Jeb in my first crewed flight to space in my Koviet Union career. :(

Me too! You actually stole what I was going to say, except for the Koviet Union part...

I have no option but to vote for Val as Jeb is deader than dead, and buried under 200 feet of video soil.... probably in many pieces... if not atoms.

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jeb, because, well, ITS JEB

Pretty much this. Male or female had nothing to do with it, Jeb is the original (well 1 of the 3). Although all the craft ideas I have in mind for longer trips include space for a second pilot which would be Val. As well as another engineer and a few scientists.

And if you voted Val because Jeb is dead then you voted wrong because you already chose Jeb over Val and that's why he died first :P

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And if you voted Val because Jeb is dead then you voted wrong because you already chose Jeb over Val and that's why he died first :P

Jeb died because I was alternating back and forth between them and his "turn" came up on a flight that went horribly, horribly wrong...

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Jeb is currently locked in a broom closet, straddling a mop bucket and prepping for count-down because he thought it 'felt' like a command pod. I'm not even sure what mission he thinks he's been assigned to and we phased out the mop bucket seats DAYS ago. They did help a lot with cleanup though.

So I voted for Val, she gets the job done and is a registered BA.

Edited by Vanamonde
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Val, easily. Been launching Jeb into space long enough; I have his grin burned permanently into my mind.

I'm still waiting for a Billena and a Shaquabobaniqua (Shaq-whaa-bob-a-niq-wa) to fill out an all female crew though.

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N/A, because the first thing I do when I start a save is to fire the original four.

Val, easily. Been launching Jeb into space long enough; I have his grin burned permanently into my mind.

I'm still waiting for a Billena and a Shaquabobaniqua (Shaq-whaa-bob-a-niq-wa) to fill out an all female crew though.

What's Shaquabobaniqua? Whatever it is, it sounds cool.


Edited by Vanamonde
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Depends on the mission.

Short hop up to the space station or Mun/Minmus? Jeb all the way.

Long term voyage to Duna or anywhere out of Kerbin SOI really? Valentina

I do this not on a whim, but because of a test NASA did simulating life on mars and found that women were generally better suited in some regards than men.

Also I like Valentina more and my interplanetary missions generally have a lower rate of catastrophic failures than my more local ones for some reason...

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Is it some new design or objective that needs testing, with high risks of explosions, death or non recoverable crew ? Or answer a scientific question like : what happens if I go on EVA while re-entering ?

Then Jeb !

And Valentina takes command of tested, but difficult and important missions - the ones that need a competent commander who does not seek unnecessary risks.

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Neither. Didn't see that option in the poll.

Both, being orangesuits, are nobs so have better things to do wtih their time than spend years going forth and back to Jool and whatnot. Far better for them to just invest in the East Eelooan Trading Company and reap vast profits while staying safe at home on the society circuit and getting Byron-esque society cred for having spacesuits at all. Seriously, no decent Kerbal would ever go out in space further than Minmus. All that dirty, tedious, dangerous mucking about in deep space is why the Kraken divinely ordained a stratified Kerbal society, so that the lower orders could take all the personal risks and do all the undignified stuff with space toilets.

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