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[PART] [1.8.0 - 1.12+] ShadowWorks - Stockalike SLS, Delta IV, and More v2.0.5.1 Waterfall Edition [8-11-2021]


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A long overdue update:


ShadowWorks Version 1.2

Changes 1.2:


* Added Shuttle Nose Cone

* Added Shuttle Docking System

* Added OMS Pods (Port and Stbd)

* Added Setesh IV (Delta IV) Common Booster Core 3.025m Liquid Fuel Tank

* Added RS-68 Engine for Setesh IV CBC

* Added Setesh (Delta) Cryogenic Second Stage (SCSS) 3.025m LF Tank

* Added Setesh IV 3.025m fairing base

* Added Setesh IV SCSS 3.025m stack decoupler

* Added GEM-60 SRB

* Added PMA

* Added CBM

* Added Serenity Service Module

* Added Unity Node Module

* Added Harmony Node Module

* Added Providence Habitation Module

* Added Destiny Science Module

* Updated ShadowWorks - STS.craft file to use the new Shuttle parts

* Added ShadowWorks - EFT-1.craft

* Added Sub-Assembly: ShadowWorks - Setesh IV Med.craft (CBC, SCSS, Fairing base, 2x GEM-60 boosters)

* Added Sub-Assembly: ShadowWorks - Setesh IV Med+.craft (CBC, SCSS, Fairing base, 4x GEM-60 boosters)

* Added Sub-Assembly: ShadowWorks - Setesh IV Heavy.craft (3x CBC, SCS)

This is an update which has been long in coming, delayed by vacation, work, and a lack of motivation. Due to the long delay I decided to go ahead and add in Delta IV parts that I was going to add after the Shuttle Extras and Space Station Parts. I do plan to revamp the textures on the station modules' exteriors and note that the IVAs are very simple, but they are present.

The Delta IV parts are 3.025m to match the smallest diameter of the ICPS. The nose cone for the CBC boosters is not a new model, just a resize of the SLS Liquid Fueled Booster nose cone. The Delta IV has been rechristened as the Setesh IV in keeping with the idea of using Ancient Egyptian deities instead of the usual Roman, Greek, and Norse. The reasoning for the name is that the Delta family started life as an offshoot of the Thor ICBM, so I used Thor as the starting point instead of the Greek letter. Thor, being the god of storms and strength (among other roles), I sought an Egyptian equivalent. The Ancient Egyptian pantheon left me with at least two possibilities: Ba'al and Setesh. I chose Setesh because it sounded better to me, and since Ba'al's name is at least some times pronounced almost identically to the word "ball", I figured the Ba'al IV (Ball 4) was a little corny.

I haven't settled on what will come next, as far as parts. I may attempt truss parts for building ISS-like stations. I actually have an idea for the sun-tracking of the truss sections that need to rotate without needing plugins, we'll wait and see.

Edited by TheShadow1138
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  TheShadow1138 said:
A long overdue update:


ShadowWorks Version 1.2

Changes 1.2:


* Added Shuttle Nose Cone

* Added Shuttle Docking System

* Added OMS Pods (Port and Stbd)

* Added Setesh IV (Delta IV) Common Booster Core 3.025m Liquid Fuel Tank

* Added RS-68 Engine for Setesh IV CBC

* Added Setesh (Delta) Cryogenic Second Stage (SCSS) 3.025m LF Tank

* Added Setesh IV 3.025m fairing base

* Added Setesh IV SCSS 3.025m stack decoupler

* Added GEM-60 SRB

* Added PMA

* Added CBM

* Added Serenity Service Module

* Added Unity Node Module

* Added Harmony Node Module

* Added Providence Habitation Module

* Added Destiny Science Module

* Updated ShadowWorks - STS.craft file to use the new Shuttle parts

* Added ShadowWorks - EFT-1.craft

* Added Sub-Assembly: ShadowWorks - Setesh IV Med.craft (CBC, SCSS, Fairing base, 2x GEM-60 boosters)

* Added Sub-Assembly: ShadowWorks - Setesh IV Med+.craft (CBC, SCSS, Fairing base, 4x GEM-60 boosters)

* Added Sub-Assembly: ShadowWorks - Setesh IV Heavy.craft (3x CBC, SCS)

This is an update which has been long in coming, delayed by vacation, work, and a lack of motivation. Due to the long delay I decided to go ahead and add in Delta IV parts that I was going to add after the Shuttle Extras and Space Station Parts. I do plan to revamp the textures on the station modules' exteriors and note that the IVAs are very simple, but they are present.

The Delta IV parts are 3.025m to match the smallest diameter of the ICPS. The nose cone for the CBC boosters is not a new model, just a resize of the SLS Liquid Fueled Booster nose cone. The Delta IV has been rechristened as the Setesh IV in keeping with the idea of using Ancient Egyptian deities instead of the usual Roman, Greek, and Norse. The reasoning for the name is that the Delta family started life as an offshoot of the Thor ICBM, so I used Thor as the starting point instead of the Greek letter. Thor, being the god of storms and strength (among other roles), I sought an Egyptian equivalent. The Ancient Egyptian pantheon left me with at least two possibilities: Ba'al and Setesh. I chose Setesh because it sounded better to me, and since Ba'al's name is at least some times pronounced almost identically to the word "ball", I figured the Ba'al IV (Ball 4) was a little corny.

I haven't settled on what will come next, as far as parts. I may attempt truss parts for building ISS-like stations. I actually have an idea for the sun-tracking of the truss sections that need to rotate without needing plugins, we'll wait and see.

Yes! At last a proper Delta IV.

Also you might want to consider bringing back your ESA stuff, if you need ideas.

Delta II and III would be cool too.

Edited by _Augustus_
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It appears that the config file for the Serenity Service Module could cause problems with the game not loading (getting stuck in the loading screen). It appears to stem from an incorrect definition of the "category" parameter. It was set to "Command", which does not exist. I have uploaded a hotfix that corrects the category to "Pods", and should allow the game to load completely.

Hotfix v1.2.1:

* Corrected SerenitySM.cfg to fix game not loading

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  TurtleX said:
Do you have support for real fuels? (I know this is for stock but I am playing on x6.4 and rf support would be fantastic!)

There is no Real Fuels support for this mod currently. I don't use Real Fuels personally and would have to look into it to see how difficult it would be to add Real Fuels support. I won't completely discount the possibility of Real Fuels support in the future, but if you or someone else with more experience with Real Fuels wants to create Real Fuels configs, or a ModuleManager patch I'd be glad to include it in the download.

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Why haven't I discovered this mod earlier?! Awesomeness!!! Though, here's a little nitpick I have. The Orion CSM is expected to have 1200-1400 m/s of delta V. It only has around 800. Can you increase its efficiency?

PS: What about a stock alike Altair Lander :D

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  davidy12 said:
Why haven't I discovered this mod earlier?! Awesomeness!!! Though, here's a little nitpick I have. The Orion CSM is expected to have 1200-1400 m/s of delta V. It only has around 800. Can you increase its efficiency?

PS: What about a stock alike Altair Lander :D

I can increase the delta-v of the Orion easily enough. The current numbers are actually higher than they were to start with, and I chose the 950 m/s (thereabouts) to provide enough to return from the Mün. I hadn't really checked the actual numbers, but keep in mind that ∆v requirements in stock KSP are much less than in real life. How do you feel about a ∆v of 1100 m/s?

I have given some cursory thought to the Altair as I have done the Block II SLS parts, it might be nice to have a lander to lift. I may include Altair in the next major update with more ISS-type parts.

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  davidy12 said:
1100 m/s sounds sufficient.

- - - Updated - - -

PS: What's the Delta V on the ICPS?


From my calculations, the ICPS alone without the Orion Spacecraft has a ∆v of about 4000 m/s. Assuming I calculated correctly with the Orion Spacecraft the ∆v appears to be around 1100 m/s. In my test flights with the Block I SLS it has enough ∆v to get the Orion into a free-return Münar trajectory.

Edited by TheShadow1138
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  davidy12 said:
Even without the LES, the orion is at 854 m/s.

The 1100 m/s I mentioned in my post answering your question about the ICPS ∆v was the ICPS's ∆v with the Orion Spacecraft on top of it, not the ∆v of the Orion. The next update will have the altered ∆v for the Orion.

Edited by TheShadow1138
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The real Orion has about 1300m/s So the orion should has 1100m/s delta v. The ICPS should has 2000m/s delta v. The EUS should also has 3000m/s. Some people might say this is overate, but it is logical as the payload that the real SLS would has. Also, SEP should be a good idea, as well as an interplanetary habitat and Mars Semi Direct concept EDV, Hab and MAV. Or that oru should made the martian part.

Also, love your mod, used this since the first release.

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Say, I've got a bit of an issue here. Well, more of a question. What is the magic touch for the station part docking ports? I just spent atleast the last 30 minutes trying to dock using them and I got nothing. The closest I got was a spining motion when I turned off SAS when I got near it. In all the frustration, I managed to get 3.3 km away from the station (at around 0.2 m/s). Am I missing something?

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  Sgt.Shutesie said:
Say, I've got a bit of an issue here. Well, more of a question. What is the magic touch for the station part docking ports? I just spent atleast the last 30 minutes trying to dock using them and I got nothing. The closest I got was a spining motion when I turned off SAS when I got near it. In all the frustration, I managed to get 3.3 km away from the station (at around 0.2 m/s). Am I missing something?

I assume you were just trying to dock two modules, like the Destiny to the Unity Node, or something along those lines. My testing of the CBM was not as thorough as it could have been as I set it up in the same manner as I did the Orion docking port, and didn't think that it wouldn't work. I did test docking the base of the PMA to a CBM (the PMA's 1.25m base is a docking port so it does not need a CBM attached to it to dock to a CBM) while the PMA had an Orion port so I could make sure that I could dock the PMA to a CBM and then dock the Orion port back to the PMA, which worked. I will do some more extensive testing on the CBM to see if I can find out what is going on.

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Docking Progress Report: The issue with the CBM, reported by Sgt.Shutesie, has been identified. Apparently I did not set them up in the same way as the NDS Orion docking port. I did not set the "dockingNode" gameObject to have its +Z-Axis pointed in along the parts +Y-Axis as it should have been. Correcting this, as well as setting the "acquireRange" parameter to "0.5", has made it much easier/possible to dock modules with CBMs. There does, however, appear to be an issue with the PMA docking to the CBM as it should. I did discover that the dockingNode of the PMA was also not set correctly in Unity, and it was corrected at the same time I corrected the CBM. In the succeeding tests, however, I launched a module (via the Shuttle, more on that in a minute) with two CBMs and a PMA attached to one of the CBMs to add to the test station in orbit. I docked the tug to the module's open CBM and successfully docked with the orbiter to temporarily remove the PMA to dock the module to the station. Once the module was docked to the station, however, the PMA refused to dock with multiple CBMs. I believe that the issue may be that the docking node is on the bottom of the PMA, so I have the dockingNode +Z-Axis aligned with the part's -Y-Axis. I am able to decouple a PMA from a CBM and then dock the PMA back to the CBM using a docking test craft on the pad at KSC with "Hack Gravity", but the CBMs also worked in that setup before the fix and refused to dock while in orbit.

If anyone out there has had experience with placing the docking node for a part on the bottom I would appreciate any advice. I will keep testing the PMA and once I have it working reliably I will release an update.

Shuttle Stability: I am still experimenting with the Shuttle's ascent stability issues after SRB separation. I have rebalanced the mass of the orbiter by decreasing the mass of the OMS engines (as they had the same mass as the SSMEs, an unfortunate oversight on my part), and after further test fights added that mass back in as MonoPropellant in the OMS Pods. I also increased the mass of the Shuttle Docking System Airlock to try and keep the CoM forward of the CoL for landing.

My most recent flight, to deliver a second module to my test station, was much less of a headache than previous attempts. I turned the STS stack in the VAB so that the orbiter was already aligned nose-down to ensure that no roll or yaw would be needed to orient the stack correctly after liftoff. The reason for doing this was that when launching modules with the Setesh IV (Delta IV) that even though the vehicles were perfectly symmetrical, the SAS was still trying to cancel some small amount of roll. The only thing I could think of that the two vehicles had in common was that there was an initial roll maneuver after liftoff, and orienting the Shuttle to eliminate this maneuver did reveal that the SAS no longer tried to cancel out any roll. I also completely disabled the rudder for the ascent so that after SRB separation the SSMEs and the elevons would work for pitch and roll while only the SSMEs would work for yaw. I did need to do some yaw and roll correction, but I was able to get an orbit that was only inclined by 3º, better than the nearly 40º inclination I had gotten on some previous launches. I will also note that this was the first Shuttle flight where I was able to successfully land the orbiter and at KSC to boot. I will continue to work on the Shuttle's stability issues to hopefully make it more flyable even without a payload for shuttling crew to and from your space stations.


Updated to Version 1.2.2

Changes 1.2.2:


* Corrected Issues with the CBM and PMA

* Corrected an issue where the Serenity Service Module would lose all of its ElectricCharge when entering the flight scene.

* Upped Delta-V of the Orion Spacecraft to about 1100 m/s

* Updated Craft Files and subassemblies to account for the changes to the Orion SM

* Very Slight update to the ShadowWorks-STS.craft that orients the stack to eliminate the initial roll maneuver.

There is a test engine part that I forgot to take out. You can remove the file "ShadowWorks/Parts/SSME/SSME2.cfg" to remove the part. It is identical to the SSME except it uses "ModuleControlSurface" instead of "ModuleGimbal".

I seem to have corrected all of the issues with the CBM and PMA. They may sometimes take a little longer than expected to dock, but they will dock, but if people still experience problems please let me know. As stated in the change log and above, placing the Shuttle nose down on the pad does seem to have helped with what I have dubbed the "phantom roll" that made the Shuttle so unstable after SRB separation even when it cares no payload. You may need to provide some roll and yaw input together, but it is much more flyable (in my opinion) than before. You will need to re-activate the yaw capability of the rudder before re-entry if you want yaw capability without RCS during the re-entry glide.

Edited by TheShadow1138
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I'd like to run something by those who are interested. I believe I have found a solution to having the Solar Array Wings (SAWs) rotate the truss the arrays are mounted on as well as the arrays so that they are always directed at the sun without the use of a plugin. This solution, as well as a desire to keep part-counts down is leading me to part dimensions for all of the truss segments that will not fit inside the Mk3 Cargo Bay. Is everyone okay with using the Setesh IV (Delta IV) or other launchers of your choice to get the truss sections to orbit? At the moment I believe that launching them by something other than the shuttle is the way to go, especially since stock does not support any kind of robotic arm, and I do not want to create any dependencies.

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  TheShadow1138 said:
I'd like to run something by those who are interested. I believe I have found a solution to having the Solar Array Wings (SAWs) rotate the truss the arrays are mounted on as well as the arrays so that they are always directed at the sun without the use of a plugin. This solution, as well as a desire to keep part-counts down is leading me to part dimensions for all of the truss segments that will not fit inside the Mk3 Cargo Bay. Is everyone okay with using the Setesh IV (Delta IV) or other launchers of your choice to get the truss sections to orbit? At the moment I believe that launching them by something other than the shuttle is the way to go, especially since stock does not support any kind of robotic arm, and I do not want to create any dependencies.
Okay, sure.

But how will we dock them?

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  _Augustus_ said:
Okay, sure.

But how will we dock them?

You could use an orbital tug to dock them, or a special docking port that I will be adding, which is necessary for the section with the solar arrays, that will have probe core capability, and RCS transforms to allow you to dock the truss sections without a tug.

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