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Issues with Norton Security and Mods

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So I'm having issues with norton security deleting the .dlls of mods I install, saying something about reputation since few Norton users have downloaded the file supposedly. Usually I can just go and restore the file, also excluding it from that happening again in the process. However I installed procedural parts, had the same issue and went to go restore it but now Norton refuses to open at all. No amount of mashing the mousepad or mouse buttons as fast as physically possible will get it to open. It does however continue to delete the .dlls when I copy them back. I'm wondering if anyone can help me get those files restored and make an exclusion for my KSP directory so I don't have to deal with this again.

NOTE: I apologize if this in in the wrong section as I wasn't sure where it would fit in, I'm perfectly fine with this being moved to a section it would be better in, since I couldn't find one specifically about stuff like it it myself.

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Is it even possible to fix this issue or am I only gonna get people saying stuff like the two posts above. If I will just get posts like that instead of anything helpful might as well close the thread.

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  mike9606 said:
Is it even possible to fix this issue or am I only gonna get people saying stuff like the two posts above. If I will just get posts like that instead of anything helpful might as well close the thread.

Just because it came preinstalled on your computer doesn't mean it's good, in fact the opposite is most likely the case.

Norton and McAfee are not your friends, never have been, and never will be.

If you are intent on keeping norton, you should be able to whitelist files in norton's settings, but that means you'll have to forcibly whitelist every time you install a new mod.

Be aware, attempting to uninstall norton like any other program is like trying to get an SSTO off of Eve, you'll need their special tool to remove it, found here https://support.norton.com/sp/en/us/home/current/solutions/kb20080710133834EN_EndUserProfile_en_us

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  mike9606 said:
Is it even possible to fix this issue or am I only gonna get people saying stuff like the two posts above. If I will just get posts like that instead of anything helpful might as well close the thread.

I also use Norton (I'm forced to as I use a shared computer and the owner of it insists that Norton is indeed the best antivirus and we should always stick to it) and ran into this issue repeatedly. The only way I know to fix it is to go to Norton's settings, click antivirus, go to the scans and risks tab, click the configure button next to "Items to Exclude from Auto-Protect, SONAR, and Download Intelligence Detection", and add your GameData folder to the exclusions list.

  mike9606 said:
...went to go restore it but now Norton refuses to open at all. No amount of mashing the mousepad or mouse buttons as fast as physically possible will get it to open...

This is apparently a common bug with Norton and the only way to fix it is to restart your computer.

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Open Norton. In the Settings, go to Exclusions and set it to ignore your KSP folder and all sub-folders.

And I dunno what's up with the haters of Norton. Been using it for decades, never had any problems, so why switch. Of course, I only do the antivirus, not the whole tune-up thing which was bogus even when it was new.

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I used to be a Norton user and moved away a couple of years ago. Feature-wise I wasn't complaining it too much, but it's really doing weird things at background and lots of useless prompts/alerts. User experience isn't that great, and I don't regret moving away.

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Haters will hate, no matter how much a product improves. There are people who hate KSP, for heaven's sake, because it was an "early access" game and they hate them all on "principle"! Same hoes for antivirus products: once they get a reputation, people will hate them because they were, once, flaky.

Norton is now fine. You need to know how to use it, same as all other antivirus products. They ALL have irritating habits, you just have to get used to those of the product you use.

I don't need to repeat the advice about ignoring the KSP folder and subfolders. :)

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With regard to some removed posts, please either answer helpfully or skip to the next thread. Belittling others over their choices in software or hardware helps no one, and does not make you look superior.

Also, this thread has been moved to the support section.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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