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Ussari Space Program! A highly [unstable] modded 64K career from behind the iron kertain!

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Loving this! Teo things tho.

A) There are too many spoilers. It crashes the webpage on my phone, and I can't use my computer right now.

B) Where did you get that flag, and can I steal it?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Greetings, Comrades! Today we bring you Ussari Space Program, Severely Delayed edition, with triumphant return to Mün!



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But we do not rest, Comrades, we do not rest! Vagabond 2 grows ever nearer to Duna and construction has already commenced on successor to TINKAN, which will assure ever higher resolution data absolutely from cutting edge reconnaissance equipment absolutely not conspicuously pointed at KSC disproportionate amount of time!



Edited by CatastrophicFailure
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Whoops, somehow I missed these two questions!

  On 3/21/2016 at 1:42 AM, Andem said:

Loving this! Teo things tho.

A) There are too many spoilers. It crashes the webpage on my phone, and I can't use my computer right now.

B) Where did you get that flag, and can I steal it?


A) It's either the spoilers, or all the images on the page try to load at once and it scrolls & bogs. Bit of a darned if you do, darned if you don't thing. ;.;

B) Found the logo from a deadpost on here and just added the star. I'll have to see if I have the original. Meanwhile, here's a freebie I never used:


  On 3/23/2016 at 8:40 PM, StickyScissors said:

Just read all of this to get caught up. It...IS AMAZING :D


Welcome, and thanx!

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  On 4/12/2016 at 3:59 AM, CatastrophicFailure said:

Whoops, somehow I missed these two questions!

A) It's either the spoilers, or all the images on the page try to load at once and it scrolls & bogs. Bit of a darned if you do, darned if you don't thing. ;.;

B) Found the logo from a deadpost on here and just added the star. I'll have to see if I have the original. Meanwhile, here's a freebie I never used:


Welcome, and thanx!


Sees he replied:


that's possible as well, it only happens when I load the spoilers, so who knows. 

Also a pretty flag! I'm starting to take some initiative to start making my own flags, but both of those will be great starters/templates! They're both so good!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Greetings, Comrades! Today we bring you Ussari Space Program, REDish PLANET EDITION!

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After many months in transit, Vagabond 2 at last nears destination: mysterious red planet Duna!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings, Comrades! After much delay, today we bring you approved propaganda unbiased newsreel of gloriously successful mission of world's second space station, TINKAN-2!




Er, we are experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by...



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Breaking news, Comrades! Despite unfortunate failure to achieve orbit of both TINKAN 1 and 2 and untimely, absolutely-not-suspicious disappearance of prospective crewkerbs P and S, undaunted Ussari scientists step forward with bold new proposal! Tireless astronomers have noticed rare alignment of planets, that will allow probes to be sent to every unexplored body in solar system! But the way will not be easy, good Comrades! Four probes must be built launched in only 73 days with less than 30 days before the first! This allows no time to develop new hardware, but must make extensive use of existing technology! After stunningly successful mission to Duna, it has been decided that Vagabond 2-class buss will serve as standard probe design, with as few modifications as possible to accomplish greatly varied mission profiles. Even using efficient hydrolox transfer stages, this project will no doubt require lofting masses into orbit heretofore unthinkable, and with no time to develop new super-heavy-lift launch vehicle, stalwart KI-3 lifter will be stretched to limits of design, and beyond!

As we expand into great unknown reaches, now we begin, PROJECT VLAD!




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  • 3 weeks later...




Greetings, Comrades! Today we have Ussari Space Program, almost-destroyed-reality-again edition!

Brilliant Ussari engineers face daunting challenge of designing, testing, concealing evidence, testing again, building, and launching four interplanetary probes with first launch only 28 days away, but remain undaunted! While Heavy Rocketry division begins work and tries very hard not to drop on foot, Mission Planning department is tasked with finding most efficient launch windows! While this could be accomplished with copious amounts of relatively safe mathematical calculations...

Comrades, we have rockets!

Behold, blast from past (absolutely not involving actual blasts from repurposed intermediate range ballistic missiles), Shumno Kriket VI launcher and Pathfinder-class satellite!




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In other news, very fabric of reality once again nearly came to screeching, critical-existence-failing halt when program engineer responsible for maintaining hard drive that contains very fabric of reality let it get to full and persistence file only half-saved. Glory to Multiple, Copious Backups, Comrades!



You there, on train! Make room, one more boarding... make room harder!

That's better...




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  On 6/3/2016 at 12:49 PM, TrooperCooper said:


Truely hilariously written. And very nice gear. I especially like the Vagabonds. Those look very techy.

PS: mod suggestion to make proud Ussari people even prouder: engine lighting mod for those night-launches. :)



I've got it, actually. Was just wondering why it didn't seem to be working. Apparently the 1.0.5 version I have isn't compatible with RF. :mad:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Greetings, Comrades! Welcome to Ussari Space Program, MOAR BOOSTERS edition!


First we catch up with Vagabond 4, making first mid-course correction now that it has traveled far enough from Kerbin for reliable communications through long-range, narrow-cone comm dish. Maneuver successfully placing probe on course for Moho flyby in 36 more days.





And now, good Comrades, we go BIG!

Transfer to Eeloo will require well over 9 km/s, even more than 7.5 km/s needed to get to orbit! Even with lightweight cryogenic fuels, not even mighty KI-3 launcher can loft necessary mass! With no time to develop new heavyweight launch vehicle, solution comes from suggestion of none other than famous Valentina Kermanova, based on knowledge gleaned spying on from diplomatic visit to Kerbal Space Center!


What, m-o-A-r? Are you sure? Seems a bit sill-- what? Oh...






Venerable KI-3 has been fitted with oversized cryogenic upper stage and four pairs of Kickback solid fueled boosters! 




Rocket now suffers from deplorable excess of thrust, to avoid compression heating and maintain proper ascent course, main engines throttle down to 40% for most of booster burn, briefly returning to 100% after Max-Q before slowly throttling back to maintain constant 3-Gs of acceleration.




Booster separation comes at T+1:27 at 32km altitude, after which main engines return to full thrust and launcher follows standard KI-3 launch profile. Marvel at visible shock heating from unusually low, high-speed trajectory!




Thanks to boost from MOAR BOOSTERS, fairing separation at 88km actually occurs slightly before Kerolox booster separation. Resemblance to irate avian completely coincidental!




Main booster separation now at T+2:43, 95km altitude traveling at nearly 3 kilometers per second. At this speed and altitude, boosters are not recoverable as they will burn up on re-entry. Mostly. Sorry about hovel, random peasant...




After small circularization burn, transfer stage is successfully inserted into initial 150km parking orbit at 51 degrees inclination.




Shortly after, advanced Poodle hydrolox engine fires for 15 minute transfer burn!





After successful separation, Vagabond 3 unfurls primary, terameter-class communications dish and prepares for long sleep to distant Eeloo. Also visible here is powerplant consisting of four nuclear radiothermal power generators, as solar panels will be quite useless at such distances.

Why is Vagabond 3 launched after Vagabond 4? This, we do not speak of...





Instead we speak of Vagabond 5!





Vagabond 5 will perform flyby of lonely space potatoe Dres... if it even exists...

Note addition of supplementary control fins to suppress unauthorized attitude deviations. Here in Glorious Ussari Union, we know well how to suppress unauthorized attitude deviations. I'm looking at you, Yuri...



Further resemblance to irate avian absolutely completely coincidental!




Once in orbit, Vagabond 5's transfer stage ignites for 5km/s burn. Brilliant Ussari engineers have assured us probe absolutely will not hit Mün! or they know what will happen...





Vagabond 5 separates from transfer stage and deploys solar arrays. A near clone of Vagabond 4, not quite visible are pair of supplimentary RTG's as usefulness of solar power at Dres remains highly dubious... as does its very existence...

First correction maneuver comes in 66 days, with Dres flyby at 202 days.



Now, we await launch of Vagabond 6 to Jool in only 9 more days...



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