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On 30/10/2017 at 11:32 PM, Sigma88 said:

KSP 1.3.1 GitHub Releases Follow @Sigma88Mods On Twitter Discord Invite


GN OP Galactic Neighborhood v0.4.6





- Fix for multiple planets with Kerbin template
- Updated to Sigma LoadingScreens v0.3.1
- Updated to use OPM_Galileo instead of OPM
- Fixed Gameslinxs Planet Overhaul compatibility


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I did some changes to GPO so that the folders are localised in one called GPO, and that scatterer is now only within the GPO folder. This cause cause some problems with your own patches.


Would you like the updated version before its public release?

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8 hours ago, Gameslinx said:


I did some changes to GPO so that the folders are localised in one called GPO, and that scatterer is now only within the GPO folder. This cause cause some problems with your own patches.


Would you like the updated version before its public release?

I don't know if I'll have the time, but feel free to pm it to me here or on discord :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Some cross-compatilibty with mechjeb is necessary. If you load enough addon planets the gravity delta-V reference body (and I imagine other buttons) selector runs out of screen space. I understand you are not the mechjeb developer, just posting this as a report. 

Edited by Djohaal
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16 minutes ago, Djohaal said:

Some cross-compatilibty with mechjeb is necessary. If you load enough addon planets the gravity delta-V reference body (and I imagine other buttons) selector runs out of screen space. I understand you are not the mechjeb developer, just posting this as a report. 

you have two button options for MJ too. The drop down button, or the toolbar button. Neither have enough room? And I was sure the Ui was scalable

Edited by Galileo
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16 hours ago, Galileo said:

you have two button options for MJ too. The drop down button, or the toolbar button. Neither have enough room? And I was sure the Ui was scalable









Here's the offending list, i've not managed to find a configuration to offset this list, but might be stupidity on my part.  Nevermind, is stupidity on my part, there's a button option for lists, although its navigability is far from ideal on a QoL standpoint.


Also I'm noticing some orbit line and communication line wobblyness, I assume some precision bugs are to be expected? No kraken attacks thanfully. 

My mun inexplicably undergoes an eclipse where it turns pitch black when its in front of kerbin. I did a comb trough scatterer settings to remove any potential eclipsing bodies but it still occours randomly, anyone experienced that too?

Edited by Djohaal
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Ive gotten an exemption error with this and kopernicus at load. Im not too sure how to upload logs..but. i searched for the exception in the ksp log. I also have a lot of kopernicus files in the ksp log folder. 


Kerbal Space Program - (WindowsPlayer x64) en-us

OS: Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1700X Eight-Core Processor  (16)
RAM: 16337
GPU: Radeon RX 580 Series (8140MB)
SM: 30 (Direct3D 9.0c [aticfx64.dll])
RT Formats: ARGB32, Depth, ARGBHalf, Shadowmap, RGB565, ARGB4444, ARGB1555, Default, ARGB2101010, DefaultHDR, ARGBFloat, RGFloat, RGHalf, RFloat, RHalf, R8






[ERR 04:04:37.887] [ModuleManager] Exception while processing node : GalacticNeighborhood/Configs/Core/SystemSetup/GNOrderStars/@Kopernicus

[EXC 04:04:37.890] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    ConfigNode.CopyToRecursive (.ConfigNode node, Boolean overwrite)
    ConfigNode.CopyToRecursive (.ConfigNode node, Boolean overwrite)
    ConfigNode.CopyTo (.ConfigNode node, System.String newName)
    ModuleManager.MMPatchLoader.ModifyNode (ModuleManager.Collections.ImmutableStack`1 original, .ConfigNode mod, PatchContext context)
    ModuleManager.MMPatchLoader.ModifyNode (ModuleManager.Collections.ImmutableStack`1 original, .ConfigNode mod, PatchContext context)
    ModuleManager.PatchApplier.ApplyPatches (System.String stage, IEnumerable`1 patches)
    ModuleManager.Logging.ModLogger:Exception(String, Exception)
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
[ERR 04:04:37.895] [ModuleManager] Processed node was

Used astronomer before trying this. game running fine. uninstalled and installed this along with a few supported planet packs. boom error. please tell me how i can help further.

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9 minutes ago, Jesusthebird said:

Ive gotten an exemption error with this and kopernicus at load. Im not too sure how to upload logs..but. i searched for the exception in the ksp log. I also have a lot of kopernicus files in the ksp log folder. 

  Hide contents

Kerbal Space Program - (WindowsPlayer x64) en-us

OS: Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1700X Eight-Core Processor  (16)
RAM: 16337
GPU: Radeon RX 580 Series (8140MB)
SM: 30 (Direct3D 9.0c [aticfx64.dll])
RT Formats: ARGB32, Depth, ARGBHalf, Shadowmap, RGB565, ARGB4444, ARGB1555, Default, ARGB2101010, DefaultHDR, ARGBFloat, RGFloat, RGHalf, RFloat, RHalf, R8






[ERR 04:04:37.887] [ModuleManager] Exception while processing node : GalacticNeighborhood/Configs/Core/SystemSetup/GNOrderStars/@Kopernicus

[EXC 04:04:37.890] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    ConfigNode.CopyToRecursive (.ConfigNode node, Boolean overwrite)
    ConfigNode.CopyToRecursive (.ConfigNode node, Boolean overwrite)
    ConfigNode.CopyTo (.ConfigNode node, System.String newName)
    ModuleManager.MMPatchLoader.ModifyNode (ModuleManager.Collections.ImmutableStack`1 original, .ConfigNode mod, PatchContext context)
    ModuleManager.MMPatchLoader.ModifyNode (ModuleManager.Collections.ImmutableStack`1 original, .ConfigNode mod, PatchContext context)
    ModuleManager.PatchApplier.ApplyPatches (System.String stage, IEnumerable`1 patches)
    ModuleManager.Logging.ModLogger:Exception(String, Exception)
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
[ERR 04:04:37.895] [ModuleManager] Processed node was

Used astronomer before trying this. game running fine. uninstalled and installed this along with a few supported planet packs. boom error. please tell me how i can help further.

If you click the nyan cat in my sig you will find the instructions on how to make a complete bug report

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On 12/3/2017 at 4:37 AM, Sigma88 said:

If you click the nyan cat in my sig you will find the instructions on how to make a complete bug report

thanks. I think this works? never done this before.



quick question tho. ive noticed the link you provide for OPM links to the mod by captrobau. tho I see galileo has  a different build for maintaining purposes or something. which one should I be using? and should the link be updated? regardless of which one I use, it errors in combination with GPP_Secondary. I have no idea how to get him a bug report either as his page doesnt give instructions. i also think this might be a report for him rather than you, but im not sure.

Edited by Jesusthebird
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46 minutes ago, Jesusthebird said:

quick question tho. ive noticed the link you provide for OPM links to the mod by captrobau. tho I see galileo has  a different build for maintaining purposes or something. which one should I be using?

that's my fault, I updated GN to use OPM_Galileo but I haven't update the links.

from GN v0.4.6 the version of OPM you need to use is the one from galileo88


47 minutes ago, Jesusthebird said:

regardless of which one I use, it errors in combination with GPP_Secondary. I have no idea how to get him a bug report either as his page doesnt give instructions. i also think this might be a report for him rather than you, but im not sure.

this is because I don't provide compatibility for GPP_Secondary

when installing GPP for GN just install the GPP folder from the main archive and the GPP_Textures folder from the textures archive

all the extra stuff is not supported on GN for the sake of my mental sanity

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12 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

that's my fault, I updated GN to use OPM_Galileo but I haven't update the links.

from GN v0.4.6 the version of OPM you need to use is the one from galileo88


this is because I don't provide compatibility for GPP_Secondary

when installing GPP for GN just install the GPP folder from the main archive and the GPP_Textures folder from the textures archive

all the extra stuff is not supported on GN for the sake of my mental sanity

Awesome. Thanks for the clarification. Yea i think the bug report is better suited for GPPs dev tbh. But could probably be useful to you if you ever decided to add additional compatibility. Im assuming yall keep in contact on occasion for testing purposes. I wasnt able to install all the packs you support thanks to ram limits :) but i got at least 3/4 of em to load on start with no errors. Very impressive! Said the guy who doesnt do any programming or coding lol. Still..i like .


Since gpp and opm and sass both replace the stock solar system. It may be benifical to have a quick note somewhere on the project page with which ones work together in conjunction with GN? Just for the sake to make it easier on players on decide which packs theyd like to install without the headache i just went through in figuring out gpp and opm dont work together with GN currently(i did see a post about using em together with gpp_secondary but assuming while not using GN too.


Im now curious if SASS can work with gpp. Ill look into that tonight i think. I didnt install originally as i liked gpps planet placment a lil better with the additional orbits around kerbin. 

Edited by Jesusthebird
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9 minutes ago, Jesusthebird said:

Since gpp and opm and sass both replace the stock solar system. It may be benifical to have a quick note somewhere on the project page with which ones work together in conjunction with GN? Just for the sake to make it easier on players on decide which packs theyd like to install without the headache i just went through in figuring out gpp and opm dont work together with GN currently(i did see a post about using em together with gpp_secondary but assuming while not using GN too. Im now curious if SASS can work with gpp. Ill look into that tonight i think. I didnt install originally as i liked gpps planet placment a lil better with the additional orbits around kerbin. 

all planet packs listed as compatible can be installed together into the Galactic Neighborhood, my mod will take care of moving each single planet pack to a different star, the starting system will always be the stock system, so it doesn't matter if the mod you install usually replaces the stock system, because in GN it will just spawn around a different star


the only exception is RSS and SASS which have bodies with the same names and so cannot be installed together.

when both are installed, SASS takes precedence and RSS is not permitted to spawn


another problem might come from mods being updated after GN is released (the update might break compatibility) or mods that are not compatible with the current KSP version

sadly, I don't have time to test all the mods every time I update GN, but if anyone finds compatibility issues I am more than happy to take a look and fix what needs fixing

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Sorry, im a lil confused now. If gpp and opm can be installed side by side in GN. How do I get both to spawn without gpp_secondary? Maybe im misinformed. But dont both packs normally replace/add(in opms case) and rescale the stock system if GN isnt present?

I thought gpp takes over the starting system unless gpp_secondary is installed? I have gpp with no gpp_secondary and my starting system looks a lil different(2additional planets surounding kerbins orbit.) Please pm me if im cluttering your thread. I dont wanna annoy  anyone :). But id like to figure this out.

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14 minutes ago, Jesusthebird said:

Sorry, im a lil confused now. If gpp and opm can be installed side by side in GN. How do I get both to spawn without gpp_secondary? Maybe im misinformed. But dont both packs normally replace/add(in opms case) and rescale the stock system if GN isnt present?

I thought gpp takes over the starting system unless gpp_secondary is installed? I have gpp with no gpp_secondary and my starting system looks a lil different(2additional planets surounding kerbins orbit.) Please pm me if im cluttering your thread. I dont wanna annoy  anyone :). But id like to figure this out.

GN takes care of everything


I'm working on writing down a list of  installation instruction for each mods,

for GPP you need to install only the GPP folder from the main archive, and the GPP_Textures folder from the textures archive

for OPM_Galileo you need to install the folders OPM and CTTP from the OPM_Galileo archive

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30 minutes ago, Sigma88 said:

GN takes care of everything


I'm working on writing down a list of  installation instruction for each mods,

for GPP you need to install only the GPP folder from the main archive, and the GPP_Textures folder from the textures archive

for OPM_Galileo you need to install the folders OPM and CTTP from the OPM_Galileo archive

Ohhh i think i understand. GN is basically a suped up version of GPP_secondary made for more than just gpp. I just assumed gpp_secondary was required for gpp to become a seperate system since his page stated as such with the note about compatibility with GN. But your plugin already does this for all supported packs right? ill give it a shot when I get home.


So to confirm..installing all 3(gpp, opm, and sass. The outcome should be..all packs have a seperate star system with the stock system unchanged. Or would sass replace stock, and gpp and opm be seperate? Just making sure i understand correctly. Thank you for your help and replies!!


I think my confussion stems from after installing gpp...the starting solar system had xtra planets and orbits.

Edited by Jesusthebird
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2 minutes ago, Jesusthebird said:

So to confirm..installing all 3(gpp, opm, and sass. The outcome should be..all packs have a seperate star system with the stock system unchanged.



you get all the standard star systems listed in the main thread (Algok, Prok-Kseema, Kstor, Mkel...) plus 3 more systems (one for each planet pack you installed: GPP + OPM + SASS)

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Please have a look at the screenshots in my onedrive link. I have about 11 planet packs installed(not including gpp, opm_galil,sass/rss, other worlds and a couple others. Got most of em) The starting system looks all sorts of non stock looking crazyness. Jool is a star!

Also. I got consistant errors with sigma binary with the cfg file in other worlds.

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1 hour ago, Jesusthebird said:

Please have a look at the screenshots in my onedrive link. I have about 11 planet packs installed(not including gpp, opm_galil,sass/rss, other worlds and a couple others. Got most of em) The starting system looks all sorts of non stock looking crazyness. Jool is a star!

Also. I got consistant errors with sigma binary with the cfg file in other worlds.

otherworlds is not compatible with the latest ksp so that won't work sadly

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Cacteye and James Webb (from tarsier) confirmed  work with no bugs on GN. I'm having issues with other mods that specifically require orbiting the sun (solar science), and apparently the vanilla SENTINEL telescope also doesn't recognize the stocksun as the proper sun.

I patched my custom asteroids file to spawn asteroids around stocksun instead of sun (which I assume is the internal name for the galactic core) but so far haven't had luck of finding any. 

Another thing I didn't check if the files if it was patched is deep space resource deposits (the karborundrum ring around the sun) from community resource pack. 

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13 hours ago, lextacy said:

cool! so that means I can peek around at outter planets like Neil DeGrasse Tyson?! 

Try it and let us know. We see no reason why those telescopes should completely fail to work. Though, do watch out for the issues discovered by @Djohaal

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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Hey, I want to try this mod out, but since it involves re-doing career altogether, I wanted to ask, are there any serious bugs or performance issues still present in this mod? I went through a dozen pages on this thread, but I'm still not sure. Hope you don't mind me asking :/ I already run 70+ mods, and I'm not sure if it's worth trying this, all things considered.

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