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"Eve: Order Zero" -- a KSP Graphic Novel (POSTLUDE COMPLETE...bet you didn't see THAT coming.)

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HAHAHAHA! HE did it! I thought for a moment that it would land on the ISRU stuff, but HE DID IT!

Yes! I really did cut one forward 'chute to level out, and it worked. The careful reader will note that only 3/4 chutes initially deployed; I guess I missed one in the AG settings and so I had to open it manually. Thus initially the Billmobile was descending with the tail raised, and opening all four chutes made it shift to a nose-up attitude...anyway am very glad the cut worked to avoid impacting the drill, loss of that component would have been catastrophic.

Reading it with the soundtrack playing makes all the difference!

I played it while I read the pages aloud to Kuzz Jr. That made even my hairs stand up!

I hope it's as excellent as I think, because I have a hunch it's got a fair ways to drive.

Happy landings!

It was indeed a very happy landing--and yeah, Bill missed by about 25km. Part of the error was due to not being able to hold course for a normal/antinormal burn; you don't realize how important SAS is until you can't use it!

Wow, loved the build up to the reveal of the contents of that container.

Always happy to surprise the readers :) I think i did show it with the bay doors open at one point, maybe in the "Bill Space Program" window back on the Duna thread...but if so, that was a lot of pages ago.

Anyways, great update! I can't wait to see Bob's reaction to first sight of the Billmobile!

ETA: Woo! Page 100!

Woo indeed! And if I post this before anyone else jumps in, it will be the 1000th reply!

Now this just needs 11 times the views and 6ish times the replies to become a thread the size of Captain's Edition!

It's kind of amazing for me to contemplate, yeah--you guys are the best!

Bad-S indeed :D I held my breath reading through re-entry phase, and started to ventilate my lungs again only when parachutes popped out :) Such an awesome story...

Thanks :D I was reasonably sure it would work as Bill did run a simulation first on his k-pad, but you don't really know until you do it for real. In a lot of ways I was as surprised it worked as any of you!

I did wonder exactly how the Billmobile was going to be unpacked from the container. Aerial deployment is pretty BadS! :D

Thanks! I thought that up back when we were all going 'OMG the atmosphere!', and after seeing the damage done to the Eve Impacter probe and of course to Dipperkraft. I wasn't confident of any attached parts surviving unshielded descent, and didn't trust a simple heatshield to occlude all the parts, hence the cargo bay--and I knew I would not be able to drive a rover out of the bay, hence the deployment :)

I read the comic too fast for the soundtrack to catch up.

You can save the rest of the track for when the M7 enters, coming soon...

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I was also a bit puzzled as to how the Billmobile is driven, but looking closely it seems there's some small ore containers fuel tanks and a couple of rocket engines hiding at the stern. I guess you don't need to worry too much about fuel consumption with this method when you can just dig up some more :D

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I was also a bit puzzled as to how the Billmobile is driven, but looking closely it seems there's some small ore containers fuel tanks and a couple of rocket engines hiding at the stern. I guess you don't need to worry too much about fuel consumption with this method when you can just dig up some more :D

Exactly, it is a rocket car :D The Thuds are the forward 'gear', and there are also some tiny engines facing the other way if it needs to reverse. I did that rather than use electric wheels because the electrics are not retractable (for fitting in the bay) and also I wanted the high crash tolerance of aircraft wheels for the landing.

Yay Portuguese! :D

Yeah! I don't know nearly enough of it to write a credible Brazilian character, so I had to give you and Parkaboy your props somehow--threw in some Polish for Scotius last time, too :)

And as for my other big international constituency--it's entirely possible someone already on the Kerbfleet roster is secretly from Kanada! Who could it be? (other than "not Melbe")

Hey, don't laugh, if Capt. Kirk could be a secret Canadian, (yeah, Iowa, riiiiight Shatner you're not fooling anyone...) anyone could be :)

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And as for my other big international constituency--it's entirely possible someone already on the Kerbfleet roster is secretly from Kanada! Who could it be? (other than "not Melbe")

Hey, don't laugh, if Capt. Kirk could be a secret Canadian, (yeah, Iowa, riiiiight Shatner you're not fooling anyone...) anyone could be :)

Hmmm. It could be the obvious choice.

But... I wonder... it seems quite possible it might not be so obvious after all. I guess we'll all wait and see.

Curiosity is most definitely piqued.

Happy landings!

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One thing missing-

Dilsby: The Battbots have probe cores.

Battbots: Nananana nananana....


That happened already in an earlier chapter.

Actually FlyingPete has a good point, the Battbots did sing their little song every other time they've been mentioned up until now. The reason I did not do it this time is I thought the page was already pretty crowded with speech balloons, and also that the interjection of 'NANANANA' would take away from the Serious and Dramatic Dialogue going on between Val and Dislby--I didn't want to break that tension until Jeb came in at the end with his 'cultural awareness' :D So yes it was a conscious decision not to--Justified in that Dilsby was on a private channelwhen he mentioned the Battbots, and unlike the HAL9000 the Battbots cannot read lips ;)

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Then it seems out of character for her to change her mind like that.

I think the point was to show that Jeb was still trying to pretend he knew French, which was silly, which made Val think twice before letting him command the lander by himself.

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Ah, Jeb :) Crazy awesome kernel badS - created by a collaborative effort of his enamored community fanclub. Felipe & Co. coded him into game, but we dreamed up his personality. And now Kuzzter gives him another huge chunk of awesomeness. This story is so epic :D

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I think the point was to show that Jeb was still trying to pretend he knew French, which was silly, which made Val think twice before letting him command the lander by himself.

Exactly. Though of course Jeb doesn't actually understand that French (or Frankais) is a distinct language, nor is Espankol, nor Karabic, etc--the only division in his mind is "foreign" and "not foreign" Though one wonders how he manages to form recognizable phrases in all of these languages at once, and why he seems to know a few words of everything except Frankais. :)

This thread keeps getting awesomer and awesomer. I wish I could write half as well as you, good sir...

Thank you!

He said "Hello! Alouette is going home...". And something that I can't traslatenbecause it is not my native dialect. (Is hat polish?

It's meant to be a 'thank you' in Hindi, though I am relying on Google Translate for that. The languages that use a non-Latin alphabet are tough to use here, though I myself want to be really 'culturally inclusive' and use as many as I can anyway :) Hey, if anyone speaks a language Jeb hasn't used yet and you want to send me a few random phrases, go for it! Just give it to me transliterated to Latin alphabet (with any accent marks) please so that everyone who reads the comic can sound it out.

Ah, Jeb :) Crazy awesome kernel badS - created by a collaborative effort of his enamored community fanclub. Felipe & Co. coded him into game, but we dreamed up his personality. And now Kuzzter gives him another huge chunk of awesomeness. This story is so epic :D

Thank you! We have perennial discussions on the Forum where some people argue that KSP isn't a complete game because there's no 'story'. Well, I like to think of myself as a modder in a way, an optional add-on story framework for the stock game experience. Whenever I see someone on another thread talking about Kerbals getting hammered on hydrazine, or having Bob express 'concerns', it makes me happy because I know I've helped someone enjoy the game a little more :D

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... Whenever I see someone on another thread talking about Kerbals getting hammered on hydrazine, or having Bob express 'concerns', it makes me happy because I know I've helped someone enjoy the game a little more :D

Hi Kuzzter :)

I think that even if we are not all talking about 'hydrazine' or 'concerns' on other threads, we are ALL enjoying more the game after reading your story(ies) !!!

Keep going, and be even more happy :)

"La vie est belle"

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Man... I love the way this story evokes so much emotion.

Thank you.

(I can just hear you saying "Aw geez, quit it, you're scuffing my rep bars.")

Happy landings!

- - - Updated - - -

Another good piece of work today Kuzzter. I'm wondering, does that song have any particular tune it's supposed to go with?

Folsom Prison Blues

Happy landings!

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