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StarWars Snowspeeder and Offroad 'RAGE' Buggy with spectacular suspension

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Hi all!

Well it's been a while since I last posted something truly new so today I have two for you!

You may be wondering what a Snowspeeder has to do with a dune buggy but stick with me, I haven't lost my mind just yet.

As some of you may know I have been working on nothing else but my Constellation rebuild recently and it's been really burning me out. It is a spectacularly time consuming and tricking thing to do..

So I really wanted to take a break and work on something new. I thought a Starwars snowspeeder would be a nice challenge to make small and detailed but still fly. So build I did. Sadly it's so small and detailed that it is only usable with infinite fuel, its that small. But worry not! It is mostly an exercise in design. It does however come with a special launching ramp for runway takeoffs. Simply detach it as you pull up.

It seats two, kinda.. They have stuff clipped into their bodies which I always try to avoid/minimize. As this is a design craft first I don't mind too much. More on that later.

It took me a while as I was really trying to think in new ways to use the stock parts. I put together a really cool cockpit canopy for the speeder. It really looks like a real metal object, and there is full clearance for the kerbals ample heads.

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It is really fun to fly around if a little skittish!

So, on to the reason for the double post. Well, its that cockpit cover I made. I totally fell in love with the design having never seen anything like it made before. I had to improve it and use it again for something. So I stripped down the snowspeeder and rebuilt the cockpit to allow Kerbals to sit inside with nothing clipping through them.

I was going for a rover, I made a speedboat too but it didn't work. It looked amazing though, like the one from that Thames river chase James Bond movie.

I tested it and it looked awesome but handled like crap. The suspension was so stiff. So I attached the wheels to the 'go-to' bendy part, the ant engine and it transformed the buggy.

The wheels move and flex over every bump soaking up the terrain and making high jumps possible without breaking the wheels. I know people have made suspension before but I have never seen this level of suspension travel before. I love it so much I made a fun little video.

It handles so well and is so much fun to drive. As a consequence of the ant engine suspension there are three/six rear facing rockets/exhausts that can bu used to massively boost speed before jumps!

It is deceptively detailed. The body is only just bigger than a Kerbal and the same for height. with that roof design it really looks cool. It isn't indestructible which is fun, see video. But it is very rugged indeed, soaking up massive hits and jumps, also see video.

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Gif by the very talented esinohio

So there we have it fellow Kerbonoughts. Thank you for looking and let me know what you think.




Edited by Majorjim
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This is pure awesomeness!! I mean... just awesome! You had me at Star Wars :) But then seeing that cockpit with the two Kerbals in it.. lol Just epic.

Eeep! Thank you! I really hope you have fun with it and I cannot wait to see the renders!

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Great design on the snowspeeder, very clever. Also, that suspension looks like it works spectacularly.

Thanks Gus, yeah the suspension is amazing! It really makes the rover feel like a real vehicle.

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Can you fit a jet engine in either or both, inside where no one can see it? It might let the speeder fly and if pointed down (not working) will lower the cg of the dune buggy. Awesome craft I am gonna try them later.

No chance man, look f=how small they are! the buggy is very stable indeed it will not flip on level ground, at any speed!

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is the suspension a mod? or some clever use of stock physics? How'd you make them?

Nope, all stock, just attach the wheel to three ant engines and there you go! Fully working suspension.

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Snowspeeder. WHY DID I NOT THINK OF THAT!! Genius. +rep Nice buggy, too. *Rushes off to find a star wars craft to replicate*

I feel you on the constellation pack, I released that tank while I was waiting for a return transfer window for the DTV.

Cheers matey! I am very tempted to make more StarWars stuff.


Thanks everyone for the words and rep, it really means a lot to see you guys enjoying my stuff. More to come I hope!


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Thanks man!

Hmm.. Possibly! :D I would like to make a larger Starwars craft. Maybe some static walkers for target practice!

I.... wha....I mean...

I think the word I'm looking for is nerdgasm. A walker?? This must be done! I can only imagine the trouble I can get into with that and your speeder.

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Hey, did you get inspiration for that cockpit from my Willys MB's railings? I don't care, I want people to use my tricks, but I was curious. :)

No no no, sorry to disappoint you mate. It is all my own ideas and work. :)

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I'm not at all disappointed! I think yours is implemented better anyway.

Glad to hear it! I improved it over the speeder on the buggy version. By turning the solar panels I got rid of that cubic strut so its a perfect interior space! I'm going to use it for loads of things!

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